Asura Quagganmancer
Heres how to make necro balanced:
nerf nightmare runes
nerf reapers protection
nerf corrupt boons
nerf staff 5that way they can’t just faceroll their keyboards and win all the time. Its still disgusting that when playing an engineer that they can auto win most of the time. Mesmers got what they wanted with the thief nerfs, now its our turn for the necro nerfs.
I want to nerf your cries, because they are biased and have no thought behind them whatsoever…
Can you do me a favour and list why these things are, to you, overpowered, why you think these skills exist and how you would change them?
If you cannot, I would persuade you to refrain yourself from screaming for nerfs, because this is what is literally destroy balancing… Besides, two can play this game, but I have no means to make claims of things being OP simply because I do not like them…
lol no thought?.. have you actually faced a necro as an engineer?.. you can ask any top engineer player, ANY of them and that will tell you the same thing, necro auto wins against engineer 99% of the time. How is that balanced?…the above things i listed gives them a massive advantage, i seriously do need to list why, it should be obvious as to why those things give them an advantage over an engineer.
So yeah i don’t give a kitten about that thread.
Honest tip: Practice poking with the Incendiary Powder proc and kiting/LoS’ing aftewards. That’s what “any top engineer” will tell you. Also, disengage/reset losing fights. As an engi, you’ve got the tools to do so.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Fear and massive condi is OP atm. It’s slowly becoming the best 1 v 1 spec atm if played correctly. The survivability is huge, and just slightly countered by the mesmer thief combo.
Necro is BY FAR the best 2 v 2 class in small scrimmages (also 3v3). It is the only class you can’t deal with with for a short period of 2 v 1 and it’s the class that 1 shots you if you don’t have all your cd’s.
Training a necro is not easy because you have to get through spectral walk wurm, 2 x dodge a full life force and 2 passive fears (nightmare, stunfear) – Earlier it was easier I agree, but builds change.
I played top 25 team PvP for 1 year now, and I know Necros havn’t been much in the scene, but they surely are now.
I have 7500 pvp games on warrior 4000 hours + pvp, and always been able to deal with them. But the passive proc build is just too much now. The build is too perfect.
Necros take half dmg in death shroud – they become stronger when applied condis on them, that just adds damage their all ready insane 5 fear-total-spike, whereas all fears does 900 dmg and last ~3seconds.
The full focus needs to be on a necro now in order to win a fight, and the survivibility is absurd, still.
I will add, that many necros play bad, just like warriors thieves etc, and beating them 1 v 1 can is doable – but it’s like that with all classes.
You can agree and disagree with me, but there is so much that is op with this spec. You can’t dodge while feared either is 5 CC’s with huge dmg.. Im frustrated and angry, maybe that’s why I didn’t take the time to do a better post. I know a lot of good necros, and I am not trying to nerf them to the ground, it’s just too op right now.
Posts like this disgust me because I know there will be people actually believing in this crap. I usually try to stay polite, but this post is tumorous.
You’re a Warrior. Stop embarrassing yourself, practice and get better.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Combustive shot is a duration skill, so it counts as a hit regardless, because of the field it leaves behind.
I understand what you’re saying, but it seems illogical to me. There’s no way for it to miss/not clear if you just target the ground. Thank you for your reply either way.
@Texbi: Worry about trying to get into the game instead of trolling me!
Asura Quagganmancer
Quoting the patch notes:
“Cleansing Ire:
Updated the description to clarify that conditions are only removed if the burst skill hits.”
Combustive Shot on Warriors is still clearing conditions without having to hit any enemies with it, despite of this “change”.
Asura Quagganmancer
Thieves have it so hard. :’(
Asura Quagganmancer
Our biggest buff comes in the form of them nerfing the other classes, imo.
Even though I was hoping for more team interaction possibilities (read combo fields/finishers), I’m ok with these rather underwhelming changes. After the whole dhuumfire fiasco, I’m happy we don’t get stuff that makes people want to hop over to our class.
