Showing Posts For Sledge Stone.9017:
One of the reasons we are more conservative about axe when it comes to balance is because axe uses a unique attack action in our game that cannot be avoided using positioning. Normal melee attacks have an attack arc and normal ranged attacks use projectiles. Enemy players can use positioning and movement to avoid these attacks. Axe 1 and 2 by contrast just hit you when you are in range regardless of your positioning. While some utility skills (like Corrupt Boon) also use this targeting method, it’s rare on weapon skills and thus we are wary of buffing it too much.
As for the animation on axe 1, it was changed because of an exploit with cancel casting that allowed players to get significantly more damage from the skill by continually canceling it. At the time I tried to just adjust the original animation so we could keep it but due to its construction that ended up not being feasible. The resulting animation looked extremely choppy and didn’t sync well across races. You are always welcome to make suggestions on alternate animations you’d like to see, but going back to the original animation at this point is extremely unlikely.
Thank you for your reply. I bet Axe 1 will be useful in pvp, but in pve I have some doubts still about using it over staff.
In terms of animations, could you fix axe 3 for charrs? My charr necro actually uses his off hand weapon instead of axe.
This has been going on for over a year, but since I stopped using axe on Necro a long time ago I forgot all about this. With a charr necro, axe skill 3 uses the off hand weapon for the attack animation. Can someone please fix this? Its like my warhorn has an extra attack skill.
I hope axe skill 1 gets more damage on tuesday. Ranger axe is also 900 range, but it’s auto attack hits 3 ppl, hits faster, does more damage over time to each target and stacks might.
I have experienced this issue with dual wielding Frostfang equipped on my warrior. It doesn’t happen all the time but I noticed it happened on two occasions. Once after killing a mob I noticed that my arms didn’t have the ice effect anymore and sheathing / unsheathing would not bring it back. It would only return the ice effect after weapon swapping. The second time it happened in HotM.. didn’t kill any enemies that time. I was simply running to the TP NPC and noticed I had no ice blocks on my arms.
The reward vendor for this event brought back some highly sought after items. Thank you for that. Please do not let these items disappear for another year because of this event. For any event in the near future, please bring back these items so they can be obtained again. Account bound rewards for participation is fine with me, but not in such a short time frame and with limited windows of reward opportunity… especially for such rare items like those potions/tonics.
I really wanted that selfless potion for me and my wife’s account since we both had the halo hats in Guild Wars 1. She has less time than me to play for the next four days for this event and because the currency is account bound she can’t buy it off the tp like we could have bought cobs during halloween. The drop rate for blossoms along with an almost unobtainable price for an item I want just seems cruel. This is the first time that item has become available in over a year and its only obtainable for 4 days.. I would have bought those potions for 500 gems each just to make our characters resemble the ones we have in GW1.
Btw, does the scarlet box even contain power cores? Those are the single most expensive item out of the spinal blade back piece.
This event will last 5 days and I have to work 3 of those days.. these events take place 1 an hour for 3 hour stretches… I only get 10-30 blooms per event.. and the rewards are items that have not been released since Living Story Season 1. There is absolutely no way I will have enough time to get even one skin in this event in this time frame with the amount of blooms being rewarded over such a huge span of time.
Wintersday and halloween were designed much better. If I only had 3 hours a day, I could farm those events to get what I wanted and enjoy myself. But with this event if I have 3 hours, I’ll only have time to do this event once or twice a day if the “break” doesn’t happen during my free time. And if I get disconnected I loose my chance at getting a reward at all.
When I first read about Berserker I thought Warrior was getting its own version of a rampage inspired transformation like how necro was getting reaper shroud.. but its nothing like that. As it is, berserker is too weak. I main a Necro and a warrior is my alt. I’m completely happy with reaper but Berserker is so lackluster in comparison.
Heres my suggestions for berserker.
- Get rid of F2 to activate. If we are traited for berserker we intend to use it. Don’t make it an optional transformation with F2. Once our adrenaline hits 3 bars, make F1 auto turn us into berserk mode and activate the burst attack. And for those wondering, if berserk is still on cooldown, then the regular burst skill will still apply at adrenaline level 3.
- Reduce the cool down of Berserk. Unless I was soloing a mob, all mobs die fast enough that I get it off maybe twice if I’m lucky. And with adrenaline dissipating so fast out of combat you can’t carry your built up adrenaline into the next fight like a necro can do with life force. As a necro I can swap out of shroud, wait 10 seconds and jump back in.. but a warrior can only berserk every 15 seconds and only if actively damaging an enemy.
- Increase burst damage. I’m loosing alot of good trait combos by going with Berserker and I’m not getting enough benefit from using it over other builds. I use my warrior for world bosses and dungeon runs and using berserker feels like a loss in dps with less functionality.
I know there are alot of differences between necro and warrior, play styles, dps, etc. but I’m going off of what I’m experienced with and how I’d like berserker to actually be used.
Can this please get fixed? In just the last 2 days I have had 2 burn guards and a necro all rally on me right when their teammate gets stomped next to them. I see this happen at least every other match when a necro is on my team. I only play about 1-3 matches a day for the daily and this is very common to see once you are aware of it happening.
I honestly give up. Axe is crap and everything else is nerfed to stupidity. Its not even that fun in PVE anymore. Its only good for the wells. I’ve been maining a Necro since I started the game but I’m done. I’ll try it again when Reaper comes out.
You should give other professions some playtime until more changes come about.
