Showing Posts For Squally.4963:

fix scavangers in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


People don’t like scavengers because they normally run past mobs and scavengers have a nasty habit of catching people before they can get away.

Hard to find groups for dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


Since FotM came out, it’s been harder to find groups for the other dungeons with a few exceptions. Any “easy” dungeon, like CoF, or dungeon that you can skip a bunch of content (AC) then it’s easy to find groups. People don’t want to invest the time because the common attitude when running dungeons (pug groups anyways) has been “me me me” as of late.

CoE Path 1 Bjarl the Rampager Bugged

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


We actually DPSed him down last night, took forever. Bleeds helped, but still took about 30 or 40 minutes.

AC exp anyone experience this?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


Oh, I know why people skip, I just don’t understand why because it’s not as if the dungeon is hard. Even killing every trash mob, a normal guild run with my guildies and maybe one pug takes about 25 minutes if not shorter. If we run all three routes, that’s about an hour and a half. Do people have that much of an “gimme now” attitude that they can’t invest and hour and a half in AC? What’s funny is that skipping actually makes it take longer in your normal pug group, it just doesn’t make sense. Every pug I’ve been in that skips content, ends up wiping later on in the dungeon to said skipped trash or a boss. Then the nearest spawn point is at the beginning of the dungeon and you have to run back though the trash and probably won’t make it in time before the rest of the group wipes. This is counter productive and makes the dungeon take longer then it should. Last night we did the ghost eater route (easiest route) and the turrent building part took almost 40 minutes because they would run too far away from mobs, said mobs would agro the NPC and kill her, then get killed and have to run back though trash to get there. Then, they wouldn’t DPS the mobs in the correct order (necro, ele, ranger, etc…) and would try to rez the npc instead of killing off the mobs first. Even though, when you rez her with mobs around she instantly attacks the nearest mob instead of working on the turrent. When I tried to explain this, I was instantly greeted with a bunch of F-bombs and told that I didn’t know what I was doing. Even though I’ve got 3 level 80s and each one has a decent amount of AC gear (mainly weapons).

Sure some pugs might not know the fights, but that’s hardly an excuse to skip. Actually, that’s more of a reason to run the dungeon like it was intended, killing everything, so they learn the “twists and turns” of the dungeon. It’s actually more confusing for people new to the instance to skip mobs IMO. Trash doesn’t drop much yes, but that’s why it’s trash. If you want it to drop tokens or better loot then Anet needs to buff trash. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, as they say. Besides I’ve gotten some rare and even exotic drops off trash before. With a omnom bar I’ve even got 5 or 6s before. Not a lot, but it’s trash.

Sorry, this was a rant spawned by a couple pugs in a group I was in who didn’t know a kitten thing about the instance. All they did was skip and refuse to rez anyone, forcing the group to run back. Couldn’t focus marked targets, couldn’t kill mounds, two eles’ who wouldn’t summon ice bows at first, and them cursing up a storm at me when I would tell them how a particular boss fight or mechanic worked because they clearly didn’t know how.

AC exp anyone experience this?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


Over the past two days I’ve had to pug several AC groups. Every group skips every single mob they possibly can and usually wipe on just about every boss at least twice. Then they have to run back though said trash mobs they skipped and usually die to them too. Am I the only on experiencing this? I know that no one wants to kill trash but it’s trash, it’s not that hard. They even skip bosses when they can (guy near the troll spawn, can’t remember his name). What is the point of that?

When I run AC with my guild we kill everything, and we still finish faster than these pug groups I join that skip everything. So my question is, why? Especially when the group wipes at a boss and has to run back though that trash.

Why is CoF sooo easy?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


AC isn’t that difficult either if you know what to do. Most AC runs are around 45 minutes or less for me.

CoE Alpha

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


Um, if you’re in a crystal then his big AoE spam won’t hurt you. His other attacks will, but not the big spike AoE. This boss is not broken IMO, he’s fine just the way he is. Sure he was hard as hell the first few times I went though CoE and he still gets me every now and then. But if you have a good team with solid dps and who knows how to handle him, then it’s simple. The group I was just in a few minutes ago did the front door path in about 45 minutes, zero deaths (for me anyways) and the two other melee against Alpha.

If he’s giving you a hard time then you’re doing something wrong. Either not doding his AoE or not getting within melee range to fight him (this goes for ranged as well). Staying in melee range make the fight simple because he wont’ be casting his dragon tooth spell at you. Also, it’s really easy for the melee to splash damage you out of a crystal if you’re right next to the boss. As a warrior, I’m not going to run to a ranged and try to dps him out of a crystal or rez him because he can’t dodge or follow directions. Besides, rezing someone in that fight is risky.

Easiest CoE path?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


All are fairly similar IMO but if I had to call one the “easiest” I’d say it would have to be the sub path. Alpha is a cake walk as long as you stay within melee range on that path. Well, he’s cake on any path so long as you know how to dodge and stay within melee range.