Showing Posts For Starbird.4029:

*Are* Warriors OP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Starbird.4029


Well, this is really very dependent on not only your play style but who you hang out with. For example, there’s a specific path of a specific dungeon that heavily benefits from having four warriors for speed runs.

However, we have every profession represented in my guild and we all do all the content.

Edit: Guardians and mesmers have no trouble at all finding parties to play in.

So if you play a min/max style and all you care about is high damage output in PVe, warrior is one of your best choices.

If on the other hand, you’re like me and you just enjoy playing different professions, either for the feel of it, or the utility, or the fun, well then you can play anything.

There are people who don’t like to take engineers, rangers or necros into dungeons, so if you pug, one of those three professions might be tougher on you, but in most guilds. no one gives a toss.

Hmm, a little worried about rolling a P/P thief now.

Talk about elitism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starbird.4029


Yawn. That’s a lovely strawman you came up with there. Did you have fun with it?

Seems you need the situation explained to you better:

Your position – Extremely sensitive peoples’ feelings are the single most important thing in the entire world, and anything that may or may not incidentally harm them (held to the standard of the most sensitive person in the entire game, rather than to a “normal,” average, median, or even nth percentile measure) is far more important than any possible motivation behind the action.

Rational position – There’s no responsibility for every single individual in the world to break their back in order to ensure extremely insecure people don’t perceive horrible offenses being committed against them around every corner.

The fact of the matter is the enjoyment of the game by 4 people in a party is more valuable than the enjoyment by the 1 remaining person in the party. Groups in Guild Wars 2 are extremely informal arrangements where people try work together for a common goal. If things aren’t working out, they’re not working out and the informal arrangement should be broken. If you’re driving somewhere with someone and they suggest you take a shortcut, but it becomes immediately apparent that taking that shortcut is going to damage your vehicle, you should turn around and go the other way. Even though not taking the shortcut might hurt that person’s feelings, no rational person is going to seriously risk their life and property just to ensure that person’s feelings are protected, and that’s when dealing with someone they presumably actually know and care about for other reasons.

I know it’s hip and cool to be “empathetic” and “concerned” but to people actually capable of coherent thought, it’s pretty clear those people are just pretentious kittens who think far too highly of themselves.

This type of person is a part of online gaming I’ll never understand. The whole ’I’m a total and utter jerk and proud of it’ thing…the kind of person who – in a situation where one person is a deliberate and obnoxious twerp to another, is going to blame the guy that got offended rather than the guy who started it.

Sigh. And this is why gaming will never, ever become acceptable as a mainstream passtime. This right here.

(edited by Starbird.4029)

Talk about elitism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starbird.4029

Starbird.4029 a newcomer, if this is what I can look forward to at the endgame, I may as well just quit now :|

*Are* Warriors OP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Starbird.4029


Was chatting with a few people in game. I’m still pretty new, and trying to get a handle on the game. All 3 of them however had just rolled Warrior, because apparently “if you want to PvE, you need to be a warrior”.

This just feels…squiffy to me. Is there any truth behind it?
Is it an issue of the class being too strong or others being too weak?

I’d hate to find myself in Burning Crusade v2 and realize at max level that I screwed myself out of endgame by making a wrong choice at the character selection screen…

Skillpoint - Bear Shaman Marga - Broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starbird.4029


Not working on Sea of Sorrows.

New Oceanic Player - 4 Questions! :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Starbird.4029


Well, playing from Japan mine is 200-300ms which is fine for micro in Starcraft and most WoW stuff, but I know people with pings in excess of 800 who used to raid with us. That would be difficult.

New Oceanic Player - 4 Questions! :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Starbird.4029


I just started a thief (dual dagger and shortbow though) and had a tuff time the first 20-25 level’s, but now i have invested more in vitality and thoughness and im doing awesome.

Thanks! Define tough time – are we talking Dark Souls on NG+++ tough, or ‘you will die sometimes if you make mistakes’ tough?

New Oceanic Player - 4 Questions! :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Starbird.4029


Any help would be appreciated!

1) Is there a de-facto Oceanic server, or one with guilds welcoming to Oceanic players? I am interested in PvE (primarily), WvW and perhaps sPvP…

2) So far I’m looking at a dual pistols Thief (seriously, I fell in love the second I heard I could ). But browsing the forums, quite a few people say that Thief is a PvP only class and impossible to level/not wanted in PvE…true?

3) Does anyone play GW2 in 3D via the 3D vision Nvidia setup? Any good?

4) If there was one thing that you wish you knew when you first started, what would it be?