Showing Posts For Wizzey.7845:

Please oh Please ANet, lift the AoE Cap!

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


all siege weapons have a cap of 50, AC’s are a surefire way to stop a zerg

1-3 all of these things are already in the game, DPS builds who stack with the hammer train will die, people can get picked off on the outskirts of a zerg, flanking a group from an unexpected angle is still effective since you can cc and burst people down before they dodge or use defensive cooldowns.

Also, stacking is generally only effective at the outset of a fight in order to spread the buffs around with empowers and blasts, remaining in a stack for an entire fight is suicide.

4 how could buffing aoe builds make single target builds more viable…single target builds are already almost exclusively ran by roamers as it is.

5 why does everyone get this mentality that just because they are fighting with less numbers that they are automatically better than everyone else. Did you ever stop to think that maybe 30 decently skilled players should be able to beat your 10?

Please Help Me Decide

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Given that you say you play late at night and during the day in EST. I believe those correspond to the oceanic and european prime times rather than the normal NA prime times. In which case, I’d say you might want to go to tier 1 since there would never be any of the problems normally associated with tier 1 ie skill lagging and queues during those times. In addition, there is much less of the ghost capping prevalent in lower tiers since I believe all of the tier 1 servers have decent coverage during those off hours whereas I think in lower tiers, 1 server tends to dominate during off hours due to the lack of coverage of the other servers and subsequently no one wanting to oppose the dominant server even if they are awake. A few weeks ago I transferred to JQ after not playing the game for about a year and have had plenty of fun playing at all hours although I’m sure the other tier 1 servers are also fine.

If you do decide to go tier 1, then I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Time to adress bannering of dead NPC's?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


As stated above, removing the mechanic completely is a bad idea since defenders need every advantage they can get since the NPCs sure aren’t helpful. Personally, I would prefer nothing be done because also as stated above, it prolongs fights and creates epic moments in WvW. Basically, you don’t remember those times you roll over the defenders (if there are any) and instantly take the keep, you remember the hard fought battles that last for 20 minutes as you said or in the case of JQBL’s garrison today literally 4 hours of being assailed. Either way, without banner rezzing lords, we never would have had enough time to respond to some of the attacks and it just would’ve been another easily forgettable moment for all parties involved and generally it is a necessary tactic for buying time for the defenders to show up and fight.

That aside, I think a good compromise would be to give the lord increasingly lower health similar to the repeated downed state debuff. Something like a debuff that reduces the health of the lord to 70%-80% of the original health and make them stack multiplicatively. Naturally, they would gradually wear off if the lord is out of combat just liked the downed state debuffs do.

kudos to oslaf for having a similar idea, didn’t catch it as I skimmed the thread the first time

AC hodgins path boss bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


After we killed the boss, he dropped 15s and loot as normal but my group did not actually finish the dungeon and it never gave us the reward screen/tokens/money

A Possible Solution to Orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The boosts on orbs are a big deal in WvW and I do not think that this is a bad thing. However, the problem I see with orbs is that the orbs are honestly too easy to defend/ too hard to attack legitimately. So I propose that instead of having Orb altars in keeps that give the server that controls the orb an easy to defend, snowbally buff for the entire server, why not have the orb altars in camps and have the orb constantly changing hands like the supply camps do right now.

Starting a CoE exp farm group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


add me, it is after all the best dungeon.

Kicked from group for being too low level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


1. When a player reaches 80, they usually have at least full yellow gear that is either level 80 or 78. You cannot expect the same gear quality from someone who is leveling. This makes the average level 80 scaled down more effective than the average leveler scaled down if you remove the skill factor.
2. A player that has reached 80 most likely knows their class better than one that is leveling their character.
3. A player that has reached 80 has most likely ran AC before while a leveler may not have.

These 3 things are not absolutes and there are exceptions, A level 80 could have bad gear and a leveler could have really good gear, a level 80 could be awful while a leveler is highly skilled and a level 80 could have never touched a dungeon in their life while a leveler has. However, blindly choosing people in a group is not about absolutes, it is about chances and when it comes down to it, choosing a level 80 will give you a better chance of having a competent group member than having a leveler join you

*on a side note I hate 5 signet warriors, there are 3 viable signets in my opinion, healing for low cd and passive regen, stamina for endurance recovery and condition removal, fury for low cd and buffs that don’t depend on banner placement. FGJ > signet of might. berserker stance > signet of fury for adrenaline gain. balanced stance > dolyak signet if stability is needed. You could make an argument that a warrior who is leveling would like the passive stats but active abilities will be more useful than the passive stats if you use them effectively.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Story Modes Need to Give Tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


They could just allow you to enter explorable mode without doing story mode since you’re supposed to do story mode for…the story rather than the ability to do explorable mode.
I also do find it a shame that there is no real reward for replaying story since having completed all of the story modes and most of the explorables, I have found that story modes in general are much more polished than explorables.
In addition, although the content is easier to get through, it is by no means less time consuming than explorables so I see no problem in rewarding tokens after story mode as well.

Pug Speedrunning and Trash

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


nachtnebel hit it on the head. Speedrunning is a risk/reward that allows you to get roughly the same amount of loot in less time by skipping some fights. Adding a system such as yours would encourage EVERYONE to not speedrun at all rather than just the pugs you mention. Why not either, not run with pugs if this is a problem for you or explain to pugs what they need to do better.


in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


sounds like to me is that all anet has to do is put a cap on aoe healing like it does on aoe damage. No way a 5 man heal every 20-30 seconds is going to outheal aoe damage practically every second.

*I’ve never actually seen this strategy myself but I heard it depends heavily on healing shouts which has infinite targets and can heal around 2k health per pop

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that thai alliance knew it was bugged. from what I saw, I think they were trying to gather their players to secure the journey to bay while all the other BG players fought on the first floor

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I like how I just gave an account of what happened that would show it was not a hack and 3 people just completely disregard the post and call it a hack anyways.
Sigh… people will believe what they want to believe, not the truth that is in front of them.

make that 2 people over 3 posts.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


@people talking about the orb being taken at SBI borderlands. I’m not sure why the indicator wasn’t working but the orb carrier was hiding inside the keep for at least 5-10mins before he left for bay. I missed exactly what happened because I died but I did catch the carrier and about 10ish members of his guild swimming through the entrance to bay. wouldn’t be surprised if there were chain portals involved.

in case you were wondering I think it was Thai Alliance that took it

(edited by Wizzey.7845)