Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Espher, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Bluel, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Already met a few great people today!
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Lucente, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
With meeting several new faces, some have made the decision to join us in Tribe. This is a very fun time for us as we get to meet so many new people. We do expect that if you decide to join us after applying/being accepted that you will transfer to Jade Quarry shortly thereafter.
I am excited to meet the many new faces over the coming days.
Why wait, apply today
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Fenix, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Faenix, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. We have scheduled WvWvW events, ranked SPvP teams, Dungeon runners and generally have a great time.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Chris, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Your friends are welcome to apply as well
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Aldria, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. I recently made a new Sylvari Female Ranger and love the look to the race with the glow effects and overall feel.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Bpphantom, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Like I mentioned, if your friends are personable they are welcome to join you in applying to Tribe.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Aons, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Comedian, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Basa, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. We also are looking into a FFXIV chapter in our community. Check it out.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Charlie, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo/skype/TS3) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your and your friend’s search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Yeti, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Laddy, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Salacious, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Now that our new members have had time to mix with our existing members, we’ve opened our recruitment once again. Feel free to either send mail/PM me with questions or apply on our website (linked in my sig at the bottom).
I look forward to meeting new faces
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Nexus, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
I’m looking for a mature PvE guild. I’m new to this game and would like to learn and get better at dungeons. It would be great if the guild have some sort of speech communication (i.e. Vent, Teamspeak, Skype etc.).
I’m open to PvP and WvW, but my focus right now is to dungeon and get better gears.
Server won’t be a problem, as long as it is U.S. I will transfer anywhere for a good guild. Currently my home server is Isle of Janthir.
Generally, I’m a relaxed person. I play for fun, but I also aim to get better.
Contact and character:
My account name is Yin.2104
Character: lvl 35 Warrior.
Time zone: UTC -7:00 Mountain Time.Pm me post here if any guild is interested, Thanks.
Hey Yin, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
The title is pretty much self-explanatory.
Basically what I am looking for is a large-ish guild (100 to 300 with 80% repping), preferably within the Oceanic region but I am not picky, NA-based PvE-oriented guild will do as well. I’m based in South-East Asia, but I am on a lot during the entire week.
The two aspects of the game I am looking for is:
(1) General PvE – Map complete etc (I have 3 characters with 100%, I can help others and team up)
(2) Dungeons – including fractals, I’m fairly experienced with most dungeons.I am currently based in Sanctum of Rall, so I hope a server transfer will not be mandatory, since guesting has been implemented there is no need, right?
Either reply to this post, send me a personal message here or contact me in-game (Rynn Ames).
Thanks in advance! =D
Hey Sir. Mirex, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
I am returning after a few month hiatus. I was very ill and had to quit. That being said, I am better now, but have a new outlook on life and family. So what I am looking for is a guild that is a quality, family friendly guild who play the game for the fun of the game, adventure, and travels together. One that realizes life, and family, always come first, and is willing to teach this guy about the new changes lol…. I am a Nurse Practitioner, married, and have twin toddlers, so my playtime is normally after 9PM EST US time. With all that being said, I am willing to play on any server, play pretty much any class, they are all pretty good. Though I am looking to play a ranged class, preferably the hunter, but it’s not a big deal if you need something else.
I am one who enjoys the banter, humor, and even doing crazy things in game just to get a laugh, as well as just to see what happens, but if a fight, I will fight to the end, dying for my allies, taking a sword to the gullet to save a friend.
Thanks for reading, and inviting if that happens, I hope to have many a fun night roaming the world of adventure.
Hey Landro, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hi there, as the title states I’m looking to join a guild focused on the PvE side of things. I am currently on the Stormbluff Isle server, live in the pacific timezone and play mostly in the evenings. I have a level 80 Warrior and am currently leveling and Ele. I have experience in CoF, AC, CM and Arah but really want to learn to do all dungeons, including fractals which I have yet to get to try. I also have a mic for any voips.
Reply to this post or feel free contact me through in game mail.
Hey Nebula, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
I briefly played GW2 when it first launched and then had to leave for awhile. I am back now and hoping to find a guild that is fun, laid back and friendly. I am not looking to PVP or do raiding. I just want to play the game and have fun, do guild activities etc. I have played WoW for 5+ years so forgive me if some of my terms are wrong.
I have no problem switching servers if need be. I’ll be starting fresh as I have no clue how to play any of my current characters lol.
Hey Bayston, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
IMHO Tribe [TRB] has a very nice and functional website. We also operate under several MMO gaming chapters.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Best of luck everyone on your applications and time in GW2. See you guys on the battlefield!
I will post here when we open recruitment back up for more trial invites and the like.
Remember, we will still strongly consider any serious applicants.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Thank you for all the applicants that have applied. We will be closing our open recruitment as of tomorrow for the above reasons.
Once again I would like to mention that we will still strongly consider any serious applicants.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
As I mentioned earlier
We have recently opened our recruitment and eagerly await your application.
With the influx of applications we have received we have decided to pursue some of these applicants. That being said we will be halting active recruitment shortly, in order to allow our people to assimilate into the guild culture. We will still strongly consider serious applicants.
If you have any further questions please reply here, send a PM, or add me to a chat medium above.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Best of luck with Maguuma Bigdaddy. If it doesn’t work out feel free to check us out.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Vaxor, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) but are very active. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
(edited by Sharess.3047)
Going to be logging in shortly for those that are wanting to discuss membership/application process.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey EremiticWolf, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. I see you are looking on DragonBrand but take a look at what Tribe offers, never know, we might change your mind.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Pook, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. We may be an established and well known gaming community but we still have the patience required to realize that we were all there at one time than another.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Billybox, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Choco, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. I see you are looking on Stormbluff Isle, which is the guild we just transferred all 85 Tribe members from, but take a look at what Tribe offers, never know, we might change your mind.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Robosquirell, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. BTW kitten name
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Jacob. I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
To answer your questions you asked Vet:
1. How many players would u say u have? 85 actives (clear guild registry bi-weekly of inactives)
2. How often would u say you have mp stuff?All the time. We have FOTM groups, WvWvW groups, SPVP groups, and lowbi groups.
3. any other special stuff ur guild does? We are part of the Tribe Gaming Community and as such are not just a 1 game guild. We also hold community/guild events. I highly recommend reading the PM I sent you for more info.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Joeri, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Deffecko, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. We just moved from Stormbluff Isle and might have the right home for you and your friend. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Obran, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. We currently have 84 active members in our guild.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey 123, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Xuro, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. Tribe is not a ‘casual guild’ we are a community guild with strong emphasis on FOTM and WvWvW. Read it and check us out.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Ixil. I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. I think your expectation on guilds/players is more than acceptable.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Shawn, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. I see you are looking on Aurora Glade but take a look at what Tribe offers, never know, we might change your mind.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Big, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. I would be surprised for people trolling you when requesting guild. Recruitment is difficult enough
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Thirteen, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Shadowking. I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Shiroi, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you. I see you are home world SoS but take a look at what Tribe offers, might change your mind.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
Hey Fellon, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.