WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Showing Posts For Vyx.8607:
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Multiple guilds have posted their GvG guilds and POCs here http://www.gw2wvw.net/gvg
Feel free to add in your own guild
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Actually statistically, this isn’t bad at all. If you look at normal polling used in public (gallup for example), it’s usually based on only 100-200 people. If we assume a 95% confidence (which is huge since for example, military operational test only uses an 80% confidence), and not sure about the population size (guessing 10k?), this is within +-10%. Without having a handy math reference with me, if we drop to an 80% confidence interval we’re probably within +-5%
It’s honestly more important to determine who were polled and are they representative of the population, and I would say, for those who wanted to actually go through the effort to sign up and vote, this is more of the ‘hardcore’ part of the wvw community which is a subset of the main population. So this poll is actually likely even more accurate should we be asking anet to cater to the primary wvw population.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
So, what’s the advantage of your system over http://wuvoverlay.codeplex.com/ which is the same thing except a whole lot more compact and cleaner?
Meaning no offense, but something with the same capability already exists.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Pop imbalance is on the poll version here – http://www.gw2wvw.net/content/which-these-your-first-priority
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Just as a heads up, if you want to help post your guild or find other guilds interested in GvG, starting a running list here
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
The WvW community is gathering together at http://www.gw2wvw.net now that the matchup forums are closed.
In addition, we host collections of both videos and images GW2 WvW related and we encourage you to share yours too!
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
The WvW community is gathering together at http://www.gw2wvw.net now that the matchup forums are closed.
In addition, we host collections of both videos and images GW2 WvW related and we encourage you to share yours too!
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Looking to expand our collection of GW2 WvW media and help you share your videos with everyone else in the WvW community.
If interested, go to http://www.gw2wvw.net and register/login, in the top left you’ll then see an Actions menu for linking youtube videos in.
I encourage you also to glance at the work of others in our videos collection here
http://www.gw2wvw.net/videos and help vote for the ones you like the best (login required to vote)
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Please don’t post on this at all to hopefully not have the mods kill this.
Mods, please let this just scroll off the screen, but give us an opportunity to help redirect folks (till it gets scrolled off, or just simply lock it so no one can post on it)
The matchup threads have moved to http://www.gw2wvw.net
Also on the site we encourage people to share WvW videos and images.
Thanks for your time,
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Well I do have to respond here. I was ‘commanding’ last night in EB and out of that zerg, I had roughly 7-10 people on TS (later in the night up to 15-20ish when our team in the BL gave up and moved to EB). I dare say we would have had more success if you had only a small % of your people on TS too
IMO that’s HoD’s major issue, TS is not a normal way of life and so actual tactical coordination is impossible. Only the dedicated wvw guilds (and all field relatively small numbers in comparison) have 100% teamspeak members.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Send me a PM on this board with your user name. I have had some kickbacks on emails because i’m being labeled ‘spam’
That or you registered with an email address that isn’t valid (punctuation, space, etc). which has happened twice now.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
@Vyx: first of, why don’t u place the siege in a way where u don’t have to replace it in the first place, second: how do u make sure any siege doesn’t get refreshed, just because you don’t like its positioning right now? Third: if you reach the siege limit and you still aren’t able to defend your place regardless of positioning of the siege you are doing something wrong.
1 – I’m not worried about ME placing siege, it’s that new person over there who found a blueprint in his inventory and wanted to throw it and everything else down trying to be ‘helpful’. I can’t control their actions (nor care to, just let us ‘clean up the mess’)
2 – People who refresh usually know which is the good siege, and which is the bad siege. If a bad siege gets refreshed every now and then shrug, with a 1 hour timer, the person who doesn’t know what bad siege is will need to sleep sometime
3 – See #1
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Still not concerned as there’s not going to be that much posting in the big scheme of things. The highest cost driver is actually the post counter given that it scans the comments table for the NID (already indexed) and innodb is not the fastest thing in the world for it. That said, easily disabled. Looking at the number of posts in this subforum per tier per week, this isn’t exactly a fast moving board. And there is a particular reason why the highest cost queries are segregated on different pages (why the forum overview isn’t on the front page with the other features).
