Showing Posts For Wizzey.7845:

2 rangers made my day.....

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I went through a lot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


you can play whatever profession you want to play.

Leveling an alt is so much more tedious now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Queen’s Gauntlet is great for leveling lowbies. Went from 1-80 in a week.
The XP from the events on each champ, then the huge boost after completion and then the donation XP for spending a single silver? almost a guaranteed level each run.

Not including the Tomes you can also buy from the tokens if you do enough as well.

Off topic: You are literally that guy no one wants in gold boss blitzes.

On Topic: I also agree, many of the mid tier skill acquisitions are like 100% complete (insert map here) which is really tedious and I imagine would be repetitive to be done on multiple characters. Additionally, the gold prices for buying the higher tier traits are really steep practically making the event mandatory.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Well I was hoping it would be both since these things are not mutually exclusive, but as you see, it got derailed along the way. I’m pretty surprised how many yes votes I’ve seen so far in the poll since I was definitely expecting more no’s than yes’s. I’ll see how long this thread stays alive and how many votes pile up.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845

Wizzey.7845’s like a paid petition?

Yeah, I’d say it is closest to kickstarter funding and I am not sure if there is a term for that.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I think it’s cute that you’re trying so hard to get people to visit your poll. But cuteness aside, your poll is meaningless. Even if you get more responses, there’s no way to differentiate players from non-players, real answers or troll, and Gem Buyers from Gem Exchangers.

Note – I could spam 100,000 “no” votes to your 5 “yes” votes, and it would hold the same weight as 100,000 “yes” votes to 5 “no” votes. Why? Because meaningless poll is meaningless. The only accurate way to get data is to work for Anet, and have access to their metrics.

The longer this stays on the front page, the more votes I gather, the more useful the poll is. I hadn’t considered people would sabotage the votes because only a troll would do that and I am not a troll. however, I am convinced that you are a troll, and so will no longer respond to you.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


No, you’re right, if you interpret it as everyone that didn’t take the poll as voting no, you’re extrapolating it in an extremely negative light which doesn’t make sense. You simply have five out of twelve people in favor of your idea. You don’t know that the rest of the population is for or against it, as they haven’t voted.

You don’t have three million “no” votes, you have three million “abstain” which means nothing. That’s why I said the only way to interpret 5/12 is exactly that, 5/12.

going by this logic, every poll is useless because it does not take every single person’s opinion.
You are right that I don’t know for sure what the rest of the population is thinking but I do have a better idea of what they are thinking than if I didn’t look at the poll results at all.

What if WP cost scale on Achievement points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Then having high AP would be a bad thing, it’s counter-intuitive :/

quote for truth.

Earning achievement points should never be detrimental.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I never claimed that this would provide any reliable results as to total numbers for or against so stop attacking claims I didn’t make. I don’t think that any results from a poll like this could give accurate results since everyone who takes it had to:
A) look at the forums
B) look at this particular thread
C) had to answer the poll
The only way to get accurate results is to actually go through with the idea. The point of the poll is to get an idea of how many people would be behind the idea before going through with it.

That aside, saying everybody that didn’t take the poll would say no (which is what comparing the yes votes to the entire pool is doing) does not make any sense.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


You still can’t extrapolate five votes out of twelve and have it be a viable statistic to state that over a million people would be in favor. Else we wouldn’t need more then twenty people to vote in any given election.

Did I make a guarantee that 1 million people would be in favor. No I did not. I said that IF, really emphasizing that IF, the 5/12 trend continued it would lead to that result. I did this in response to someone saying 5 votes don’t matter compared to 3 million registered accounts.

What makes more sense, applying the ratio a poll suggests to the entire pool of registered accounts or comparing the people who voted yes to a poll to the entire pool of registered accounts?

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


if the 5 per 12 people trend continued for 3 million accounts, that would be 1 and a quarter million.

You need to learn a bit of how marketing research works before assuming such things.

please enlighten me then on how else I should interpret 5 out of 12 polltakers supporting an idea.

kitten out of 12 people who saw the poll. Sample sizes don’t work with numbers this small.

Edit: Ok that’s a new one. A s is not the same as the body part.