Unholy sanctuary is still useless, death shroud interact should’ve been there from the start (although it is already possible to do so when you enter deathshroud), the cast time on corrupt boon is good for both our enemies and ourselves (stow weapon/cancel cast on random dodges), and dagger #1 cleave is good. The lich form change to how it scales in power was needed as well.
It’s sort of a bittersweet feeling. We didn’t really get anything exciting, but at the same time that’s not so bad either I guess.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
I guess it’s time to properly come back then!
Asura Quagganmancer
You smell. (loljkly<3)
~shameless bump~
Asura Quagganmancer
This patch got me logging back into the game. It’s not that it had a big effect on PvP itself, but the way things are changing gives me hope for the future of the game.
Also, playing some other upcoming games made me realize how much potential GW2 actually has.
One thing I’ve noticed though is that Solo Q is dreadfully frustrating at the moment. The matchmaking feels 100% random, and so does Skyhammer.
Asura Quagganmancer
The quaggan queen is coming back for this!
Asura Quagganmancer
Can someone help with this Z1-W3 jump?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Shalla.3967
I went inside the log to go through that bit, firstly hugging the right wall and then halfway through moving more towards the middle.
Asura Quagganmancer
Now that green quality items in the normal world don’t need confirmation to be salvaged, could we get the same for PvP equipment? Thanks!
Asura Quagganmancer
Pardon my bluntness, but this thread is a whole new level of stupid.
Asura Quagganmancer
Most of the skills you suggested seem to be weapon based ones.
Tip: Instead of thinking of all the possible skills a certain class can use when trying to avoid an attack, focus on the weapon they’re holding and the fight’s scenario.
For example, it’s pretty easy to see a big hammer on a guardian’s hand when he swaps weapon, so you know Banish is gonna come at some point, so your best bet is to avoid melee range/attacking from the front and dodge when he gets close/turns to face you. I don’t think Banish is that badly telegraphed though.
You can also anticipate a mesmer’s shatter by the number of illusions up, the fact that these have to run towards you to shatter and, if the player is using a sword, the little Illusionary Leap’s icon below their health bar, since most shatter bursts include a Leap into Frenzy set up.
Hope that helps.
It is not that easy to read Banish.
If you compare it to Mighty Blow, which is by far less dangerous, Banish is horribly telegraphed, especially when the Guardian is an asura with tiny arms and tiny hammer.Mesmer shatter is not easy to anticipate. Most shatter mesmer run sword, which means that clones are running sword too. Clones with sword will run towards you for the whole match, regardless if the mesmer is shattering or not.
We’ll have to agree to disagree then, I find both pretty simple to anticipate/disrupt.
Asura Quagganmancer
Most of the skills you suggested seem to be weapon based ones.
Tip: Instead of thinking of all the possible skills a certain class can use when trying to avoid an attack, focus on the weapon they’re holding and the fight’s scenario.
For example, it’s pretty easy to see a big hammer on a guardian’s hand when he swaps weapon, so you know Banish is gonna come at some point, so your best bet is to avoid melee range/attacking from the front and dodge when he gets close/turns to face you. I don’t think Banish is that badly telegraphed though.
You can also anticipate a mesmer’s shatter by the number of illusions up, the fact that these have to run towards you to shatter and, if the player is using a sword, the little Illusionary Leap’s icon below their health bar, since most shatter bursts include a Leap into Frenzy set up.
Hope that helps.
Asura Quagganmancer
An update on this would be nice yeah, with the new solo q and team q formats and stuff!
Asura Quagganmancer
Besides the fact that I haven’t played enough necro to come up with a more extensive suggestion, I believe there should be some type of passive change to fear bursts. For instance, in WoW there was the mechanic of Diminishing Returns (DR basically made consecutive crowd controls of the same type stun/fear/etc- the effect getting diminished for each application – 50%/75% then immune).