That all said – To everyone else: After this Friday, CAPTCHAs will be activated for user registration. The spam bots are always lurking and will jump all over this very very soon and I want to have the CAPTCHA protection activated (it’s GW2 lore based, so good luck to the spam bots for cracking it). If you haven’t signed up yet and want to save yourself some pain and suffering, might want to do it before Friday.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
(edited by Vyx.8607)
Disagree, if a siege limit is hit, a way is needed to clear them out to build better placed ones (without giving people the griefing ability to destroy friendly siege)
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
No not a challenge, and that’s solved by Boost. That said, if I activate boost, i’ll lag all anonymous users watching the site by roughly 5-10 minutes behind everyone else as I cache the heck out of everything.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
This is my 10th or so website i’ve built with Drupal and this will not be the largest one I built. I do not believe that the traffic levels will even make the sql server burp. My other drupal website was easily a hit a second over 100,000+ SQL/computationally heavy pages (views accessing custom data tables that were aggregating over 12+ gb of text data receiving another 30 mb of data each additional day).
If I had to run all of GW2 yes, that would be an issue, but this is merely a subforum and right now we’re roughly around 15-20 simultaneous users, which is nothing. I expect when the Matchup forum closes, we hit maybe 30-40…. which is still nothing.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Looking to make a single point collection of WvW videos and images. If you have any, or make any, please post them at http://www.gw2wvw.net/ . Requires log in, then you’ll see a “link video” or “add image” under the Actions menu on the left. You have the capability to associate the image with servers and classes to help people find your media.
So far the video gallery has 5 videos here
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
If gw2wvw.net is going to be completely unmoderated, then no thank you.
I would ask two questions. 1) Who do you trust to be fair in moderation? 2) Would that ‘sane’ person(s) want to be watching thread after thread for dozens of new comments an hour.
‘Good’ moderation requires an unbiased person without a dog in the fight as well as nearly 24 hr coverage (or a considerable delay in reaction occurs). I like many others have a job so hours are limited and as of right now, I don’t trust anyone on this board to hand over the moderation reigns.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Added places to upload your images and a collection of videos which are all taggable for easier sorting (used the warcraftmovies site as a basis). Pretty empty right now, please add your videos! (login required)
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Just a heads up, per the Matchup forum we’re moving it to http://www.gw2wvw.net
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Site is live and evolving. Your inputs are critical to making this site what you want it to be! Thanks for your support!
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Will keep in mind, as you said, if we actually use the forum.
A slashdot like system collapsing comments is somewhat extensive of a modification and also is a higher cost to the underlying database which decreases performance overall.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
In this way we have a pseudo “moderated” and “unmoderated” in the same thread.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
How about this, slightly like the slashdot system for filtering, above each thread is a ‘top comments’ link. (threshold TBD, right now it’s “overall positive rating”), those who just want to glance at the highest rated material can click that link.
Ex: Click http://www.gw2wvw.net/node/2 then look at the top where it says “View Top Comments for Site discussion” and click that. New page which is a filtered subset of the comments based on votes. Yes, it is currently a rather disjointed set of comments, but this is more aimed at ‘let me read at a glance what valued comments are saying and then let me respond". Currently it’s ordered by votes, depending on its usage I may change that over to by post time.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Can you make two separate sections, one group moderated, and one with no moderation? Bonus points if you call them “Carebear Land” and “Troll Land.”
