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Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bacon.9461


Seems to me they should give the blooms based on gold/silver/bronze rating. It would solve two issues, people dc’ing and losing all their stacks, and people running around tagging events.

Gold gives 5 (as you put effort forth),
Silver gives 3
Bronze gives 1

Tagging 30 events would net you 30, but participating in 6 events gets you the same. And its pretty easy to be in 5-10 events. I found it a decent bit harder to run around tagging.

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bacon.9461


I personally haven’t created a free to play account yet, almost did but put it off since I really have no need for one. However I talked about 7 friends into trying the game (and they’ve brought a couple more), and me having played for a while was helping them.

Personally I’d like to see more of the restrictions go away once a character has hit level 80. For instance:
-Map Chat Restriction, if they’re level 80 they committed time to the game to get there, they should be able to help other new players at this point.
-Authentication before mail even after fully purchasing the game, this would annoy me to have to authenticate every single time I sent a mail.
-Gold to gem’s exchange lock seems pointless. Though I doubt any F2P accounts are going to get to that point.

Things I think need to be looked at even for the early levels:
-Starter zone/capital city/LA lock off levels. Every single person I talked into playing the game wanted to play a different race. And with no easy way to get them together is rather disappointing. I’d like to see new players be able to go to LA at level 10 atleast (which was my initial impression before reading all the restrictions). We wound up running the human down to the slyvari area at level 10, and the asura over to slyvari area. The norns are SOL for the time being.

My thoughts from the outside.

Edit: Looks like the OP is indicating you get every first wp of starter zones, I guess i should’ve had the F2P’s look for that. >.>

No Waypoint Frusteration

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bacon.9461


AC is probably the easiest dungeon in the game. And 4 Ele’s with Icebows likely makes it even easier. Path1: Icebow burrows down 1-2 ele’s per burrow? Run and grab some parts to a staff. Run to the last boss kill him. Path2: Press F on traps while guardian tanks, run to boss kill him.

Ofc, I made no mention of what dungeons.

I’ve had trouble with COF2, with a group of 2 Ele’s, 1 War, 2 Thieves. We spent at least an hour on the door alone and never got it, all while getting it up to 95% 3-4 times.

TA took an hour 30 with 2 thieves, 2 eles, 1 necro, we completed it; was it fun? No. Why? Half the time we didn’t even enter the bosses area because groups don’t do that or you spawn more adds or just create more problems for yourself.

Its the excessive amount of time part that gets frustrating. When you spend a majority of it waiting for somebody to res you midbossfight, it stops becoming fun.

No Waypoint Frusteration

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bacon.9461


I know I’m not the only one. I know there are people that love it or claim to.

I feel like it requires you to be more selective in who and what classes you are playing with to complete a dungeon in a reasonable amount of time. But, when you spend more time selecting your people it turns into less time playing. And being selective can mean that you reject somebody new just because they haven’t done it before.

None of this is good. Yes it may make it more challenging. But if it turns a dungeon run into a few hours ordeal for a sub-par group that might have ran it in 30 minutes before the restriction. Its no longer fun.

GW2 managed to eliminate the Tank/DPS/Healer, only to force it on you in a different way. Just because there is now: Support and DPS. Support can be anything from tank, to healing, to debuffs.

To complete dungeons in reasonable amounts of time you still have to spend an unreasonable amount of time gathering people.