It is still more accurate than suggesting that only the 5 people that answered the poll would be the only ones that would do it which is what smooth penguin’s first response implied. I don’t doubt that there are biases involved in this poll that will skew the results but completely discounting the poll because of them gets us nowhere.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


if the 5 per 12 people trend continued for 3 million accounts, that would be 1 and a quarter million.

You need to learn a bit of how marketing research works before assuming such things.

please enlighten me then on how else I should interpret 5 out of 12 polltakers supporting an idea.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The concerns about tying it to a mini make sense but this could easily just be an armor skin similar to all the professions specific starter equipment or could even just a be a giant heal o tron that makes a new profession once you feed it enough gems. I just figure that people would want to get some token in return for the money they give that doesn’t give them an advantage over those who don’t.

I didn’t want to add things to the poll that are basically maybe’s. An option that says
Yes if the class is cool, no if it is not is very vague.

if 3/4 of the playerbase doesn’t support it, they don’t have to spend gems on it. You don’t need everybody to support it to make it work.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


if the 5 per 12 people trend continued for 3 million accounts, that would be 1 and a quarter million.

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The point is that players are willing to spend more money if they know that the money is going towards something that they want. There’ve only been 12 votes on the poll but 5 out of 12 are willing to spend 500 gems towards an item that doesn’t really give them anything because it goes towards a new class. I think that alone says something

What class would you most like to see in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I haven’t played GW1 but I would like to see a soldier class that used an energy system similar to a thief. Flavor wise, they could have a battery or something similar and use more asura-ey technology rather than the charry engineer tech.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Gem store mini for making a new profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


So I play dota 2 and one of the recent things they’ve done is The International Compendium. Compendiums are in game “books” that keep a record of the tournament as well as give other items and account boons and such. A significant portion of the money goes directly into the tournament prize pool as well as providing funding for new features as more are bought that are advertised on the compendium’s site. So far it has been a pretty huge success to the point that they had to make a new round of features because the goals for the first set of features was surpassed.

What I find great about the idea is that there is a direct link to the money spent to the features funded that is visible to the consumers. I am also curious how receptive the GW2 community is to the idea if it were applied to a new profession. So I’ll just throw up this poll and see what happens.

I just realized I messed up on the poll, the second choice should be:
No, I only buy gem store items for convenience or I don’t buy gem store items at all

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Gold Vs Silver Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The other day, I was leading a primarily gold, occasional silver map. My policy on it is to burn at 15s regardless of readiness. Usually this ends up with a silver but once it did end up with a clutch 1s remaining gold (the not ready group was shurakk at 3ish percent). It only takes a few minutes to kill the “voltron” boss and if it takes longer than maybe your map’s player quality is not high enough for gold anyways. I also find it really fun to fight the bosses with all of the mechanics flying at you but some people don’t enjoy the chaos as much as I.


in Living World

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Why do people want mounts?

Because they are awesome???

Ok I can get behind this. Although I prefer waypoints over depending on them mechanically, purely cosmetic mounts are awesome (there’s already a few).

Charge for All Episodes - regardless

in Living World

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The most important aspect of an MMORPG are the players. If you start charging for content at this point, many players would leave and would hurt the game much more than help it. The point of the cash shop is to make it so that players that enjoy the game can choose to pay more to support it and to set their own price for it depending on how much they value the game.

That aside, I do not like the make it free if you were there, 200 gems if you weren’t, approach they are taking. I think it should be 200 gems to unlock it for revisiting regardless of whether you were there or not.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)


in Living World

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Why do people see the need in trying to change the game into what they think they want?

Everyone has their own vision of the game, some people want some things, others want other things; The game caters to some and not others. There will always be people that disagree with the direction the game is going even if Anet are making the “best” (most popular / profitable) decisions.

Why do people complain about the game so much?

Amidst the sea of complaining, there are legitimate criticisms and concerns. While the majority are hyperbole and shouldn’t be taken seriously, there is usually a legitimate reason for the complaining that should be taken seriously. For instance with the Crown Pavilion.

Hyperbole: Anet’s Crown Pavilion is a zergfest and it is impossible to get an organized group started.

