Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change
So its time to use up all our karma stuffs while we still can, till sept 3rd?
Need some confirmation on this.
This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.
As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.
I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.
How does one go about getting this karma back:
“We will also be reimbursing the people who used their karma during the period when the initial change was in effect with as close to the correct amount of karma as possible.”
I went to my bank and pulled and used all my consumable karma due to the patch notes. I figured there was no reason to “horde” it any longer.
This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.
As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.
I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.
I’m amazed how fast you guys decided on the options regarding karma consumables. Instead of a day or two, it only took a few hours, past business hours no less.
You guys are awesome!
Stealth karma nerf? Sing with me everybody!
Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon,
You come and go, you come and goooo.
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)
Just popping in here to note: today’s hotfix has gone live and the karma change has been reverted. Those who spent karma today will be refunded. The office is closed for the night, so this process will start when the team is back in the office and able to work on it. Thanks.
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra
Just popping in here to note: today’s hotfix has gone live and the karma change has been reverted. Those who spent karma today will be refunded. The office is closed for the night, so this process will start when the team is back in the office and able to work on it. Thanks.
that is for everyone that spend karma AFTER the pach or just today ?
Why was this change even implemented? yes karma flows easily but its not exactly a needed currency these days.. I just don’t understand the need for all these changes..
Profession balance now that’s needed, karma not so much.
i am not refunded so it is TRIPLE FAIL !
why you f with us so much ?
first i collect karma THEN you nerf THEN i drink it, then YOU REVERSE ? WHAT THE HELL ?
Just popping in here to note: today’s hotfix has gone live and the karma change has been reverted. Those who spent karma today will be refunded. The office is closed for the night, so this process will start when the team is back in the office and able to work on it. Thanks.
Well that’s a relief cause when that karma change happened i blew 248 jugs over 800 drops and near 1k drips. Will be nice to get all that back….
So… (Quotes minus the formatting, copy-pasted because some of the stuff is from the actual rollback info thread)
“We will be temporarily rolling back the karma change in a hotfix to allow people the opportunity to turn in their karma with any buffs they intended to use.”
“We will also be reimbursing the people who used their karma during the period when the initial change was in effect” // “Those who spent karma today will be refunded.”
To me, this means that people who bought items like jewelry boxes, orr temple gear, legendary ingreds, etc, get their karma back; also, people who wanted to save their karma to boost it all at once will be able to boost it for a while.
What about those who went “Oh well, I guess I can’t boost it anymore. I’m SOL. Start left-clicking.”? That was the most logical course of action from the information given in the release notes.
The possible things done with karma today:
1. Purchase things with it. You said you’re allowing us to undo this. Good. Fixed
2. Nothing. What you do doesn’t matter for these people. These people are also benefited if they were stockpiling any consumables with the intent to use it all at once. You’re letting them boost as they would have been able to do. Fixed
3. Use consumables. Your response to this behavior is still confusing to me and many other people. Unhappy?
4. Use consumables AND spend the karma. A fix to this behavior is even less clear than options 1 and 3 individually. Unhappy?
So what about 3 and 4?
- Karma boosters work again with liquid/consumable karma. True until September 3.
- Liquid karma is reverted to the old value. True until September 3.
- People who used the new valued liquid karma — 50% more instead of 95% more — will be reimbursed. This won’t happen until regular ANet office hours (9 am – 5 pm pacific time).
- Those who spent karma but didn’t drink any aren’t affected by this at all.
(1) & (2) apply to everyone. Those who didn’t drink karma are unaffected, whether they spent any or not.
So the only people who should still have any concerns are those who drank any liquid karma between the initial release patch this morning and the latest patch just now. ANet hasn’t done anything yet to address this, but they will tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if that karma was spent or not, although that might affect how they reimburse you.
I’m not sure what more we can ask them to do.