Thats exactly what I’ll be doing. I have 4 level 80 characters. I’ll leave my Necro on the back burner until reaper. Necro is too boring now. I keep hoping for some new change, new axe skills, a buff to staff damage, anything.. but every update is nothing but nerfs and nothing new.
This update gave ranger and engineer better range.. a few updates ago warrior got a buff in range for bow.. I liked minion master builds in pvp, but every class except necro now has great aoe damage at range, MM is rather pointless now. That and the minions go AFK way to often.. and in death shroud I have no idea if a minion is actually dead or afk since I can’t see the utilities.. all that is left is a standard power build with wells. I’m finally facing the facts that this profession design is flawed.
I did a full map completion with my necro.. I’m starting to do the same with my warrior and mesmer, and the pure dps and functionality of these classes outshines the necro in every way. I do dungeons, fractals, world boss trains, pvp.. every part of this game is more enjoyable and faster paced, with higher dps, with any of the other professions I’ve used compared to necro.
I honestly give up. Axe is crap and everything else is nerfed to stupidity. Its not even that fun in PVE anymore. Its only good for the wells. I’ve been maining a Necro since I started the game but I’m done. I’ll try it again when Reaper comes out.
I forgot to mention that Revenant sword 1 does more DPS in less time than Necro dagger while applying more vulnerability than necro axe, against 3 targets! While necro dagger only hits 2 targets and necro axe only hits 1 target. Necros need weapon buffs. Especially the axe. Revenant’s sword skill 1 is the equivalent of having necro axe and dagger in a single weapon, with cleave.
My minions love to go afk as soon as I get into down state. They just stand there and watch me struggle until I hopefully get a rally, then they spring back into consciousness… Of course my minions could have actually kept attacking my enemy and rallied me on there own instead of abruptly stopping for no reason. Regardless of how good the AI is, all it needs to do is attack my target without fail. I don’t even want a command to make them attack, I just want them to keep attacking my enemy until it’s out of a specific range from me or its dead. I’m used to them running off after an enemy even after I stop attacking, what I can’t stand is when they just go dormant and accomplish nothing.
No, thats my point. Necro axe 1 should be changed to melee. We already have scepter for medium range and with necro axe as it is now, nobody will use it. Revenant sword skills 2 & 3 have 450 range compared to the necro axe 600 range. Necro axe 1 should be changed to melee and have the same combo as revenant sword 1. Necro axe 2 and 3 can stay the same or be buffed and have their range reduced to 450.
Revenant sword 1 does more damage and stacks more vulnerability against 3 targets simultaneously and is significantly faster than Necro axe 1. Revenant sword 1 also has a 3 hit combo and does more dps per second than Necro axe 1. When comparing these two skills, Necro axe 1 is so pointless you might as well be throwing the toilet paper from the trick or treat bags at an enemy. In pvp, considering weapons only… necro axe versus revenant sword will be a completely uneven fight. Necro axe needs a buff. It needs to hit multiple targets. Nobody wants to use it as it is now regardless of the animation.
Necro axe 1 should have the same combo as revenant sword 1. Revenant sword skill 1 is like necro axe 1 on steroids.
I have this issue happen all the time. I like using Spicy Pumpkin Cookies.. it makes a transformation and applies a food buff. I then cancel the transformation, but I retain the food buff.. After that if I jump in the water I will randomly get my aquatic headgear showing up on my character from that point on even if they are in an outfit. The only way to resolve this graphical issue is to toggle the visibility of my head armor piece.
I do love the frozen arm effects on my warrior. and the attack effects for my warrior do seem good so far. But I Necro main and these attack effects seem way off. maybe it is a necro specific bug. I’ll have to test my warrior in the silverwastes later to check the same hit effect on a husk.
I crafted Frostfang yesterday and I noticed that the icy effect when hitting enemies does not scale to the size of the enemies. On small enemies the effect is very quick but at least noticeable, but because the effect does not scale to the size of larger enemies (the majority of the enemies in the game) the icy burst is often so small that it takes place inside the body of the enemy with small icy specks sometimes bursting through their chest. Here is an example of the effect not scaling.. in the second and third pic, the Frostfang icy effect should be nearly as big as my claw attack animation but instead is is barely visible and often goes completely unnoticed. Please fix this issue. Frostfang only has a few legendary features compared to all the other legendaries and this icy effect needs to scale to the size of the enemies.
I don’t get a fancy aura or even a particle glow as good as Tooth of Frostfang, so please fix this icy effect because this is one of the few effects that makes Frostfang a noticeable legendary.
I just added 2 more pictures of me attacking a husk so you can see the point I’m making about the effect not scaling. It ends up being a small ice explosion inside the enemy’s chest because it doesn’t scale to size.
(edited by Sledge Stone.9017)
I watched a video for this logging tool after halloween was over and I’ve been wanting this logging minion for a while, so I just bought this today and I noticed that the animation is bugged. It takes at least 1/4 of the entire logging harvesting time to even pop out of the ground and the head is not emerging out of the ground fully. 1/2 of the entire tool is hidden from view with ground textures showing through it. Please fix this.
Original video:
What it actually looks like:
I’ve only gained access to the Silverwastes within the last week and I’ve spent at least 20 hours in that area. I have not seen the Legendary Husk Annihilator a single time. Its the only one I need left for my achievement, so I spent a straight 4-5 hours a night for the last 3 nights doing just Red Rock Bastion defense and the Annihilator never spawned once. I’ve seen every other legendary at least 4 times each. I’m pretty certain this is a bug.