Legitimate Concerns: It is hard to predictably get groups of people on the same map, chat suppression is a detriment to cooperation, It is easy for people to leech and make it harder for everyone else who wants to succeed.

Why do people want mounts?

I don’t know, waypoints are awesome.

Why can’t people let Anet do their jobs instead of trying to do it for them?

Anet wouldn’t even have these forums if they didn’t find the feedback and discussion useful. All but the most toxic of feedback helps. Reading and considering views on this forum is part of “their jobs.”

Why do people want to make this game into their old game?

Why do people want expansions, When living story will add more content for free over time?

Personally, as someone who buys gems somewhat regularly, would rather throw some money at Anet for an expansion if they added more content then they do now. This comes down to the whole Cash Shop vs Subscription debate. Generally, people with more disposable income would rather spend it to get more regular game content and people without it are reluctant to spend more.

SRSLY? Come on...

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


if by one month, you mean 5 days then I guess your point is valid. I would rather them take a few days to make sure everyone gets the correct amount of tickets before throwing the rewards at us anyways

Ready Up: 5/30 @ 12PM PDT

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I have ask that in the “talk about the WvW Spring Tournament” section we might get some feed back on the issues the WvW community has had with Seasons and how they are handled?

No, they’re going to talk about how much a success it was and what they have planned for the next Pve inclusion.

No reason to be so negative BEFORE they’ve even said anything. If they do this, criticize them afterward, no use whining over nothing.

Favourite Moments in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Once during an assault on the green EB keep, I ran up to a treb on the lighthouse vista, took it down and the guy manning it and proceeded to knock 4 people that followed me off as they tried to jump up to me. Then, our trebs took out the wall with the stairs that allowed you to get up there. I then sat on top of the lord room dome thing and spammed /wave at the enemy zerg that couldn’t deal with me until they got rebuilt the wall. I ended up logging off before that happened though.

Best of Season 2

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Screw MERC.

Runs from us 6 days a week but comes out on Friday to roll our lowbies karma training.

I’m just going to assume you aren’t talking about the same MERC as the OP

We need City Maps.

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The Frostreach area of EotM is actually pretty similar to this, too bad everyone just ktrains it 24/7.

Why start new content before WvW season ENDS?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


To be honest, I doubt the PvEers would want to WvW after the last 2 months anyways. They are probably bored of it. I’d rather have more people playing the game in general than having a higher percentage in WvW any day.

Returning Player with Questions

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


1) looking at the time that you play in, it corresponds to 9pm to 1am CEST (Central European Summer Time) which puts you into a mid to late EU time slot. There are not very many servers that are active during that time since the majority of players in Europe are obviously playing on EU servers. Although I would be stoked to have you on my server (Jade Quarry) since we don’t have any players during that time, I would recommend either Tarnished Coast or Blackgate as the only servers that really have any presence at that time. Since the last thing we need is more players hopping on to Blackgate, I would recommend you join Tarnished Coast. I believe Helioz is one of the bigger EU guilds on that server.

2) I’m sure once you join a guild no matter where they are, there will be some guardians willing to show you the ropes. I don’t play guard but the majority of those that I know run some combination of Staff(for swiftness symbols, empowers, lines and lootsticking), Hammer (for spammable blast finishers, banishes, immobs and rings), Greatsword (for pulls, retal, leaps, spin2win) along with Stand Your Ground for party stability, Hold The Line for protection, and Purging Flames to cleanse conditions. Traits are usually at least 20 in honor for shouts cooldown, dodge heals, two hand mastery and the rest varies from player to player depending on preferences.

3) The way gear works in this game is it is pretty easy to get a set of exotic armour and that puts you at about 90 % effectiveness. After that there is ascended quality gear that requires a lot of time(they require laurels which is basically a currency you get from doing dailies and monthlies and so are timegated, ascended material crafting is also timegated), money, and effort to craft in the case of weapons, armour and backpieces, and buy in the case of rings, accessories and amulets. Word from the wise, join a guild and start doing guild missions immediately because it is the best way to get ascended accessories and the latest update made them account bound, so you can switch them between characters if you have multiple. Additionally, it is faster to get rings by running fractals daily than it is to buy them off the laurel vendor but I personally could never get into fractals or anything PvE for that matter.