While I can, I see no particular reason to split posts. Consider what we’re replacing here
“Dec 20, HoD vs SF vs FC”
Why should we have two copies of that post? One in ‘carebear land’ and the other in “troll land”.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Also i’ve been a pvp raid leader and hosted pvp forums in LOTRO for 5 years, I do know how much people suck at times. We PvP’rs are a passionate lot.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
I do have tools in place to watch the ‘mass voters’. At this point I would like to try to give the system a shot and simply see what happens then adjust from there. My ‘saving grace’ is that there is nothing that up/downvotes do to the system that is permanent. Everything that is hidden can be made visible again.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Perhaps we can do both? Let the crowd vote on the moderators.
I’m just afraid about a downvoting system, because it is not hard to get an entire guild to downvote a rival. Or worse, one person could do it with proxies or TOR.
That’s REALLY when you’ll get entire guilds to get their ‘leader’ or ‘advocate’ into the moderation system. As far as proxy/TOR voting, anonymous voting is disabled, there must be an active account tied to a unique email account. They can make a bazillion email accounts, but it’ll be quite a pain in the butt. And because the spam bots will soon come, there will be a captcha system for registration once the initial wave of registrations completes.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
The moderated forum leads to a question that must be answered – Who do you trust to moderate fairly from within this community?
I can build a moderated forum easily, but I can’t say I trust anyone to moderate it fairly. At some point I trust ‘the wisdom of crowds’ more than any individual moderator.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Added a bit of additional code to delay vote evaluation by an hour. So comments will live an hour at a minimum to allow for ‘saving’ votes by other forum members to help prevent comment moderation should ‘downvote abuse’ be occurring.
That said, also changed the comment moderation from ‘delete’ to unpublish. That allows the comment to be retained and reposted. Right now I don’t intend on anyone else being asked to review unpublished comments… as we haven’t even chosen which site to use.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
I’d say http://www.gw2wvw.net is the best option. I enjoy reddit but I have banned myself from going to that website as somehow 5 hours of my day disappears every time I visit. It is almost as bad as tvtropes.
What say you community-at-large?
Down-vote moderation can be trolled hard, so I hesitant to use that one.
Do we have someone from GW2guru who we could talk to about meeting the specific needs of this community?
I think the only way appease everyone is a two forum system. One forum with moderation, and one without any moderation. People can then choose which thread they want to be a part of. Additionally, inappropriate posts in the moderated forums can just be dumped into the unmoderated one. Trolls in the moderated forum would be “banned” only from the moderated forum, and could still troll their hearts out in the unmoderated forum.
If someone can get ^this^ to work, then I would hope that both the “trolls” and “care bares” would be ok with it.
As far as downvote moderation, the delete rules related to the magnitude of the votes as quantity of votes can be easily modified to match what is needed. Can easily be started with a threshold of 10 votes averaging less than 2 stars.
As far as having forum moderation, the hardest part will be to find a set of people derived from this community which tends to get a tad hot at times, to be fair above all else. And to be actively reading thread after thread (or getting their email spammed with reported posts as they come in). Having been in that role before, being unbiased 100% of the time is hard (and the first time you slip up you’re roasted forever), and the burden on moderating highly populated forums is a pain too. I do not envy those people who choose to do that task.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
In watching the other threads I see three options proposed at this point
and I can’t find the post anymore but someone had made a subreddit for matchups. http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/
Please list any others you know have been proposed so everyone at least knows the options
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Wanted to present another option with a community moderated (vs moderator), http://www.gw2wvw.net. Wasn’t going to say too much about it till the 1st, but it seems that there’s plenty of threads being locked already.
Essentially it’s currently designed for removing low ranked comments after a decent number of votes automatically. That can adjust up or down based on actual usage and if there’s any problems. Otherwise it is unmodded outside of making sure that threads aren’t spammed on there that aren’t GW2 related.
