(edited by Zapan.7460)
Nice touch, to have many links in the thread to information (gj!)… and not in Crafting forum.
There is a Necro forum: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer
and then there is this: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/36-necromancer/
My 3rd 80 character is a Necro. (1st Thief, 2nd Elementalist, 4th may be Guardian or Warrior or Mesmer; not hurried to get those 3 ranked up)
Necro is fine as is. (imho)
There is a thread about this on the Bugs forum:
Basically, the devs are aware of it and they have a fix in the works that will correct the bugged events that are stopping the Behemoth from showing up. (I don’t think it will come in the 14th Dec patch though.)
scrolling up this page (FYI).
GW1 Gargoyles… hmmm. Even more bizarre research that may or may not lead to discovery of the location that holds the Final Rest staff:
“Lenerd Aberold Location: Diessa Lowlands (outside Grendich Courthouse)”
-.- Grendich *Dramatic Chipmunk music 0o
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this might also help. I had been confused when I got Shadow Armor recipes, then I researched to identify the materials necessary to make it; made the correct Insignia, applied them to the appropriate other items (boot lining, boot other thingy) and whaalaa i had made Shadow style item.
Here is Devout or Recipe: Ash Legion’s Boot: http://www.gw2db.com/recipes/4297-devout-shoes#related:total-items
I’ll add my own idea. Has anyone explored the “Defeat the Trio of Risen Sea Monsters” event in Malchor’s Leap? The event itself just to the west of Snaketail Inlet, in a circle around the skill point.
I’d not ever had enough to take on the 3 beasts, but I have done the lil jumping puzzle near them. When I saw the 3 beasts… I was scared. Under water and LARGE bosses! oh my!
This event is close to the poi Malchor’s Anguish. This poi is weird because the name changes between that and Dhuum’s Last Stand.
that POI can at times be related to the Altar of Tempests event. I’d bet when the Temptest event is active ( http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Drive_Malchor_to_the_Altar_of_Tempests ) the name changes from the usual Dhuum’s Last Stand.
I’d participated in that event a few times, begins at Temple, says to go get Malchor (POI), get him to the temple (beat on him, then he begins to swim/run towards temple; repeat a few times with mobs spawning), and fight boss ( http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cathedral_of_Zephyrs ).
friendly reminder/food for thought: this may be (not put in game yet; obviously) an alternative way to getting a Precursor and the rest of the process to get a Legendary will still be there. When it is eventually (possibly) put in game, using the MForge and Dragon loot still have the chance to get precursors, I’d assume.
Perhaps it helps to get a specific Precursor, or maybe it might give you a random one that maybe you can’t use for your current characters. Like the Ancient Karka did. 0o
i used GW2lfg yesterday, 3 times, 3 characters, each was a better group than the last. Having 1 that has done it helps to alert the group to each boss mechanics.
I learned to refer to the last cannons as “Glitter cannons” and using that after learning the term got funny replies while they used them. “he looks fabulous”
Remember to delete your post after finding a group, or be ready to get whispers for grouping up, and having to say “sorry, found a group. good luck”
I’ve done personal story on 3 characters. Upon beating the Mouth Of Zhaitan, the cut scene immediately began and did not allow anyone from party to loot his body.
upon defeat, there should be at least a 30 second delay before the cut scene, or a talk to NPC to begin cut scene. I feel I might have lost a potential exotic named weapon drop from not looting him.
after killing the 3 Vets, head to the choppa! (the downed helicopter event) and get them in the air. I’m not certain, but I think it’s related to the start of the event because there is a cannon in the swamp that is also related to the event. When I did Escort, Warmaster and his group always appeared in the swamp. Escort from swamp, beat the Champ Abomination, to the cave.
Champ Abomination is uber tough, whomever has aggro runs in circles while the others hit the Champ. Champ ignores pretty much all slows or snares and runs very fast at times. Trying to revive the runner (who has aggro) will mean more players will die. Be ready to run back after tanking while downed, or after aggro switches to another player, another might be able to revive… although revive from dead (not downed) takes too long, just run back from Rally Point waypoint or other one.
from what I got from these other threads, if you see an immobile Pack Bull on the road outside the Monastery, the Shadow Bohemoth is very likely to be bugged. Come back to swamp immediately when server resets for best chance of it happening that day.