Starting off, buy a set of exotics (probably a lot of soldier’s gear to make up for your lack of hitpoints as a guardian). if you really like the build/game, you can start saving up for ascended gear. If you do buy armor with WvW badges, be wary that you CANNOT SALVAGE them. This means you should not put expensive sigils/runes into them since you can never get them back. Personally, I would recommend just buying crafted armor and buy siege with badges and either use it or sell it on the marketplace.

4) Eotm Eotm Eotm Eotm Eotm. Basically, the majority of players use this as a karma / experience train (which I think is a huge waste of its potential as a WvW map), I’ve heard of people leveling from 0 to 80 in as little as 20 hours.

5?) Welcome back, I’ll see you on the battlefield.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Arenanet want $$? Make an expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


snip to prevent quote wall

Comparing GW1 and GW2 is a bit flawed because the market then was completely different from what it is now. Back then, every game was subscription and had the expansion model so the one game that has an expansion model without subscriptions would do pretty well. However, nowadays, there are so many F2P games that making people buy new expansions will probably make people leave and also prevent new players from coming in as well. If you need any evidence of why players would leave, just look at how WoW is hemorrhaging players in spite of having much more addictive mechanics that make you keep playing.( I really don’t agree with the whole gear treadmill mechanics of WoW and am biased against everything Blizzard because of everything they have done after D2.) As to why new players would stop coming, GW2 is a great value for it’s one time purchase and gives way more content and has much more longevity than any other game you can buy at it’s price. However, if there were say 2 20 dollar expansions. A player that might want to get into GW2 would see the 50 dollar initial price for GW2 and 40 more dollars for the expansions. The most sensible way to approach it is decide if the 50 dollar base game is worth it, if it is, buy it, play it and then decide if, individually, the 20 dollar expansions are worth it. However, for better or for worse, a possible new player would be thinking about things in a binary buy all or buy none point of view. A huge 90 dollar pay wall is enough to scare away the vast majority of possible new players, especially when compared to all the F2P games that GW2 has as competition. (Even if those games are usually pretty low quality and try to scalp players with extremely unfair pay for power options. but that is another discussion entirely.)

Arenanet want $$? Make an expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I doubt they would switch over to the expansion model compared to what they are doing now. In order to make an expansion worthy of buying, they would have to have a ton of resources dedicated in order to make all of the maps, dungeons, bosses etc. necessary, withold the content until it is large enough to be released as an expansion and then release it. All the while they would be losing players due to the complete lack of new content over say 6 months. Meanwhile, the living story format has roughly monthly updates that gives players something new to see at a predictable pace and avoids long content droughts.(except for this WvW tournament…they probably should’ve witheld EotM until the beginning of the WvW tournament instead of during the Scarlet LS content)
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the living story format. The problem is that many items in the cash shop feel like they are unfair prices, and that alienates people. Additionally, much of the content from the living story releases are completely removed from the game once the couple of weeks are over, this also alienates new players AND also undermines them as additions of the game since they are temporary.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

wvw penalty and gift of battle

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Either in Eotm or they could just put him near the WvW portals in Gendarran/Lion’s Arch.

Badges of Honor farming?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


EotM is indeed the best place to farm badges of honor, and if it is the primary source of leveling your characters, you’ll get plenty of badges for gear. As a warning, you can’t salvage WvW gear so any sigils or runes you put in are stuck there.

Create Level 80 and Uplevel instances of EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845



Add one more topic about WvW elitism to the forum. What what………..? WvW is the zerg. Player level or skill level has next to nothing to do with it.

WvW players as elite players is an oxymoron at best. Keep trying though! It’s funny to watch you try.

where exactly did I mention anything about player skill. Uplevels are strictly worse at fighting than level 80s, why not have them fight each other instead of players they have a disadvantage against. The problem is that currently, the majority of players are treating EotM as a PvE map and actively avoiding conflict with other players This stems from people on uplevels not wanting to fight against 80s because it is an unfair fight.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Create Level 80 and Uplevel instances of EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


While I don’t do karma trains to level alts, I am completely against this. Good luck getting a zerg of up levels to take on level 80 mobs. How often is EotM ran between seasons? How many people actually run in the trains between seasons?