I know my wife is really effin kitten ed right now. She had stacks upon stacks of vials and jugs. When she found out about the boosts not working anymore she consumed them all thinking that there was no more point in stacking them for a boosted karma drinking session (she drank them but hasn’t spent the karma). Now Anet goes a reverts it back, she missed out a potential 45% extra karma cause they can’t make a decision and stick with it. I hope for her that Anet will give her the extra that she is missing.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
- Karma boosters work again with liquid/consumable karma. True until September 3.
- Liquid karma is reverted to the old value. True until September 3.
- People who used the new valued liquid karma — 50% more instead of 95% more — will be reimbursed. This won’t happen until regular ANet office hours (9 am – 5 pm pacific time).
- Those who spent karma but didn’t drink any aren’t affected by this at all.
(1) & (2) apply to everyone. Those who didn’t drink karma are unaffected, whether they spent any or not.
So the only people who should still have any concerns are those who drank any liquid karma between the initial release patch this morning and the latest patch just now. ANet hasn’t done anything yet to address this, but they will tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if that karma was spent or not, although that might affect how they reimburse you.
I’m not sure what more we can ask them to do.
Yep, I drank all mine. I knew I should have waited. lol
Just popping in here to note: today’s hotfix has gone live and the karma change has been reverted. Those who spent karma today will be refunded. The office is closed for the night, so this process will start when the team is back in the office and able to work on it. Thanks.
Well that’s a relief cause when that karma change happened i blew 248 jugs over 800 drops and near 1k drips. Will be nice to get all that back….
Plague. I so not think we will be getting them back. The fix notes read that those who spent karma, not used karma consumables. I hope I am wrong.
Wow, well now that you’ve opened a door you will never be able to close again, go home, get a good night’s sleep, and when you come in tomorrow, you can start thinking of ways to square things with the majority of your players who stopped hoarding karma when the wallet was introduced and don’t believe or care about exploiting the rewards system to the fullest in ways that weren’t intended.
After all, by rolling back the karma update, you will reduce my future karma earnings for the next two weeks by 50%. That’s an interesting penalty for not trying to exploit the karma system. I demand compensation! In fact, I missed out a couple of months back when gems for gold was trading at 3.75G/100 gems. The exchange rate should be returned to that level for the next two weeks so I can get the maximum amount of gold for the gems I’ve been stockpiling!
This knee-jerk reaction, to a game reward that was not devalued, will be thrown back in your face anytime you change anything from this point forward. It’s obvious, but I’ll say it anyway… you’ve opened the mother of all Orrian Jewelry Boxes, and it’s full of nothing but…
Yikes. I ate all my Karma items today ;x I don’t even know what my karma amounts were. What do? :o
Well, I was aware of the change, but not the rollback, so I just used up a bunch of consumable karma items w/o any buffs active, assuming that:
1) There was no point in using karma buffs anymore,
2) There was no point in hoarding consumable karma (to use when I had max buffs active), and
3) I would get the higher amounts that went in to effect with the patch (not knowing that they had been rolled back)
In other words, I got 4500/jug instead of the 6750 I was expecting to (or even worse, 8775 w/max buffs).
Since I used up at least 100 jugs before I realized I wasn’t getting the amount of karma I was expecting to, this cost me at least 225000 karma (427500+ w/max buffs).
Will I be getting an adjustment/refund, or am I doubly-screwed by 2 changes in only a few hours?
Just popping in here to note: today’s hotfix has gone live and the karma change has been reverted. Those who spent karma today will be refunded. The office is closed for the night, so this process will start when the team is back in the office and able to work on it. Thanks.
Do you by any chance already know how you will implement this refund?
Just giving everyone who spent all their karma consumables an equivalent to 95% boosts on would be over the top. Especially considering the time-gated laurel-cost for the karmic infusion (and the amulet to go with it if you don’t have one yet).
Since you can probably track the use of Karma items you should just give the affected players the appropriate amount of Jugs of Karma (and remove the karma gained).
I knew they’ll nerf karma gained from boosters that’s why I used all of my karma a week ago but didn’t expected it will be nerfed a week later Anet you are so predictable with your nerfs.
Hey Devs, if you’re reading this…
Now I don’t really care as much about the removal of karma +% on consumables if we can at least clear our stock of saved items.