When trying to do the event in Straight of Orr escorting Warmaster Leddron, I sometimes try to open the http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waywarde_Way because the Champion Abomination outside the cave, has been very mean to smaller groups trying to do this rarely done event, with the double speed as if enraged kicks in…. but when I get that waypoint open, it’s contested in 2 minutes or less. Maybe the waypoint needs to be moved?? (it is awkwardly very close to 2 alters that spawn Risen Acolytes http://gw2.mmorpg-life.com/straits-of-devastation-map-of-pois-waypoints-vistas-skills-and-more/32263/ )
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in the hero window, the achievments, do have daily (PvE & PvP) & monthly (PvE & PvP)…. and you noticed there is not a yearly…. what happens when one gets all achievements currently available, that are not part of the daily & monthly? 0o
100%map completion gets you rewards, what does say… 100% jumping puzzles? Slayer? etc. I’d guess just titles, but maybe one gets more if all of them? all per category? I’d guess map completion being part of Legendary process, makes that aspect special and reason for the reward, where as the other achievements do not give rewards (other than the Anet points).
I’d assume Fashion (cultural armor) achievements would require alts and is an account bound achievement. expensive! http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fashion
I’d like to see drop down windows associated with each achievement to add descriptions and or list with checked boxes next to completed aspect of achievement. (like they did in DCUO with Feats)
been dancing in the swamp for hours (while watching playoffs), and nada. (Dragonbrand)
Something caught my eye when roaming the 3 areas for the related events (Heartwoods, Monastery, Foothills), 2 human NPCs and a Pack Bull immobile… just standing there outside the monastery on the road. Wondering if they moved, might the Monastery the underworld creatures arrive? (3 immobile NPCs on SW of monastery) /shrug
edit saw the bug report thread… mention of the Pack Bull.
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3 PMs gold selling spam last 2 days… i had dreaded being on the forum might have this result. (reported; deleted PMs)
Rare boss…. hmmm…. Ancient Karka!!?? ;P
Shadow Bohemoth… I’d tried to be patient enough to try him in recent days, but it never poped while I was there. Interesting idea… considering how it’s bugged and the game data for Anet should reveal it being Very rare indeed from the bugs… hmmmm.
I searched for Skull Gate in Divinity’s Reach a few days ago, seeking the Tomb http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tomb_of_Blimm , but didn’t find it. Made a thread in GenDiscussion, reply was it’s not in game yet from another user who had looked for it also.
How many other named weapons are in game that have not been won/found yet??
http://www.gw2db.com/items/weapons?filter-item-minimum-level=80&filter-item-rarity=6&page=7 (page with Final Rest, but so many other exotics, needs another filter on that there site)
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/10weip/list_of_named_exotic_weapons/ (some marked as Recipe created)
I’m leaning towards agreeing with it being in Catacombs with Warmaster Laddron’s event. http://guildwars2.mmmos.com/?page=view&id=4037
PS: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gargoyle_Scythe
just the PvP version, right? confirming Gargoyle, if it is the PvP version of Final Rest. y no image in wiki or DB? edit: yes, it’s the PvP version. checked sPvP locker. took out Imp stuff from post.
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BTW: Read via google that Linsey doesn’t work for Arenanet anymore. How come?
Linsey?? what? did you read the 2010 article about leaving GW1 live team? http://massively.joystiq.com/2010/07/23/linsey-murdock-stepping-down-from-arenanet-live-team/
TY for posting Colin!
Beta weekend event: The Great Critter Hunt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VSoQsdVYQo
there was a ferocious bunny! (other videos of it online too)
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Been doing extra research, combing through http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:ArenaNet_concept_art but much like the soldiers in a desert scene of Space Balls….
well, there is this http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Gargoyle_concept_art.jpg is one of these on the staff or not? /shrug
Bacon vendor of Tyria must have been located in the http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Great_Collapse and was never heard of again.