If level 80 mobs murdering uplevels is such a problem, they can just scale down the difficulty of them on the uplevel map. The point of separating instances is to level the playing field for players that want to fight other players, it’s a WvW map, not a PvE map.

I’m sure there will at least be enough uplevels to fill atn least an instance of one map and enough 80s to fill at least an instance of another between seasons and that is all that is needed.

Create Level 80 and Uplevel instances of EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


So then we wouldn’t longer be allowed to make our EotM-Guild-Raid with mixed levels? No thank you. It’s a lot of fun if everyone can take the toon he/she want’s, and I think we don’t like to split up to different maps.
I would prefer a EotM-PvE-tendig (Karmatrain) and EotM-CvC-tending (color-vs-color) map separation or commander badge color seperation (blue as usual, pink for karma train commanders). Really don’t like it that commanders get flamed because they fight the other zerg. If someone don’t want to fight he still can go to Queensdale… or switch to another EotM map with PvE commander.

If you do run mixed level groups in EotM, then surely your uplevels are not contributing as much as your level 80s. There’s a reason why commanders don’t like having uplevels following them in normal WvW, and that is that they are a liability and/or rallybot. Every time I’ve done EotM with a group, we either all agree to ktrain on uplevels and a few people without alts stick to 80s or we agree to all bring 80s and fight(farm) players.
EotM should not be a PvE karma train and there should be no PvE trending instance for it, there are enough maps to do that on as it is. It is a WvW style map and so players fighting other players should be what is emphasized.

Prior Disciplinary Action Was Taken

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I concur that the ability to stack people, which occurred both in Season 1 and Season 2 on all of the Tier 1 servers, is a detriment to WvW as a whole, and to both Seasons, and just plain to people’s ability to have fun. Given that ArenaNet’s sole source of revenue from WvW appears to be the fees for server transfers, I see this problem as intractable and can not see a viable solution (meaning perhaps there should not be further Seasons).

I draw a line when people effectively can’t play. There was a 2v1 a couple of weeks back when the 1 was being spawn camped and the 2 were severely ostracizing any members who attacked players or objectives of the other. That resulted in the entire WvW population of 3 servers effectively unable to play for an entire week. Where is the fun in that?

I also draw a line at win trading, also known as match fixing. That has been seen as unsportsmanlike conduct since long before I was born.

However, and this is important, my opinion on this topic is irrelevant to the competition. I don’t get to draw lines. ArenaNet makes the rules, and ArenaNet is the sole enforcer of the rules, and all of us must abide by their choices. To date, I observe ArenaNet appearing to act as if their choice is exactly as you describe in your final paragraph above.

Well there was a 2v1 2 weeks before that where I was defending the final tower on my home BL from alternating attacks from the two other servers’ map blobs where one would wipe, taking out an AC or two, then the other would come while the first reformed…rinse and repeat. Skritt happens, no server is special or has a moral high ground here.
Additionally, the 2v1 you speak of officially ended after the weekend, it persisted throughout the rest of the week because people on the 1 complained about it and those on the 2 found it entertaining.

in Season 1, a server was 2v1’d during the first week to ensure that they were not competitive for the remainder of the season. Sounds like match manipulation to me. No server has a moral high ground here either.
I still stand by that any sportsmanlike conduct only applies to games with equal sides, which is untrue in WvW.

Prior Disciplinary Action Was Taken

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


snip, accidentally double posted, see below.

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

Create Level 80 and Uplevel instances of EotM

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


We all know EotM is just a fancy Karma and/or Level train and that it has the potential to be much better than this. My suggestion to start moving away from this is by making maps that separate uplevels from level 80s. We all know that uplevels are pretty much useless when compared to level 80s due to lack of skills, lack of traits, lack of gear, and a lack of build focus. The reason they are on the same map is because of anyone should be able to join regular WvW no matter what level they are (although it is frowned upon to be on an uplevel when you have an alternative.) This restriction shouldn’t really apply to EotM since there are so many different instances of the same map. If we throw all the uplevels on one map and 80s on the other we can at least level the playing field between individuals somewhat. This may not prevent the training (although I guess you could call the uplevel maps level trains while the 80s maps are classic Ktrains) but it would at least be a step in the right direction of playing EotM the way it was meant to be played (ie not a PvE train.)