But will you consider completely removing the karma consumable system?
If you’re going to give a flat increase of 50% on karma items so that it no longer matters when we use the karma, the incentive is to use them right away so they don’t take up space, but… by putting them in items you’re making players do that many thousands more clicks, which makes zero sense from a gameplay perspective.
If they’re nonmodifiable, just add them directly to the wallet on the completion of a flag that would normally give the item (say, opening of a champion box). If this is incompatible with RNG that would give multiples of a karma boost, just give the average amount of karma you’d get from the mean result of items multiplied by karma per item – things don’t deviate from that after we open 1900 karma items. You’ll save everyone a lot of hand pain in the long run.
What I was wondering personally is, what happens to the 15% Karma Infusion I wasted laurels on for one of my characters? I don’t really need that slot for Agony Resistance (on that character at least), but I sure would like to have those Laurels back…. anyone hear what’s happening with those Infusions that are less than worthless now?
*same deal for MF Infusions down the road too…
And gold infusions after the dungeon change 2 weeks ago. Pretty much all utility infusions are now (or will very soon be) obsolete.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry
I didn’t ‘spend’ any karma, but I did cash out literally HUNDREDS of liquid karma items since the patch because it appeared my effort and patience in storing them and waiting to process them through a character with the karma infusion on an amulet and with max buffs had been wasted – I thought at least I could get my bank slots back after getting shortchanged by this unannounced ‘improvement’.
Do you have any sort of strategy for reversing that?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Just popping in here to note: today’s hotfix has gone live and the karma change has been reverted. Those who spent karma today will be refunded. The office is closed for the night, so this process will start when the team is back in the office and able to work on it. Thanks.
Karma spent today is (pardon the inevitable pun) a drop in the bucket compared to karma consumables being cashed in.
You have a LOT of work ahead of you making this right.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Will be interresting to see how they will fix this. Drank over 2 million karma after the patch without buffs, for the same reason as everyone else. I even tried a small karma boost just to see if the patch was true and yup, no extra karma. Now my finger still hurts and I hope I don’t get tons of bottles back to click up again. I’m happy with just some extra karma added to my wallet and hopfully the get rid of all those diffrent stupid bottles and just add them to the wallet by default.
Karma items made sense only in two cases – to give some karma to other character, which is moot now, or to wait for maximum buff stack. Same pretty much goes for all kinds of reward money bags, too. All these items became relics of previous game concept, a concept which in many ways made more sense IMO than the current one – maybe not bank space-wise, but logic-wise. Karma by very definition is something you earn for what you have done, so it was pretty much designed as a thing that was meant to be specifically tied to given character in exchange for his personal efforts. And alts or simply not so active characters could get karma from items, which was also fine. Especially seen as most karma went into legendaries, it could be said that given character earned his piece of equipment in a way. The change by itself doesn’t hurt me that much, I haven’t accumulated vast amounts of consumables to feel the impact of change. But I can understand and relate to an outcry from people who had several stacks of jugs that they wanted to use with full buff, and now they lost 45% of prospective gain.
(edited by Klesc.7925)
So they reverted the change and this means lower base Karma but you can use boosters again?
Cause if it only lowered the base Karma but still boosters were blocked it would be worse than before and the other peole that used their Karma items in the past would have had a huge advantage.
It’s pretty easy to fix this:
- Every bottle of karma consumed after the patch gave 150% of its previous value
- Bottles consumed are no longer there
- People who used up Karma Boosters while drinking, lost those
So, to fix:
- Reimburse all bottles of karma consumed after the patch
- Deduct all karma gained from consuming those bottles (150% of their old values). If the karma balance isn’t big enough for the deduction (because people also spent a lot meanwhile), reimburse fewer bottles.
- Reimburse +50% Karma Boosters, bonfires and kite fortunes used up after the patch (food and banners are less of a problem).