Now, I was thinking of something along these lines: Right now necro, does a little bit too much of everything. Decent necros running the terror build will kill you in a fear chain if you don’t have a stun break and overall their damage output is too much considering the “effort” they have to put for it. I was thinking of a change like: for each consecutive fear from the necro, his damage output is reduced by 20/40/60% for the duration of the fear. This way, his damage goes back to normal after the fear ends and you will not be stuck in an unstoppable fear chain once your stunbreak is on cooldown while taking silly condition damage. The % values are just for show, I haven’t put very much thought into them, but that’s the core idea.
I think it would be simpler to add a short internal cooldown to Terror, although I still believe Dhuumfire is what’s screwing everything up.
Asura Quagganmancer
Good job!
I’d like to add that you can obviously do the same for reviving people, in which Doom is also very useful.
New people trying this, don’t forget that you can assign 2 different keybinds for the same skill/action/button, so if you’re used to a certain key for deathshroud and another for stomping, which are far away from eachother, you can bind one of them to be closer just for when you want to deathshroud stomp/rez. It also works if you deathshroud and click on a body, if you have the click to interact option enabled.
Asura Quagganmancer
he has 2 invul skills
Hmm interesting.
Asura Quagganmancer
Happening to me as well, makes it harder to swap weapons and cast afterwards quickly.
There’s been a lot more lag recently as well, since last patch.
Asura Quagganmancer
I thought it was going to be horrible without easy access to vigor but after failing some times you kinda start knowing exactly were to stand in each phase, since the fight usually goes the same way every time, up to the point where you can handle it with Signet of the Locust and without having to use special food, sigils or runes.
I used spectral grasp for the second crystal and fear wall + flesh golem for the second phase, whilst kiting. If you keep running counterclockwise on the last phase, there’s always a free space between her aoes which you can reach with the extra run speed, so you can keep your dodges for when she cripples you down or for when you get unlucky with a pull which you might have missed. Whilst kiting, apply condition damage and slows to her through staff and scepter and watch out not to run into her illusion thingies.
Took me the whole evening to do it yesterday, and I had to make a silly build for it (0/20/0/30/20) but I don’t think we have it that bad, especially in the last bit since we have an easy time applying conditions.
Don’t give up, you’ll feel great when you’ve done it! ( I was raging when I was trying as well)
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
It did change. Instead of laying down the mark with their hands, they point the staff towards the enemy now as they cast.
Asura Quagganmancer
Got it yesterday without energy sigils, but I did have Signet of the Locust on :p.
Asura Quagganmancer
Nice one bud.
Asura Quagganmancer
Lately, the word “meta” has made me want to punch a few walls. People are obsessed with it.
Asura Quagganmancer
Good luck finding a team Legi! I’m gutted that Ugly disbanded. :<
Asura Quagganmancer
Rabid is not good for PvP. You just need enough precision to proc Dhuumfire, and then go carrion. Vitality scales better in the current meta and in general, and you don’t want to use on-crit anyway.
I wouldn’t go as far as saying that it’s not good, as both got their own strengths and weaknesses. I do prefer carrion nowadays though, given how most damage is currently dealt and how you should be positioned in a team fight (which in my view, is the most important part of our survival), but it does come down to personal preference.
Asura Quagganmancer
I prefer using Carrion amulet + rabid jewel when running 30/20/0/0/20 given how things are set up at the moment. It’s far from “not even an option”. (tPvp)
I don’t know why you would do that.
You lose precision which is vital for on-crit traits and sigils and you also lose toughness, which is more valuable then vitality, even with the increase LF scaling. This only for gaining power you wouldn’t use since scepter and staff scale horribly with power (I can understand only Life Blast, but if you’re running vitality you wouldn’t use DS as damage output, but more as a defense) and a couple of vitality which is anyway quite high by base on Necromancers.I can understand Rabid+Carrion jewel, but Carrion+Rabid jewel just makes no sense to me (and an huge portion of the Necromancer playerbase, apparently).
