Showing Posts For cazza.6078:
You’re using Mac. So sorry, but bad witness.
when vizunah need me I play from 6 am to 8 am before going to work
Same thing here, and we are a lot to do that, so i don’t know why we should accept being considered as canadian if we are not, as simple as that.
I played this night, and i am not canadian. And i am not used to playing at night, i do it only when really needed.
I will play tomorrow again, and i still won’t be canadian…
Nobody said it’s only Canadians playing at night. French (30?40?50?) + people from another timezone (30?40?50?) make it so deadly because only a combination out of this gives you such great numbers.
The 5% are confirmed by a VS guy. But sure, it can be a little bit more or less.
confirmed by a VS guy is enough for you to be sure.
why do you think he is right ?
why do you think the others are wrong ?
My answers are below. Maybe you can be the first to answer my questions?
SFR/VS comparison:
Just look at the SFR teamspeak right now. There are people from India, Korea, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, USA, Jordania, Canada and many more countries and there are much more international servers than French ones. Tell me one reason, when there are so many people from countries outside of Europe playing on SFR (someone said 35 at night), why should there NO ONE (or 3 or 10 or whatever ridiculous small number) from the millions of French speaking person outside of the French timezone on the best French server in Europe?
If you compare Quebec and Switzerland (both have the same population of 8 million with 5 million German speaking in Switzerland) and count the Swiss players on German servers you can expect the same number of Quebec players on French Servers. The only difference is that Quebec players play during EU night.
French the better players?
It’s hard to believe that a national server from France with players only from France can bring so many players during night hours online for such a long time. And all French servers are mystically strong at night so it’s not only a Vizunah thing.
5% from another timezone:
We are a lot more than any other server and 95% from the same timezone.
And finally:
What makes you so sure that there are no Canadians on your ts (or even on the server who aren’t in ts) when you mask the country flags of all people there?
The 5% are confirmed by a VS guy. But sure, it can be a little bit more or less.
Vizunah has not 4 hours+ of queue at night. As i said, SFR make a 400 tick and had massive forces everywhere, while commander Aniomed had to tank like he can with the forces he had. Where are your canadians here?
We’re talking about the whole population. The difference is, that 5% of it play at night.
The security measures around our TeamSpeak are none of your business.
Random numbers thrown out by someone don’t make a truth. Plus, I’d argue that, even if it’s true, 5% of a night force of a hundred persons makes 5 persons. Not really significant.
Mask the country flags to make your teamspeak more safe? Ofc, that’s the reason.
Vizunah has 4+ hours of queue on 4 maps (Tygra). So 5% is definitely significant, especially at night.
Just quit it already. We are a lot more than any other server and 95% from the same timezone. When there are 4h queues on every map, you go to bed early to play at 6am or you play after 11pm.
5% from VS aren’t from our timezone? Wow, this really explains why you’re so superior at night. No further questions, thank you.
@ Cazza : I’m playing on VS since the release and no they’re NOT Canadians or Asians people on Vizu. I’m saying this in total honesty, not for troll.
I’m fighting at least 3 nights per week, so i think i have a good image of the server.
So we’re back to no Canadians again? I will quote Kingface for you, I’m sure you know him:
But we do have some, like said many times, we have some canadians, even some indonesians, africans or whatever. It’s not an unexpected thing for a french speaking server. I’m sure we also have a few french players living in United States or Japan and playing with their french guilds. .
Or another one, Anen.1742:
I am living in NA and playing on Viz with my friends. I can assure you we are (…) 10 people from NA in WvW during nighttime.
In fact, it’s confirmed, that there are many of them. It’s only the number nobody knows.
And Quebec’s people speak with a terrible accent … any French recognize it on ts.
How many people do you have on your teamspeak at the moment? 350? Do they all talk? What about the people, who aren’t in your teamspeak?
I think i’m starting to understand why cazza changed like this, and insist like this: it’s when Jade Sea resisted the focus and managed to be second. For him, it’s impossible to do without external help.
But the explanation is way simpler: they did like us: Pride. Sometimes we have too much"pride" (Orgueil in french) and we do our best when the situation is desperate. It’s what happened for JS too.
This is completely wrong. I never cared about this match, didn’t even played in it. It’s anyway kind of pointless playing a League you can never win refering to the unequal conditions at night.
Never give up ! in anything !
Always easy to say if you have a big NA based night force. Just add some pride hurted French players to it and you have the 100 men blob everybody is talking about.
You don’t need guilds at night. Just like I said before, it’s all about pure numbers. You don’t even need hundreds of them. Maybe 40-50 are enough. And that’s every night. This is an advantage other server don’t have and that’s why you win.
And you’re still wrong. We don’t have 40-50 NA players as you THINK we have.
The point is we don’t have much individual people playing on other timezones than EU’s one than a server like SFR, and we don’t have entire guilds playing out of the EU timezone. Period.
There is no confession because it’s something obvious for ALL single servers, based on population (1% of 100 = 1; 1% of 10,000 = 100).
And I will ask again. What makes you so sure, that there are not 40-50 NA people (maybe not even the half of them are on your ts) on your server?