“Trivia: A Canthan district was already built into the game and polished, but had to be removed after negative feedback from the Asian market about the mix of various cultural architecture. Due to time constraints the district was then replaced by the Great Collapse.” I laugh when i see that trivia part on wiki, and remember the 1st time i read it… and said “seriously?!”
same method, picking the threads found, i got this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/crafting/Patch-fixing-precursors/first#post767166
Linsey Murdock post middle of page 1.
“Linsey Murdock scavenger” in google: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/linsey-murdock-unveils-new-high-end-ascended-gear/
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Antre_of_Adjournment (jumping puzzle) has http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smuggler%27s_Loot X7 of them, which can contain materials, more often than gear, weapons, or trinkets.
I use the puzzle as a quick easy way to subsidize the material farming that’d come from beating plentiful mobs in certain events.
what rank material are you having difficulty finding?
Taking a high rank character into low rank maps= mixes high rank loot of your character with rank loot of the map, which can add lower potential to get materials of a lower rank.
Is there a crafted armor set you want to make? http://www.gw2armor.com/
for my rank 80 Light armored Necro and Elem, I got exotics from AC gear & Karma vendors in Orr. Elem uses Shadow armor style (rank 25) transmuted, and the Necro uses Heritage armor style (transmuted).
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting_material (includes salvaging tips) If it’s white tier loot, salvage it. is what I do, and still make decent money selling all other loot. (I’m not seeking to stack materials or need more… except to make weapons to chuck into MForge infrequently for a chance at a Precursor. selling blues and greens helps to buy materials for insignias from TP infrequently)
I haz too much Silk and thick Leather Sections, but I also has alts,… will use the silk at some point. not the leather though
(edited by Zapan.7460)
good discussion going. adding the preview code again:
[&AgGgSwAA] Final Rest
got the code from http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/10weip/list_of_named_exotic_weapons/
I was previewing it with my characters (necro’Sylvari & elementalist’Char). Not really a good look for either of them. If i got one, I’d offer to guild mate, if no interest, then sell it. I did escort Warmaster Leddron (event) once tonight…. 2 greens, rest were blues from the chest. That Champ Risen Abomination before reaching the catacombs & the Abomination inside the catacombs, just ignores snares and frozen ground 95% of the time. Can’t slow’m down! Someone in the group is always running for their life in circles. hehhehhehheh
wiki has galleries of most skins. Here is the torch page: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_Torches
then there is the reddit page of preview codes for named weapons (some on wiki, some not); copy code in browser, paste in game chat (guild chat, to not bother too many random players) and click the link in chat, then pick preview from drop down option. http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/10weip/list_of_named_exotic_weapons/ in the comments below is a gallery of named exotics too. particle effects are not often shown in images, but with searching a specific weapon name, you may get lucky to find other images with effects showing.
Don’t get overexcited with every new idea- Zho’Qafa still feels far more probable than The Artesian Waters
+1 (agree)
I found http://dulfy.net/2012/10/25/gw2-forgotten-stream-achievement-guide/ there is a small chest to the left of the door (commented below the article), which seems to suggest that area has an ending.
edit: also found this: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gargoyle “Gargoyles are creatures which can be found throughout Ascalon and Kryta. Before the Searing in Ascalon, Gargoyles mainly dwelt in the Catacombs.”
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Catacombs “The Catacombs is a large network of tombs in pre-Searing Ascalon. They connect to several places in the kingdom of Ascalon, and have been used as a way of transportation. The catacombs are infested with Undead spirits, making them dangerous to venture into. Poisonous Swamp Water is also found in certain areas of the catacombs. Adventurers who do brave the poisonous water and the swarms of undead are treated to beautiful murals depicting the Gods of Tyria.”
I’ll take my Pre-Searing character into the GW1 catacombs for more clues… just kidding. just kidding. Besides, any research into clues may or may not have anything to do with one or the other aspect being researched.
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It sure would be nice if a Dev chimed in and told us that trying to get the door open to The Artisan Waters room is a not possible with the current game build. (wink wink nudge nudge) I’ve not been able to find anything abut the door opening. A simple yes, it can be opened reply would be enough for some of us. No specifics necessary about the how to do it, but those details would also be appreciated.