I use double Geomancy as sigils, and as for Dhuumfire, I feel that 17% crit chance + fury on demand is enough to keep it up when necessary. Barbed precision is negligible. I prefer having the extra power to help deal with some of the current anti-condition builds, plus I like having some direct burst through Feast of Corruption and Life Blast, if needed. Extra retaliation damage is also nice, but not worth mentioning to be fair.
Apart from that, I find huge amounts of precision to be lackluster for the build. As for Vit vs Toughness, I’ve come to prefer the first against the current amount of teams/players playing condition cleave. I find that It should be my own fault for having bad positioning and eating burst rotations whereas conditions may not be as avoidable right now.
Obviously it comes down to preference and using whichever amulet is the most useful against the enemy team’s setup, but I don’t think rabid is as superior as you’ve stated.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Don’t come back.
Asura Quagganmancer
I prefer using Carrion amulet + rabid jewel when running 30/20/0/0/20 given how things are set up at the moment. It’s far from “not even an option”. (tPvp)
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Girl, get out of my way cause I be soloing some queues! snap
Asura Quagganmancer
A vote for Evon is a vote for bookahry.
Vote Kiel, support Asuran engineering!
I think you mean Asura failed engineering!
Explosions that destroy cities are far from failure little bookah.
Asura Quagganmancer
A vote for Evon is a vote for bookahry.
Vote Kiel, support Asuran engineering!
Asura Quagganmancer
I’ve opened a thread about this issue a few days ago over the game bugs section of the forums, and it seems that it happens when we accidentally click on the target with our right mouse button, most likely to move the camera, whilst having the right click to attack/interact option on.
It is super annoying, especially because I really don’t want to lose the functionality of being able to right click to start auto attacking a target. It would be nice to have only the “right click to attack” side of the option and not the “interact” bit, but I don’t believe this will see any changes.
Asura Quagganmancer
As I’ve said before, these are my main thoughts on the issue:
-> Burning wasn’t necessary, our damage was ok-ish before the big patch. Swap it for torment and/or chill and the trait is still worth taking as a cover/control trait, whilst offering a choice to those that don’t want to run with it.
-> Terror should be GM. I don’t believe that any of the current GM traits even hold their weight as such to be fair, when compared to terror.
-> I disagree with those blaming marks. Specially now, I believe marks are in a good place. I was confused at first, but I really like the way this patch went. I’ve been running untraited marks as a trade off for 20 in soul reaping and I think DS is in a good place at the moment (despite being sad that I can’t fall off mountains freely without spectral walk, was a fun perk to have, but that’s irrelevant), even though our ability to disengage is still somewhat lackluster, making us good duelists but, due to the current exaggerated nature of burst, not so good team fight survivors (and I say this not because we can’t survive burst incoming from a group source, which should effectively be an issue for every class, but because we barely have the option to abandon the fight or to reposition ourselves.). I’d be ok with this if damage in general wasn’t so high as it currently is, which leads me to my next point.
This obviously does not only apply to the necromancer, but I still believe damage is just ridiculously high at the moment. Bursting someone down doesn’t even take coordination between 2 people these days. A few classes can kill people in a burst rotation, which I think is really damaging the game. It’s all about the damage at the moment. There’s no room for support, “sniper” type builds (which I’d love to see one for the new ranger longbow, for example), and other clever ways to win games away from sheer damage/number fights. I think toning everything down would also help with the current problem that is profession stacking.
I appreciate this thread. It seems more constructive and down to earth than others. Even so, some people need to stop acting like immature brats about this kind of stuff. It happens with necromancers today, but if there’s another class that gets a bit overly buffed soon, the OPOPOP comments start flowing, the word “meta” gets chuckled around like a bra-less tit and senseless videos of unrealistic scenarios start being posted for no reason other than annoy players whilst trying to act cool.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
I didn’t want to post yesterday because I was confused about some of the changes and I didn’t have the time to do much testing, which I’m still going through, but so far it seems like it was a small step in the right direction.