(edited by Alad QB.8904)
Oh my word! If they attempt to fix it people are upset and if they don’t attempt to fix it people are upset. What do you expect them do do? Change the trajectory of the planets, move the moon closer to Earth, stop global warming, and prove the existence of a supreme deity? It was a mistake, not a deliberate “screw,” so don’t get your panties in a twist. Just live with whatever fix they are able to provide.
So they reverted the change and this means lower base Karma but you can use boosters again?
Yes. See
It’s pretty easy to fix this:
- Every bottle of karma consumed after the patch gave 150% of its previous value
- Bottles consumed are no longer there
- People who used up Karma Boosters while drinking, lost those
So, to fix:
- Reimburse all bottles of karma consumed after the patch
- Deduct all karma gained from consuming those bottles (150% of their old values)
- Reimburse +50% Karma Boosters, bonfires and kite fortunes used up after the patch (food and banners are less of a problem).
Only thing is what about the karma consumed AND spent. Posted a bit earlier. Not trying to be a downer, but they should take into account that some players may have consumed and spent karma.
Full reimbursement in those cases is a bit more complicated. Especially in cases of consumable purchases (shards).
Not trying to be a stickler, but it’s just another complication to consider.
It’s pretty easy to fix this:
- Every bottle of karma consumed after the patch gave 150% of its previous value
- Bottles consumed are no longer there
- People who used up Karma Boosters while drinking, lost those
So, to fix:
- Reimburse all bottles of karma consumed after the patch
- Deduct all karma gained from consuming those bottles (150% of their old values)
- Reimburse +50% Karma Boosters, bonfires and kite fortunes used up after the patch (food and banners are less of a problem).Only thing is what about the karma consumed AND spent. Posted a bit earlier. Not trying to be a downer, but they should take into account that some players may have consumed and spent karma.
Full reimbursement in those cases is a bit more complicated. Especially in cases of consumable purchases (shards).
Not trying to be a stickler, but it’s just another complication to consider.
Well, this will only be a problem if these people don’t have enough karma left to be deducted by the fix. In that case an equivalent amount of karma bottles should be deducted (not reimbursed) – at the rate of 150%.
What ANet should most certainly do before rolling out the changes is to run a full simulation and look at the results to catch any bugs or aberrations and extremes which can cause unfair advantages or disadvantages to a few.
(edited by Alad QB.8904)
Hey Devs, if you’re reading this…
Now I don’t really care as much about the removal of karma +% on consumables if we can at least clear our stock of saved items.
But will you consider completely removing the karma consumable system?
If you’re going to give a flat increase of 50% on karma items so that it no longer matters when we use the karma, the incentive is to use them right away so they don’t take up space, but… by putting them in items you’re making players do that many thousands more clicks, which makes zero sense from a gameplay perspective.
If they’re nonmodifiable, just add them directly to the wallet on the completion of a flag that would normally give the item (say, opening of a champion box). If this is incompatible with RNG that would give multiples of a karma boost, just give the average amount of karma you’d get from the mean result of items multiplied by karma per item – things don’t deviate from that after we open 1900 karma items. You’ll save everyone a lot of hand pain in the long run.
I get the feeling this is another step in that direction.
First: move karma to the wallet
Second: remove boosting on karma items
Third: remove karma items and dump it automatically in the wallet
But I’m glad ANet rolled this update back for now. At least they have the guts to admit a mistake…
Now to pick a time with the rest of the guild to use that karma booster…
So I did read the message in the release notes, but did not see the new message that the change was taken back. Therefore, I used close to 1 million karma this morning without boosting them, as according to the release notes they would no longer be affected by that. I am rather frustrated by this being changed back, as I now learn boosters would have helped for another 2 weeks…
So I logged in to do my dailies and get started on the new content. I often minimize the game and read patch notes or browse the forums while loading between zone changes. I noticed in the patch notes that karma consumables have changed to offer more karma at the expense of being compatible with karma boosts.