I’m wondering around Grenth Low Road in Divinity’s Reach and I see an NPC next to Statue of Grenth: Seraph Guard [Directions], I clicked him to talk and crashed to desktop. Trying to login soon afterwards with that character fail to login. I logged in with another character, went to that location to be sure I got the name of the NPC correct. I was able to login with the original character that spoke to the NPC eventually.
I was eager to burn Book Carts in Divinity’s Reach when I got back into the game, from not being able to login for many minutes. An unsettling feeling, until I tried to login with another character and it worked. I never did find the Skull Gate related to the Tombs of the lower level to Divinity’s Reach. 0o https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Skull-Gate-where/first#post1172789
There is a NPC fairly close, more towards center of the city from Grenth statue, that had [Instructions] next to her name… I spoke to her and did not crash to desktop. She uniquely put a personal waypoint (star) on my map to show me where people gather to pray for the 6 gods.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Artesian_Waters is considered a mini-dungeon? 0o just for finding it or the door at the end of the hall? http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forgotten_Stream Has anyone found the door to be open at a certain time (after an event; not during story mode)?
I’ve always found the door to be closed (very infrequently visited).
A few times I fought Gargantula, and more often than not a player would be in the tunnel to the cave, the spider would walk towards them, and they’d walk further away from the cave. The difference between reset and a NPC mechanic of gaining HP, is with reset the NPC goes back to the starting location. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen it, but I’d guess when it gains HP it doesn’t go back to starting location?
Kiting it in a small area (in the cave). If other player gets aggro, the fun mystery aggro where a boss just finds another player to be tasty for the moment… don’t run away and leash the boss. Leash the boss=reset. Just some aspects I remember to watch for. I never tried it solo, and would not. I recall engineer turrets being placed very close to the entrance of the cave (not inside the cave), and thinking that when the turret had aggro, the spider rest a few times.
Veteran and Champion Karkas… you have a health bar for their shell, and another health bar for after their shell is destroyed. Double health bar NPCs.
DCUO, an enemy (batman/joker) will be attacked, when the health bar reaches a certain point (25%), it triggers a cutscene, and then their health is 100% again, and might go on for 4 rounds (cutscenes).
Gargantula must be thinking, “hey! your health went up!” too.
(edited by Zapan.7460)
indeed. Found the undertaker Sylvari. I can login my character… that got really bad directions to the desktop.
TY. Maybe one day, there will be an instance added into the tomb.
“The city itself is made of heavy stone and mortar contrasting with the wilderness that surrounds the city. It was built with a large underground crypt, which are lined with bones of dead humans and contains the tomb of Blimm. The crypts are accessed via the Skull Gate and requires paperwork to access legally.”
I can’t find the gate. Anyone seen it?
I’m wondering around Grenth Low Road and can’t find it. I did see an NPC next to Statue of Grenth: Seraph Guard [Directions], I clicked him to talk and crashed to desktop…. 0o
I can’t login with that character that tried to speak to him. 0o dangnabit!!
In my day, we played Pac-Man for years. Sure we’d take a few steps to the left or to the right and play Centipede, Donkey Kong, or another arcade game once in a while. We saw the kid using it moments ago who sneezed into their hand and then grab the controls, and we still put a quarter into the machine because our immune system needed to be challenged too. We knew we had limited content and we loved it! Danged kids and your online content and your wanting more player controlled characters near you more often.
;P hehhehhehhehhehehh
Southson cave or whatever its called.
take a moment and read through lists on the map page (POIs, DEs, etc); pick the other Orr map pages if necessary, and try to describe your theory. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cursed_Shore
I’m still working on my theory, I’d finally done this mission that I’d not done before on other characters for one of my alt’s personal story recently, http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Romke%27s_Final_Voyage which has be interested in finding all Eyes of Zhaitan to fight.
randomly found this in my search through Wiki with “Final” and “Resting”: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tomb_of_Blimm and I don’t think this is a place to go/enter. Got me wondering if potential content that might not yet be in game could be on the mind of a Dev who thinks content is in the game, but is still in development stage? Must be challenging to remember so much, that has been tested, is released, in a different build not yet released, etc. I’ll try to find the tomb later, just to try something new. or this one? http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tomb_of_Morlog
http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/68737-ascalonian-catacombs-explorable-mode-guide/ was the AC Jumping puzzle ever given an proper ending or still a jumping puzzle with no chest/ending?