I still believe it should have been burning the one affected by the changes, but either way you can feel that the damage got lower, the survivability got somewhat higher, and the aoe pressure is slightly lower due to the smaller/block-able marks (if you don’t trait for it, obviously). I’m also finding it a bit harder to pick what utilities I’d want to use, which is good (means quite a few of them are worthy of a spot on our bars). I’m yet to check how it affected profession stacking for necromancers, which I believe is what makes people “scream” the most, but I’m guessing it didn’t do much in that regard.
I find the posted video comical to say the least. You can tell that it’s just an immature attempt to try to prove something, as we’ve previously seen from the same source.
Also, as some people said before, thank you devs for being more vocal on the forums.
Asura Quagganmancer
Way to overreact.
Asura Quagganmancer
Please try to consider this, and think about how you would feel if you dedicated most of your time to something that people constantly bash.
If there’s one thing I could never be, that would be a game developer. There’s so much negativity on these forums lately, from people that forget they’re dealing with other people, that I’d just get fed up and quit. Thank you for replying to the thread, Allie.
Also, nice work Leman. Constructive and thoughtful suggestions are always nice.
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Quite excited for this. I’d love to see some sniper rangers shake things up a bit. Actually get happy when other classes get nice stuff too. We’ll have to wait and see if the cooldown is too short, otherwise I don’t understand why people defend stale gameplay so much these days.
Asura Quagganmancer
Love this kind of thread.
Here’s me, achievement shoulders tomorrow!
Asura Quagganmancer
I guess my issue is that I really don’t want to get rid of the option, mainly because I quite like right-clicking for targeting and starting ranged auto-attacks. Shame it also interacts though, I suppose. I’ll try to practicing not interacting with stuff by mistake when flipping my camera away.
Asura Quagganmancer
What is happening is you are accidentally clicking the target likely due to the slowcast/fastcast mechanic of ground target based skills.
Turning off “Right-Click and Double-Click to Attack/Interact” in the Combat/Movement options will fix this.
I guess this was just me trying to move my camera with right click next to a corpse. I’ll try to find a way around it since I don’t really want to drop the right click.
Many thanks for the reply!
Asura Quagganmancer
(edited by Shalla.3967)
Would be nice to get some response regarding the issue. Thanks.
Asura Quagganmancer
It’s funny cause they’re three, and you’re one, and you expect to have a chance.
Asura Quagganmancer
I’ve been talking to a few other players about this issue and it seems to be happening as well when you try to cast spells near other things which you can interact with, such as the portal and cannon in Skyhammer (as in, your character interacts with the “object” rather than casting the spell that you’ve ordered it to cast).
Asura Quagganmancer
Ahaha, nice one!
Asura Quagganmancer
I’d make mor edyes but it’s too much effort for me heh.
Asura Quagganmancer
I apologize beforehand if there is a post about this already, but I could not find it. I’ve also reported this issue in-game a while ago.
Basically, there’s a bug where if you cast a spell next to a downed player, you start casting your stomping animation instead. It has been there for a while, but for some reason it seems to be happening a lot more since the latest patches.
You can just cancel the animation and proceed with what you were doing, but every second is precious when you’re trying to interrupt revives/damage downed players, so I find this to be a big issue, not to mention that it’s plain annoying.
A fix would be very appreciated! Thanks for your time.
Asura Quagganmancer
The number one topic of moaning on these forums since day one has always been linked to the fact that there’s only one game mode in tpvp. The minute they add something which spices it up a bit, in this case, players having to focus more on positioning/fighting across the map rather than standing on a point 24/7, everyone complains.
The cannon needs to be dodgeable, but apart from that, there’s so much room for fun and clutch plays in this map, that I can actually imagine it being the most enjoyable to watch streams of, imo.
Don’t be afraid to change builds and tactics. I sometimes think people just want everything to work the best with their one special build. If maps were all the same, there would be no point in new ones.
Asura Quagganmancer