As someone with a stack of liquid karma jugs and liquid karma drips, a few karma boosters, and some karma boost food ready to go, I (like many, I’m sure) was saving them to pop them all at once at a later date. So I was bummed that I lost out on a chunk of karma, but the increased karma awarded for the consumption lessened the sting
So I started burning through all my saved karma consumables when I logged in. Later I noticed a thread on the forum about the karma change with a developer response (or it might have been started by the dev, I don’t remember). Curious about what others thought on the subject, I opened the thread.
Needless to say the sting of not being able to use consumable karma items with karma boosts was ratcheted up a notch when I learned that the supposed increase to karma from the consumables had been pushed back until the 3rd. Not only did I not get to use the consumables with boosts, but I didn’t get the increased karma from them either.
That one hurt. I’ve filed a support ticket, so hopefully all will be rectified. If not…ouch.
What I was wondering personally is, what happens to the 15% Karma Infusion I wasted laurels on for one of my characters? I don’t really need that slot for Agony Resistance (on that character at least), but I sure would like to have those Laurels back…. anyone hear what’s happening with those Infusions that are less than worthless now?
*same deal for MF Infusions down the road too…
And gold infusions after the dungeon change 2 weeks ago. Pretty much all utility infusions are now (or will very soon be) obsolete.
I would like to get an answer on this – should I go ahead and make an Omni infusion for my Protomatter chain, and just chalk up the laurels as lost?
This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.
As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.
I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.
So people who drank all their Karma because the change making it into the patch notes even, made it seem rather intended and final – are kitten out of luck with the current “rollback” going on?
Not that it’s a tragedy to have some ~300.000 Karma less than one could have had, because there is little to spend it on – but still. Seems a bit unfair.
This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.
As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.
I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.
As you can all see, here is a company that is more looking out for it’s players than not. About the Karma thing though, I wouldn’t be worried about it even if they did change it without warning. Karma is flowing like water in these updates.
Yeah, I didnt get bent out of shape with the karma debacle. I think karma is so easy to get, theres so much of it, and its so useless. So..why care?
I’m very upset again. I came home and did not find jugs as expected but a minor increase to my karma. WHAT… THE… HELL. So let’s read that again:
“We will also be reimbursing the people who used their karma during the period when the initial change was in effect with as close to the correct amount of karma as possible.”
I first wondered how you would even know what the correct amount is. That statement makes no sense. Till it dawned on me… Here’s what I think happened and someone deserves pain over this: you looked at the bonuses that WERE IN EFFECT when we drank away our supply of jugs after the news. We of course did not bother to USE any since you it wasn’t working. But the pitance of karma on my 1.400.000 million swallow is just about my accountbonus from achievements.
Really Arenanet? You thought fixing this is giving us the extra for the bonus we had running at the time when we knew we weren’t going to GET bonuses and hence DID NOT use any? Now I’m a lot more upset and disappointed twice. Rolling back is hard and not a great solution since it doesn’t play well with karma spent so I agree that adding a bonus amount is the way to go. However, you should assume that everyone hoarding it would take maximum advantage and recalculate the amount of karma based on 190+account%INSTEAD of the new 150%; as if they used all the bonuses available. Even if that gives some people more than intended, it’s better to give a few a present than everyone a slap, especially over your mistake.
Mistakes happen, you’ve got a very ambitious project on your hands. Admitting the mistake was a nice touch. Trying to fix it even better! But the way you decided to fix it is so aggravatingly stupid that it would have been better just left alone. Just change teh modifier to a flat 190% for karma consumed during the intermission and move on.
And this is when the game stops being a game.
Funny I’m sure most of you complained about math in school but everyone now is a perfect speculator mathematician.
Colin I’m happy I’m not you right now and thanks for pushing the change til September.
This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.
As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.
I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.
Unless the 2 week schedule for updates was your decision alone, the fault is not yours. I commend your willingness to step up and take the blame, but whomever decided and ultimately approved the 2 week schedule is to blame for any and all issues that arise from said schedule.
To that end, Anet you should have enough data to prove the 2 week update schedule is a completely flawed premise and needs to be dropped. I’m sorry if I seem blunt and unsympathetic but we the players are the ones being punished for a failed idea. Stop worrying about other free to play game schedules and do as you did in GW1, make the game the best it can be.