You can’t prove it, you still mask the country flags of your ts, you can’t even give one traceable reason why the conclusions that were made (SFR/VS, Quebec/Switzerland, strength at night of all French servers) were wrong.
Anyway cazza, you can continues your sophism (btw what changed your mind like this? see attached pic and link)
I really grant you the victory of the Gold League, like I did before. It was Kingface who accused me to QQ about nightcapping in the Jade-ER-SFR thread so I took a nearer look at the French myth.
(edited by cazza.6078)
One more time, you try to drown the fish by trying to find something we can’t explain because you have nothing for proving what you say.
When you can’t prove it, then why you always say there are no Canadian on your server? I can give you thousands of quotes of that. That’s by the way the only reason I’m here.
You start your accusation days ago by saying the canadians make VS winning, now it’s a single question about how we know we don’t have canadians on TS.
Of course Canadians make you winning, because especially at night numbers are all that counts. There is a big difference if you have 30 people at night or 30+50.
But we do have some, like said many times, we have some canadians, even some indonesians, africans or whatever. It’s not an unexpected thing for a french speaking server. I’m sure we also have a few french players living in United States or Japan and playing with their french guilds.
Seems we’re getting closer to the truth. Finally.
But it’s not much impressive than seeing multiple nationalities on a EU server like SFR. The true fact is we don’t have Canadian guilds or Indonesian guilds properly speaking playing on VS, like SFR have a 35-members NA raiding guild on EU nightshift.
You don’t need guilds at night. Just like I said before, it’s all about pure numbers. You don’t even need hundreds of them. Maybe 40-50 are enough. And that’s every night. This is an advantage other server don’t have and that’s why you win.
But you can have it, I really don’t care. I’m fine with your confession.
Ofc I won’t expect an answer, only behavior pattern.
SFR/VS comparison:
Just look at the SFR teamspeak right now. There are people from India, Korea, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, USA, Jordania, Canada and many more countries and there are much more international servers than French ones. Tell me one reason, when there are so many people from countries outside of Europe playing on SFR (someone said 35 at night), why should there NO ONE (or 3 or 10 or whatever ridiculous small number) from the millions of French speaking person outside of the French timezone on the best French server in Europe?
If you compare Quebec and Switzerland (both have the same population of 8 million with 5 million German speaking in Switzerland) and count the Swiss players on German servers you can expect the same number of Quebec players on French Servers. The only difference is that Quebec players play during EU night.
French the better players?
It’s hard to believe that a national server from France with players only from France can bring so many players during night hours online for such a long time. And all French servers are mystically strong at night so it’s not only a Vizunah thing.
And finally:
What makes you so sure that there are no Canadians on your ts (or even on the server who aren’t in ts) when you mask the identity of all people there?
We never said we didn’t have foreigner players but we don’t have canadian forces as you talked about:
Why are you so sure that you’re right? You mask all the country flags of all your people on ts. You can’t never know from where there are. There were 10 Canadian guys in the last thread who confirmed that they play on VS. For sure, there are many more of them.
And the fact you joined our TS is irrelevant since a lot of people need to play with VPN to counter the lag.
Oh god the return of cazza the low whiner, as usual without proof. It’s possible to voteban people from forums ? He is so boring.
Facts are there. But truth hurts, it seems.
The denying is the only thing I care about.
Don’t forget in all your GDR delirium that in WvW national servers>international servers cause organization is far better than multi time zones (if we can even call that with this name cause we on SFR have maybe 35 people online from NA when we’re lucky).
Look at the gold league 8/10 are nationals and this is not by chance.
Gold league ranking is a ranking of night coverage. 35 from NA is enough to beat all others servers besides VS who has way more Canadian online as this time. 3rd is Jade who has the same numbers like Sfr at night but are very weak at day. Then Piken with some numbers, Baruch, too and then with a big gap the German servers, who have no NA coverage at all.
I would say VS has more Canadians than SFR has Americans, so I predict they will win it.
If you look how many Canadians play at night for VS, it would have been a suprise and really bad organization, if they hadn’t win it.
But it’s not the Canadians, it’s my achievement!
Stop lying yourself.
I’m not from SFR but just look at the SFR teamspeak right now. There are people from India, Korea, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, USA, Jordania, Canada and many more countries and there are much more international servers than French ones. Tell me one reason, when there are so many people from countries outside of Europe playing on SFR, why should there NO (or 3 or 10 or whatever ridiculous small number) French speaking person from 50 million (9 million in Canada) outside of the French timezone on the best French server in Europe?
This assumption is ridiculous.
I am living in NA and playing on Viz with my friends. I can assure you we are at most 10 people from NA in WvW during nighttime.
The great majority are french people that go to bed at 3-5am. The other great majority are french people that wake up at 5-6am to continue doing what others started during the night.
WvW is a 24/7 competition, deal with it.
First Troma speaks of 3, now it’s 10 and ofc all know each other because VS is such a small server. Tomorrow it will be 30 because there is another group of random people you don’t even know about. WvW is 24/7, that’s ok – but you should stop telling us the dedication and strong cummunity rubbish. The only reason, why French servers have such a strong night force, are people from another timezone.