If you’d like to give it a try I’d appreciate it, and certainly can modify it in any way that the community deems useful (like a completely unmoderated forum or useful links). There is and will never be a fee charged for the site and at most I will have one non-pop up banner to simply pay for the domain cost.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
The primary problem that I have with moderated forums is that if you take 5 good moderators, they all will have small variations to their interpretations to the rule. To some, some posts are in jest, in another viewpoint it’s an assault. Also the issue is who would you be fine modding? Certainly everyone who would be willing to in a community forum would be biased to a point. Do you want a Blackgate person modding a BG/JQ thread? How would opposing servers think?
At some point perhaps the safe point is to either go completely unmodded (outside of outright spam/off topic) or let the community as a whole determine what they want on their boards.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
At some point you will never be able to make a moderation system that will appease everyone, either it’s going to be ham-handed or it’s going to be too lax. It will be overall best to tend to the lax side and just let it go.
Should people not want to read a post, they’re going to either see who posted it and ignore the wall of text, or stop reading the forum all together. Generally people with thin skins don’t last long in PvP situations no matter what the game. Therefore moderation should probably just deal with actual spam and things way out of line (pornography and such)
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Moved site to http://www.gw2wvw.net
Added private messaging capabilities, cleaned up the user self moderation logic a bit. Green light to use and abuse if you’d like. All capabilities are behind a registration/login.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
(crosspost from WvW forums)
I just mushed something together now. Test site here (which I can transition to a domain name if it’s liked)
It’s a self moderating forum. On 5 or more votes on comments, if the comment is below a 2 star average it’s deleted. I can adjust that as its needed.
Comments welcome, if you as the community want to use it as ‘live’ let me know here and i’ll transition it to a full website.
Right now it’s very barebone, but can be fleshed out as features are requested.
NOTE: If you register, check your junk email for an email from vyxe@theblackappendage.com (older gaming site I made) for the user registration mail
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Made a shot at it, let me know if this is usable to you all
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Actually I just mushed something together now. Test site here (which I can transition to a domain name if it’s liked)
It’s a self moderating forum. On 5 or more votes on comments, if the comment is below a 2 star average it’s deleted. I can adjust that as its needed.
Comments welcome, if you as the community want to use it as ‘live’ let me know here and i’ll transition it to a full website.
Right now it’s very barebone, but can be fleshed out as features are requested.
NOTE: If you register, check your junk email for an email from vyxe@theblackappendage.com (older gaming site I made) for the user registration mail
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
I can host and set it up…. question as above is the level of administration needed. At some point I have as little interest as A-net in moderating.
Moderation style would be users rating on a 5 star scale how good/bad the comments were and hiding comments below a threshold after so many votes. Note, there would be little control in how many accounts people may sign up, their names, validating identities, etc.
I’d be willing to do this if people think this is a better/easier way than having admins and dealing with their biases as well as eating up their time. (i’m not saying admins are all biased, finding truly unbiased ones is hard though).
If I have some time tomorrow night i’ll see if I can mock something together.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
While this may all be all discussed before, I would like WvW commanders to
a) know all squad members attached and their squad supply
b) see where all of their squad members are in a different color (party is still blue, all other squad members attached are in say purple)
c) draw on the minimap for all squad members, color may be different than white to differentiate from party drawings
d) set waypoints on the minimap instead of having to go to the upper map
e) squad should see all squad members too and see their commander as a particular symbol and still see every other commander out there (with another symbol)
f) multiple target markers available, variations of the current targetting deal
g) a ground target marker, like a large banner symbol to rally people onto a point (vs just tag)
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Greetings all! Denravi Alliance is a small guild with around 7-10 actives during US evening times who enjoy PvE as well as roaming/small group WvW action.
We’re looking for both new and experienced players who enjoy teamwork in a friendly environment.
If curious about us, feel free to PM me in game, through these forums, or at www.denraviallaince.com
Thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing from you!
Henge of Denravi, Denravi Alliance [DA]
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Just wanted to add in my 2 cents, pug’d it 3 times with 3 different pugs. First time got to Clockheart, second time beat it but didn’t get the chests in time, third time beat it but one officer escaped (4th time’s the charm hopefully).
