You choose a purple unicorn bow, which looks like a child’s toy, that shoots rainbow unicorns and you’re upset that you got rainbow hoof prints? I’m not knocking it, I think the Dreamer is really awesome, but that weapon is meant to be showy!
The legendary is more than an expensive exotic now: it’s ascended and you can change the stats, so I am going to make at least one for each of my 3 characters
LoL, good point. My chrome plated car now leaves chrome tire tracks, I want a refund.
I completed mine, but can’t check right now. Interesting.
So, hear me out. Everyone is talking about time gating this and that, but it’s not been 24 hours since the new content changes. Before you had a handful of people with high magic find with the old model. Before long, you’re going to have a very large part of the community with 100+% magic find. Guess what, this is going to affect precursor and other T6 and T7 mats drop rates. Arenanet, contrary to people who like to poop on everything will say, pays attention to their game, and the players concerns. If you can’t see that they do, maybe you’ve not played other games lately. If you look at where this game is from when it came out, they have made tons of well thought out changes.
My point of all of this is, lets see how increased magic find across the board affects these things before freaking out. I have a feeling the precursor market is going to get better because of the across the board magic find increase. Before it was the rich getting richer, with a handful of the most geared characters getting more loot. This increase to magic find across the board should, to put it simply, increase the middle class in GW2.
Let me state that I agree it wouldn’t be a big deal if someone could just get more XP, but given the curve it would be 5 more levels from 400-500 based on:
1-100 1 level
100-200 2 levels
200-300 3 levels
300-400 4 levels
400-500 5 levels
I mean, 15 levels from one craft, not that big of a deal I guess, but I guess they thought it was too much. It does suck if it changes the 0-400 crafts.
I really don’t get why they did it in a mail. The only reason I can come up with, instead of just adding it to accounts, was so that people could see what the luck mechanic looks like, how you consume them, etc. Ok, second reason I can come up with is that new accounts won’t get this starting 20%? While I’m glad I got it, that’s kinda crappy for new players.
I just want to reiterate to ANet reading this thread, the content is great but too fast. I have seen some say the game is super buggy in this thread, and the content is not well designed. I just want to make it known that I, and most everyone I talk to agrees the quality is good…just too fast.
Also, on a related note, aren’t you killing your developers? I understand there must be multiple teams, but still, can they keep up this pace without burning out? It’s a real concern of mine. The content is great now, but if you keep hammering your devs for this two week cycle, the content and the game is going to suffer, which leads to the player base suffering. Something to think about.
Why do people keep saying celestial?
And for the naysayers, I BOUGHT the trinkets specifically to improve my magic find. My whole set of gear was designed around MF. So, losing that from two of the items without compensation hurts.
Plus, who said it was only 8%? I’ve dropped more than 100% just from that one character’s gear. I haven’t even checked the rest of them. SOME of it will get replaced by, IMO, inferior stats. But certainly not all.
To get the 300% somebody mentioned, one has to do a LOT of work. Work I had already done in 6 months of dailies and monthlies. I’m dropping from 100+ on each of four characters to 4% account wide. That’s hardly compensation.
However, I am interested in knowing about this 20% we supposedly get for free. I received no such bonus of which I’m aware.
You’ve got mail.
I agree with the OP, love the content, but you guys are doing too good of a job anet, pace yourselves! I do not agree that it should all stay though. The problem with it staying is that then there is too much content, so then none of it succeeds. Some static content works, but look at Queen’s Jubilee, good luck finding someone in there once chaos started. I think rotating it is good. I think a month is better, doesn’t have to be set in stone, but a month on average makes more sense to me.
Arenanet, my wife is too hot, I want a divorce.
They should just keep SAB in the game permanently and should focus on implementing more sidegames in the cities like Polymock in Rata Sum, carnival attractions in Divinity’s Reach (wasn’t there a shooting range to open soon according to the npc’s?) etc.
Everyone is just confined to LA as if it’s the center of the universe (or running around as a band of rabid chimps champ-farming in Orr, but that’s something else entirely).
We need to give those people things to do throughout Tyria and the first step should be to have something permanent in every city for everyone to enjoy.
Very much in agreement.
Here’s what I don’t get. I read the latest notes about the rollback, so I got a banner booster and a food booster and started clicking. Numbers were lower than I expected, so I finally checked the wiki. It turns out right now, for example, a drip is giving me 102 karma and a double-boosted drip is giving 124. But the unboosted version would have been 150. So why did they roll this back if the new, unboosted karma was actually a better deal? Seems I wasted a lot of karma by waiting until we could use boosts again.
Because pre-patch you could boost karma to +95% (not including account achievement bonuses), see the link below under “karma modifiers”. The patch removed all karma boosts from effecting the consumables, but increased their base value by +50%. So if you used the full 95% boost, you “lost” 45% after the patch. Since this was supposed to be announced to give us time to use all our stored karma, but it wasn’t they rolled back still Sept 3rd, so we could get the “full” amount.
Translation: The people who have been playing forever and have more Karma than what they could ever need, got the good end of the deal on this.
I just came back after not playing since near release, how can I get my karma over 50%? Kind of annoying, because I was looking to spend some of the karma, but now I will have to wait.
So, at work, can’t read this whole thread. Did they roll it back to the previous amounts, so now if I want to get the 50% more without buffs I have to wait until they put this back in?
EDIT: so, I read a few posts up, sounds like I am right. So now people who didn’t read the note are getting screwed now? Why not just make it to where anyone who drank the karma in the less than 24 hours since this came out, get a boost to the karma they gained to make it the max you could get with boosters, then roll the change out on the 3rd, and call it a day?
(edited by TexRob.5183)
So, I quit for…I dunno, a long time, 9 months? I quit with an 80 warrior with all invader gear, and a decent exotic GS and bow. I am really just interested in playing right now, get comfortable with things again, then dig into builds. Is GS juts total garbage now? I played for a day, and then realized I had zero traits assigned, guess there was a reset 2 months ago.
I have like 4 gold, 100k karma, and 60 of the watchwork things from the queen’s jubilee. Any ideas for a good starting place? PVP is my primary concern, but I don’t want to be kitten in PVE.
Thanks ahead of time.