Prior Disciplinary Action Was Taken

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Pretty sure that you are here to defend a specific server and punish two other particular servers in spite of what your last comment says, otherwise what would be the point of creating this thread in the first place. That aside, your example is a pretty bad one since the whole point of that exploit is to throw away your rating and lose on purpose in order to obtain pvp rewards with as little effort as possible. If anything, that could be likened to the typical behavior in EotM these days but I’m not going to open that can of worms.

I do find it amusing that you and everyone else from the particular server that your are “not” defending have such a double standard. According to you guys it’s ok to 2v1 when it doesn’t actually make the matchup deviate from your expectations BUT when it is done to a degree to actually effect a result you don’t expect it’s unsportsmanlike and cheating. Where is the line that is crossed, is it cross-world communication? We all know that anyone can join party and message anyone from other servers anyways and that anything 3rd party can’t be considered cheating by Anet. Is it using politics as an additional means to win the season instead of just population and coverage? From what I’ve heard, the same was done in season 1, but apparently a particular server won that “fair and square.” Is it because the numbers aren’t in your favor? In sPvP and normal sports for that matter, there is an even number on each side and all other things being equal, each side has an even chance of winning. However, in WvW, the numbers are NEVER equal, that is why we have 3-way instead 2-way matches because we all know which server would win if you remove skill and politics from the equation. As such, values and moral standards from those formats don’t apply here.

The way I see it, All’s Fair in Love and WvW. Any strategy that results in the greatest chance of winning overall is allowed and should be encouraged. Otherwise you end up in the situation that every other league except NA gold is in where a single server has blown out every other server every single week of the season with the only variation being servers 2-9 duking it out for the remaining positions in the last few weeks. Where’s the fun in that?

(edited by Wizzey.7845)

HGH bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I’m not sure if this is intended or not but I’ve been trying an HGH build lately but I think I only get 1 might stack from tossing elixirs even though the tooltips say I should get 2. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing.

WvW S2 Ticket Vender is it a Temp Vender?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I doubt it since there are still vendors for event stuff from a year ago. In addition, your tickets are supposed to carry over between seasons as well I think.

Best class for condition damage in WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


I’d for the most part agree with SpellofIniquity’s post but things change a bit depending on how much condition cleanse your enemy has. Engineer has the biggest diversity of conditions, so they are less affected by condition clearing when compared to other classes, however they also don’t pour on the bleed stacks like other classes do.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Play for fun?

This. Too bad there’s almost none on the currently state of WvW, except if you are on a T1~T2 server having even fights.

And nice solution. The system is totally not working for 20 of the 24 servers? Move to one of the few servers where it works and stop asking anet for solutions.

I doubt everyone on the “20 out of 24” servers are as unhappy about their situation as you are. The only server I actually feel bad for is SoR since they just got assigned to a purgatory that is Silver League for 9 weeks with no hope of being moved down toward servers that they are competitive with until the tournament is over. Almost every other matchup this week seems to be close enough in score to suggest that the servers are pretty close to each other in competitiveness and so there must be even fights going on. If anything, the scores suggest that T1/T2 are the least even matches this week.

Regardless, it is your fault for staying in a situation/server that you are not happy with. Anet may have made the servers but it is the players that make them home. As such it is up to the players to find a server that they are happy with.

Is EOTM good for leveling ?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


From my experience, Overgrowth (green) servers generally have higher total pop than the other two servers. In addition, joining the match midway through often throws you into outmanned teams (at least if you are Frostreach or Badlands) because Overgrowth’s total pop just outnumbers the others. If Overgrowth’s commander just happens to feel like being a bully then you’re probably not going to level that quickly if they decide to camp your spawn constantly.

speculation: Megaservers, transfer fees, WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


Is there someone from a non-stacked server that think things are ok the way they are now?