Keep going this way and you will be able to join the group of your buddies Wemil, Hembril, Empyre, Phoebe and co in the “Sickness caused by VS” institute of medecine.
Stop QQ. It was you who invited me to join the thread.
P.S. I really feel bad for the 30 vizunah man group that upgraded Sfr garison all the night … What was the WP precent ? 80% ? -90% ?:))
It wasn’t night for them.
Oh no! Please not!
Seriously, whatever.
Who is this guy? Napoleon?
I only fear the Toronto mayor.
So you’re one of the 3? Nice to meet you.
So the Switzerland / Quebec comparison is wrong? Why?
Of course you don’t care. You’re on the bright side. You go to bed and next day everything is capped and T3.
This dedication and strong community bullkitten is really funny when you have so many players from another timezone to carry you.
Thanks for the confession.
I’m sure there are many, many of them who aren’t in these guilds and didn’t even speak to you. There a people who just play without organization and that’s enough during night hours.
If you compare Quebec and Switzerland (both have the same population of 8 million with 5 million German speaking in Switzerland) and count the Swiss players on German servers you can expect the same number of Quebec players on French Servers. The only difference is that Quebec players play during EU night. And that’s why you’re so strong.
You don’t need canadian guilds at night. You don’t even need to have them on your teamspeak. You just need as much random people from wherever as possible at night because that is all that counts during these hours. And whatever you think you are you can’t never know from where all these people are.
You really think that you only have 3 Canadians on VS? That’s completely unbelievable.
The running gag is that there are still people denying it.
It’s hard to believe that a national server from France with players only from France can bring so many players during night hours online for such a long time. And all French servers are mystically strong at night so it’s not only a Vizunah thing.
And yes, I checked the JS-teamspeak on some month ago at 2 AM, there were 17 Canadians in it. Together with the French who stayed online and all the guys from whereever, who aren’t in teamspeak, it’s a unstoppable force at night. It wouldn’t be a surprise that there are even more on VS.
Send me a PM with the IP of your TS and I will do some checkups next week.
Yeah, keep telling you that.
Why? Because it’s true?
Canadians heh? 3 canadians is sure a lot.?
A joke does not get better if you tell it a hundred times.
Seriously? Elona is ranked 6th in nomansland. Why push for what?
VS has more Canadians than SFR has Americans, so they will win it.
What QQ? But easy to say as a multi timezone server.
Oh Elona 3rd again because of nightcapping. Who really cares?
Considering the results of the German servers in this league, you should be more modest.
Really? The Gold League ranking is a ranking about night coverage. French, Spanish or international players are surely not better than German ones. They just have people playing at night from whereever they are that German servers don’t have and never will have. So why should they bother about a competition with unequal conditions?
Who in Germany seriously cares about a multi timezone night cap league that they never can win?
If you say so, son.
Those 2v1 conspiracy guys are like little boys, they sit down and cry when the ball is taken away.
This “it’s anet fault” thing whenever SFR is losing is really comical.
I will tell you this SFR want to win the league and it is not a secret even.
And then cry other blob? really? Honestly this game is become so boring lately, just want to have the league now win and leave the game
will farm all night and day for the start of the league to give you sense what is it to be in the big leagues
so keep the cry coming
Only to win the first league season is left for us before we go to other games like Wildstar ect.
So Wl back you get Js morning guilds and still oh no VZ cant win ect…
Come on bring your zone blobs we are bored we only raiding 2 days a week because no challenge and we win so much…
And 1 more thing most of our guilds are even slacking we are keeping it for the league.. .. The you will see power mate honestly….If we can beat you without putting everything on the table imagine when we go serious.
This sounds so funny now.
So what’s this bad taste in your mouths you’re talking about?
What you said is, blabla – we’re only losing because we’re getting double teamed but you can live with that because of undeserved blabla.
What I said is, listen, you’re losing because you don’t even attack Vizunah. Attacking the weakest server Piken for most of the time (70%) is just not enough.
Look at the scores, and tell me what you would do if you were a commander in piken or Vizunah?
It has nothing to do with scores cuz it was like that since the day one.
Wanna double team? Well if you’d asked me, I wouldn’t mind. It just makes it more interesting for me, i’m not pvdoor player. And i got 3k kills per evening. Better than ive ever done. Lots of upscaled meat. Even in bls. But its a real challenge when its 1x vs 2x or 1x vs 3x situation.
So I dont really care if its double teaming or not. But if so… Does it make it interesting for Viz? Would it be true victory feeling when you win like this? Questions.
First, you should do your own homework before you’re complaining about doubleteaming . Only 30% of your captures against the first placed server isn’t enaugh to win a matchup.
It’s telling a lot that 70% of all SFR attacks are towards Piken and only 30% towards Vizunah. That’s by the way more than Piken attacks towards SFR. So it’s obviously that SFR is avoiding Vizunah and attacking the weaker enemy most of the time.
Tactically very foolish.
All the complaining about queues. It was your official speaker Wemil, who was recruiting people all over the planet ( Now live with them.