It is a hard dungeon, but it is definitely doable with a bit of patience and reworking tactics. I think it would have been a lot easier if those PuGs were on teamspeak or another voice program, but typing worked as well as working out a plan before charging the boss.
I quite enjoyed the challenge of this dungeon and I think it’s just about right. You need good teamwork to solve this thing, it’s nice not to just DPS faceroll a dungeon.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
@TG re Lava Tomb
I’ve been a bit torn on points in fire (since I like to conjure both fiery greatsword and lightening hammer), but Arcana’s reduction on attunement cooldown is just too awesome for me to pass up for now. But in its place is earth 5 w/ dagger, as long as I can get that out the bleeds do most of my rezzing (and up to level 50 now, I have added armor of storms onto my bar as well as the earth trait for auto armor of storms at 50% health).
Did an AC SM run last night with a terrible pug group and I was the last one alive at Raylene and Vassar. He has only a sliver of health left as did I so I did the sexy suicidal combo and went down 2 seconds later due to a DoT (had already burnt everything else healingwise), mist formed around a corner and as he was turning the corner to finish me off he died due to bleeds
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
Leveling an ele right now and got him to 40 tonight. My thoughts
- Went full dagger/dagger with trait points going into arcana and earth
- If I have any choice in gear, I put on vitality and toughness, haven’t bought anything yet from merchants, TP, or crafted anything
- My main rotation is pretty silly and suicidal with fire 3 into the fray, fire 4, earth 4, arcane blast, then earth 5. Prior to lightening hammer I would then shift into lightening to finish it off. After lightening hammer I would cast it and go to town blinding everything in sight till its dead.
- Yes I end up dead a decent amount, but I usually survive most of the fights that are +1 to me even with 4-5 minions. Boss fights are nasty if they kill me during earth 5, but if I survive that, I am semi kiting and dodging around till he goes down. If there’s anyone else to draw off the boss aggro, being right behind a boss is a great spot plus you do some nice buffs to the melee allies with the fire circle deal
- I hate underwater combat as an ele coming from a grenade engi who was ridiculously good pve in the water
So far it’s working well, if my survivability becomes more of an issue i’ll probably remove the speed signet and add armor of earth on.
In terms of difficulty, so far I have an 80 thief, mesmer, and engi. I found my dagger thief the hardest to level due to lack of survivability, particularly in dungeons (I simply can’t do the whole pistol/shortbow thing as a main weapon), mesmer was hard up to 40 then easy, and engi was a royal pain in the butt till 60 (grenadier) due to lack of DPS or anything really. Right now I find ele medium difficulty in leveling.
I also use a razer naga mouse which is a lifesaver for speed (and a godsend for multi kit engi’s). F1 through F4 are rebound to shift 1 through 4 so i hold shift on my left hand while WASD’ing and can click through attunements and skills through the right thumb on the mouse. Rotation is as easy as 3, 4 shift 4, 4, 8, 5, shift 3.
Nothing here is mindshattering, most of it is on the forum here, but it’s what works for me so far.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
New small guild on Henge of Denravi specializing in helping each other in PvE but endgame concentrating on having a blast roaming in WvW in small groups to cause maximum disruption. All skill levels welcome from the new player to the experienced!
Grouping in WvW heavily encourages use of the HoD Teamspeak
Send tell if interested.
Vy Engara
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net
For the past few weeks i’ve been running a group of 5 PHZE around the map taking on camps/dolyaks/small groups and there’s been a lot of great action that way. Yes every now and then the zerg appears (usually if we hold a camp too long), but there’s been plenty of 3-10 man groups we’ve run into and fought…. successfully sometimes.. other times not successfully.
I haven’t had a night yet that our little 5 man group hasn’t had a lot of fun killing what we can, and dying eventually to start it all over again.
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG – http://www.gw2wvw.net