…getting off the trail of the “LARGE boss chest,” ain’t i.
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I want to summon a Fire Imp to assist me as I smear Risen all over the lands of Orr. I’ve infrequently, very infrequently, gotten more Gifts of the Huntsman since GW2 launch, but still have a mule that has yet to enter the post searing world.
_I feel that a descendant of Nicholas Sandford & Professor Yakkington will eventually pop up in GW2. A human body with a Dolyak head…. 0o ;P or a normal offspring for each, that is not of mixed species.
It has grind to a halt for me. I am wearing full Exotics, 100% World Completion. Going after a Legendary is too much of RNG nightmare for me to attempt it. I can’t stand Fractals, which sadly is the only way to progress further.
Only reason why I log in is the occasional dungeon and to chat with my mates. I spend most of my time standing around Lion’s Arch…
most of my time standing around Lion’s Arch…
Hate to say it, but that will be the future of Guild Wars 2.
hehhehhehhehheh the future involves tonics and dancing. well, future already arrived in October: "Guild Wars 2: Polar Bear Dance Party – Gangnam Style " on utube. ;P
(been searching for funniest GW1 and GW2 videos)
+"World vs World vs Moose" LOL
(edited by Zapan.7460)
“plans to add more fun ways to acquire Legendary precursor items”
There might be new ways to get Precursors. I’ve read nothing about new ways to get Legendaries (weapons). 0o
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/linsey-murdock-unveils-new-high-end-ascended-gear/ (anything is subject to possible change, of course)
_I guess a change to Precursor is a change to Legendary process, but who’d really be opposed to getting a Precursor in a new way? The grind for materials and other stuff will still be there. I’ve still dropped many staves into the MForge since the news article released, trying to get a precursor.
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An interesting article. I’ve got 3 rank 80 chars with exotic armor and weapons. 3 alts, 2 rank 50, one rank 42. I’ve done all jumping puzzles & have not done all dungeons. Never completed a Fractal, our group(guild) repeatedly had a player DC while in there (different players each time, that don’t tend to DC ever), we all got very annoyed @the instability and have never went back.
_GW1… GW2… GW1, using Heroes to do content. was an interesting twist. Essentially it was having a group of pets. hehhehhehhehheh which had moments of fun and allowed for trying content you would not be able to do solo. Sure grouping with actual players was an option too, but some pets perform better than players that may have started a fire in the kitchen and are AFK. I only got to 10 points of Hall of Monument rewards to give a cue of my time spent in GW1. The amount of Skills you could possibly earn and then equip was amazingly plenty.
_I like being able to jump (could not jump in GW1); the rich details of GW2 (High res Textures+efx+etc); WvWvW (would like to see guild rankings and other aspects added soon~Feb update?); DEvents; times they are a chang’n; unknown features will be thought of and possibly added to the game.
If you get a precursor, and don’t have a character that can use it (from DynamicEvent loot chest~including and not limited to Dragons), will you
A) Make a character to use it?
B) Sell the precursor?
C) Give the precursor to a friend (guild buddy)?
Imho, each and every online or offline game has limited entertaining content and the more aggressive one consumes it all the sooner it will be completed. You will not get a trophy for your mantle, nor a invitation into the club house, but simply have completed it for your unofficial life experiences achievements (for which you must provide a screenshot or it didn’t happen). hehhehhehhehhehheh Luckily there are many forms of entertainment out there to spend time on when you might have reached the potentially self described end of consumption of a particular entertaining product, and at some self determined point in time, one can return to consume completed products again whether they have new content at that time or not.