Yestarday we worked hard, again, to guard and upgrade Hills, Bay and Garri. We also put a WP in each one. Oh boy, I was still online to see, during the off hours, the other server, with a large Oceanic presence, take everything with a 50+ man blob and 10+ golens, with absolutely no resistence of our part, because at the time, we had 15 people TOPS on the whole kitten map.

Now I have to ask, what incentive do we have, as a server without 25% of the other server coverage, to play and work kitten our prime time to upgrade and guard stuff, knowing that they will not be there next morning?

Skills, right?

Play for fights? Play for bags? Play for fun? It’s a game, not a second job. If losing because of forces out of your control really bothers you that much then go transfer to a T1 server.

As stated by others, Megaservering WvW would break apart server communities that people have worked hard to develop and maintain. Not to mention the HUGE loss of organization due to the lack of public voice chat and the cycling of unfamiliar commanders that would devolve WvW into EotM-like blob v blob action except perhaps with less uplevels.

Separating players into teams by assigning guilds to pseudo-servers as others have suggested would happen is also a bad idea. For one, many people represent different guilds during different times and so you would be forcing them to choose one or even worse, making the choice for them. Additionally, I and others on my server have friends on the server who are not in my guild, it doesn’t seem fair that I’d be assigned against them 2/3 of the time.

Please remove teleport in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


well in this world teleporting to waypoints is the main way of traveling for us…it makes sense. That aside, it would be pretty impossible to defend against zergs and would probably help them more than harm them. That and people could always port by suiciding but they would have to find a tall cliff to do it, or kitten off a pack of moas or something. Although it would be rather entertaining having a commander to tell a zerg “suicide to moas, we need to defend garrison” it’s pretty silly at best.

Active Rewarding vs Passive

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The problem with that is that it encourages karma training even more than usual. Personally I think there should be something like that should implemented though, something like a percentage of the points that the fortification accumulated while under the defender’s control immediately goes to the attacking server that takes it. It would be like a serverwide mega bloodlust stomp when a waypointed keep falls. As of now, score wise taking a fully upgraded, waypointed keep is the exact same as taking one with paper everything and this seems wrong to me.

When will defending become viable?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


A fully upgraded keep can’t be taken in 3 minutes, which is the point, a paper keep on the other hand probably can. The point of the upgrades is to buy time for defenders to come, generally the defenders have a way of getting back to the fight quickly while attackers do not. This is why the majority of the fights usually end up being over the lord’s room and in these fights the defenders almost always win (2v1ing aside). However, without upgraded walls and/or gates, the defenders would not even have the time to respond and would just lose it before the fight even starts.

Mistforged Weapons and Low Tier Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


To be honest, everything about this tournament seems poorly thought out. There was no reason to give people less tickets for lower ranked servers. They could have just given out the same amount of tickets to everybody regardless of server rank. Someone who fights hard in the last place server deserves just as much of a reward who does so on the first place server, if not more. Any true WvWer would fight for their server for the sake of fighting for their server, this whole “rewards based on server placement” thing basically spits on that philosophy. Don’t even get me started on how this tournament brings a bunch of PvE players into WvW who don’t know what they are doing and who are more interested in the shiny prize at the end and ticking off their achievement list than actually being helpful. Not to mention that the queues (which used to be existent but bearable on my server) are now ridiculously long and the even more commonplace skill lag that comes from having every side on every map full of players.

To top it all off, I just don’t understand who even WANTED this. Most WvWers would fight regardless of the tournament, PvE players are now forced into an unfamiliar environment because they just want to get their achievement points done. Anyone new to WvW who might’ve been converted into a regular WvW player is probably just frustrated by the skill lag and queues to the point where they’ll never come back after the season.

Why all the QQ constantly?

in WvW

Posted by: Wizzey.7845


The whole point of forums are to discuss things, there is no reason to discuss things that aren’t problematic. This leads to the forums being filled with what you call QQ. Generally, I do agree with you, GW2 is a great game that is reasonably balanced and fun to play. However, it does have its flaws and the forums basically inflate those flaws to ridiculous levels.