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
So i heard about this change and thought well now i don’t need to hoard my jugs etc. any more.
So i opened half of my jugs and noticed that the amount istn’t as high as i expected.
Now im reading that the change has been reverted. Great. I could’ve used a boster to gain much more karma than i have now.
I’m wondering if i get any compensation here. But i really don’t think so.
Am I the only one wondering if those people who spent all their karma after the update and made a lot of gold out of it, will they get their karma refunded and make more gold???
So, at work, can’t read this whole thread. Did they roll it back to the previous amounts, so now if I want to get the 50% more without buffs I have to wait until they put this back in?
EDIT: so, I read a few posts up, sounds like I am right. So now people who didn’t read the note are getting screwed now? Why not just make it to where anyone who drank the karma in the less than 24 hours since this came out, get a boost to the karma they gained to make it the max you could get with boosters, then roll the change out on the 3rd, and call it a day?
(edited by TexRob.5183)
I give Anet props for going through the effort to roll this back and even refund those who used their consumables since the patch (I didn’t, but I’m all for fairness).
Here’s what I don’t get. I read the latest notes about the rollback, so I got a banner booster and a food booster and started clicking. Numbers were lower than I expected, so I finally checked the wiki. It turns out right now, for example, a drip is giving me 102 karma and a double-boosted drip is giving 124. But the unboosted version would have been 150. So why did they roll this back if the new, unboosted karma was actually a better deal? Seems I wasted a lot of karma by waiting until we could use boosts again.
Here’s what I don’t get. I read the latest notes about the rollback, so I got a banner booster and a food booster and started clicking. Numbers were lower than I expected, so I finally checked the wiki. It turns out right now, for example, a drip is giving me 102 karma and a double-boosted drip is giving 124. But the unboosted version would have been 150. So why did they roll this back if the new, unboosted karma was actually a better deal? Seems I wasted a lot of karma by waiting until we could use boosts again.
Because pre-patch you could boost karma to +95% (not including account achievement bonuses), see the link below under “karma modifiers”. The patch removed all karma boosts from effecting the consumables, but increased their base value by +50%. So if you used the full 95% boost, you “lost” 45% after the patch. Since this was supposed to be announced to give us time to use all our stored karma, but it wasn’t they rolled back still Sept 3rd, so we could get the “full” amount.
Here’s what I don’t get. I read the latest notes about the rollback, so I got a banner booster and a food booster and started clicking. Numbers were lower than I expected, so I finally checked the wiki. It turns out right now, for example, a drip is giving me 102 karma and a double-boosted drip is giving 124. But the unboosted version would have been 150. So why did they roll this back if the new, unboosted karma was actually a better deal? Seems I wasted a lot of karma by waiting until we could use boosts again.
Because pre-patch you could boost karma to +95% (not including account achievement bonuses), see the link below under “karma modifiers”. The patch removed all karma boosts from effecting the consumables, but increased their base value by +50%. So if you used the full 95% boost, you “lost” 45% after the patch. Since this was supposed to be announced to give us time to use all our stored karma, but it wasn’t they rolled back still Sept 3rd, so we could get the “full” amount.
Translation: The people who have been playing forever and have more Karma than what they could ever need, got the good end of the deal on this.
I just came back after not playing since near release, how can I get my karma over 50%? Kind of annoying, because I was looking to spend some of the karma, but now I will have to wait.
Here’s what I don’t get. I read the latest notes about the rollback, so I got a banner booster and a food booster and started clicking. Numbers were lower than I expected, so I finally checked the wiki. It turns out right now, for example, a drip is giving me 102 karma and a double-boosted drip is giving 124. But the unboosted version would have been 150. So why did they roll this back if the new, unboosted karma was actually a better deal? Seems I wasted a lot of karma by waiting until we could use boosts again.
From what you wrote, it sounds like you’re missing a 50% booster (BLTC, Bonfire, Kite Fortune).
(edited by Mourningcry.9428)