I disagree with 1 also. I think (imho), one fine sunny day, Ascended Gear and weapons will be released. Then one fine sunny day after that, Legendary armor will be released. On the day Ascended gear and weapons are available, Legendary weapons will have their stats upgraded to match Ascended weapons. On the day Legendary armor is released, Legendary weapons will have their stats increased.
_Ascended and Legendary gear and weapons will be downgraded to Exotic quality for WvWvW because…. well, why not? It’ll drive the few players that have all Ascended or Legendary stuff nuts to have it happen to them and the players that never PvE will be happy. That should be a interestingly funny thread to read on that day they announce it.
_Now I’ll go out on a limb to make a prediction utilizing a mud cube given to me by Bizarro…. peers into the mud cube and waving my hand over it slowly….. Ascended gear and weapons will be released in 8 months or less, and Legendary armor, will be released early 2014. ;P
What do you mean ETA? Was there ever an announcement that there would be something like that?
“We also have plans to add more fun ways to acquire Legendary precursor items with a more “scavenger hunt” feel than they are acquired currently.”
Taking back Lyssa temple or Grenth or others in Orr gets lots of loot from mobs, then the chest for the extra loot. Seems to be a possibly best way to loot it up for money and the loot itself. That could also be considered end game content.
I’m still curious which Tomb related Orr event drops the named staff Final Rest. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/crafting/Final-Rest-how-do-you-get-it/first
_If this one named staff is so rare, there might be other super rare named weapons to be found from Dynamic Events in Orr. 0o http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Listof_weapon_sets#Named_weapons
_Using the DragonTimer website to ensure you get to a dragon on time, for an attempt to not get the Diminished Returns by staying in one map too long. Then again Orr events cover 3 maps, so rotating among the 3 maps might be necessary, if Dragons are less desirable to do for the few drops from the mobs most ignore during dragon attacks, & more often blue loot and very, very slim chance at a random precursor from the chest.
/shrug. good luck
broken column… i think is talking about http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Troll%27s_End jumping puzzle.
There are 2 ways into the Order of Whispers cave. The under water tunnel ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDMM0lEBqUs ) and a broken gate near the bank ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5qlBnZTRbs ).
I think it’s a reward from a Large Chest in Orr @ an event related to a tomb…. and it’s possibly, on aquire, account bound (not on TP; besides being an exotic, super rare rate like other named exotics).
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this might help since the changes long ago to what cooking stuff is sold by karma vendors. I think this list of cooking materials is current: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_karma_merchant_items#Cooking_Ingredients
I used the Healthy Gamer cooking guide.
I wish I could get Vanilla Beans more often than i do when I farm herbs.
(edited by Zapan.7460)
http://www.gw2db.com/items/54107-recipe-fur-leather-helm makes a rank 20 item, that’d be a clue where to find it? also the quote at bottom of item description box:
“Fur keeps the head warm.”
—Gestre Howle
Where is Gestre Howle? did a little searching on wiki, found no clues. Fur, Howle… wolf? Norn? rank 20 NPC? would be where I start my search. good luck
looking at the Tailor version, the piece icon http://www.gw2db.com/items/53852-fur-lined-helmet , is the Shadow armor icon. (recipe found in Snowden Drifts) http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_armor
Leather version… well… not sure it exists… http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Crafted_armor_sets
Probably like they say about Cake. It’s a lie. There is no cake or fur lined recipe. (likely a beta asset that was removed, or a mean joke from someone using photoshop to create the recipe with no item in-game screenshot; I can not find a screen shot of in-game item called Fur lined mask) Fur lined was a GW1 armor set. 0o
perhaps there is a slim chance that at the end of a certain event a karma vendor becomes available with the recipe for sale. /shrug
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After playing DCUO, going back to older games was funny when I’d try to hold Shift to Block or press F for alternate travel mode/Fly and i’d be stuck to the ground unable to block or fly.
Same with GW2, i can’t dodge in older games (also new ones) and it feels uncomfortable.
_Some subtle aspects of games can leave a lasting impression that one might not fully appreciate until they go try another game.
Necro thread? I want some! Arise thread from 3 months ago. Arise!!!
_Consider this, take your low level character into a PvE map that the character is not “ready” to be in, where the enemy NPCs have pink or other colored text when targeted. You know, the color presents that the NPCs are Very Dangerous and will aggro on you from a greater distance than they would if you were higher rank than the suggested ranks posted for the map.
There in lies the 1st question to be put to the OP, should they ever return to their thread for some odd reason after 3 months…. what situation are they speaking of when they talk about aggro?? what is the context? Are they using a rank 48 Elementalist in Sparkfly Fen??
As for the DPS meter…. i guess you want a target dummy that doesn’t fight back and you can test builds against it. Seeing what variations to build does to DPS output? (DCUO has these indestructible test dummies in the headquarters to be punched and zapped for one to see their DPS output numbers or practice combo moves on) imo, not needed in GW2, but it couldn’t hurt to have optional indestructible target dummies in a practice zone of a city. Wait… aren’t they (target dummies) in the Myst????!! (….the Combat tab of chat window ain’t sufficient? what is this “meter” exactly?)
(edited by Zapan.7460)
use a crafting booster if ya got one. (friendly reminder)
Personal Story = lots of Exp too. I leveled an alt from 0 to 48 recently. Did Cooking 1-400 with a booster and personal story up to the point of picking a Pact faction. Running around getting Waypoints and Skill points also for Experience. (used a speed booster) Dangerous but lots of Exp from heading into maps I was not leveled up to do yet. the run to Teq. dragon waypoint was tense and fun, trying to not get destroyed by mean enemies. Now I can go to Dragons for Exp when the time is right (dragon timer site, for the win), & potentially get better gear/weapons too.
not sure what you mean with the skills icons are blacked out…
here is http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting that describes aspects related to crafting. here is a video guide too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK2USa6rSoo
To change a profession/discipline:
1) Go to crafting station of the discipline you want to learn.
2) Talk to the master craftsman. (if a master craftman is bugged try talking to one in a different town)
3) Pick the Teach me the craft from the chat options (conversation with NPC).
4) You then pick which discipline you will disable from the chat options.
Now you can use the new crafting station.
Only 2 crafting disciplines can be active at one time. Last night, I changed from Cooking to Leatherworker using the LA work stations.
I had a character that was unable to click the master crafter Artificer the other night and I’m rank 400 with that character in that discipline. I was about to logout for the night anyways, was merely wanting to sell some stuff first, and didn’t pay it any attention or report it. The next day, I could target and talk to the NPC. /shrug
Yes, you can craft Exotic Armor (& exotic weapons). The aspect to pay attention to would be the Stats that you want for exotic gear & weapons. This might help: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_armor_sets
I wanted Power, Toughness, and Vitality for my rank 80 gear, and I was able to get many pieces from different karma vendors in Orr (one Orr vendor will have all 6 pieces, but not all of the pieces from that one vendor have the same stats) and the rest of the pieces that were not available from karma vendors in Orr from Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon runs to get tokens to buy from Dungeon armor vendor in LA.
Pick you goal of stats, then search for who has them with wiki (Orr karma vendor & dungeon set that has those stats).
I’d been using Knight Orichalcum Imbued weapons I crafted, but eventually I might do AC dungeons enough times for weapons with Power, Toughness, and Vitality. I’m in no hurry to do it yet. Knight weapons are ok for now. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orichalcum_Imbued_Inscription
I’d been using crating to more quickly level up my alts that i wanted to have for various reasons including and not limited to, freshen up the gameplay for myself and a class that blends well with the guild group I’m running around with. I’ve got access to all max level crafting professions across with my characters. Most recently finished up Leatherworking, merely for the achievement of doing all crafting professions and not that I wanted to use anything the profession creates. Some professions are more expensive than others to get to rank 400, with all the materials you buy from vendor (cooking materials that don’t drop in world; tailor, leatherworking, armorsmith threads), which is why using a crafting experience booster helps after you’ve gotten enough materials to sit and level up that crafting for an hour of the boost duration. There are crafting guides out there on the net that have good tips. good luck.
_edit: once you get the stats you want per gear pieces, then hunt down the style and use them fine transmutation stones. refine stats via Skill Traits, etc etc
(edited by Zapan.7460)