Showing Posts For dusanyu.4057:


in Lore

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Unimportant NPC in the long term of gw lore many chars from gw1 are more deserving

Devona, Cynn, Mhenlo, Aiden, the GW1 PC and Eve for example

If Orr is ever cured, who will inhabit it?

in Lore

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Orr is a stinking mess of muck nobody is going to want to live their.

I think a good description of what Orr is like could be rad in H.P. Lovecraft’s short story “Dagon”

Text here

Completing events in Cursed Shore - bannable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Let them report you A net can tell if your a bot or not and false reports are against the TOS in the end the hurt themselves not you.

If the whine about you completing events tell them to QQ more and keep ruining thre day by playing the game right.

Magister Sieran...why?

in Personal Story

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


I also found her death too soon, and too contrived.

I think that’s my issue with her death, not that she died or that she sacrificed herself, it’s that it happened far too quickly. I would have added another two or three missions to the story. You go from “Hey new guy!” to “Let’s go have an adventure friend!” to “I will die so you can live!” in about that many missions. It’s just too accelerated of an arc to really feel right.

I didn’t like her at first but did like how she changed a bit at the end. I still felt her death was a little too fast to have really felt her sacrifice.

The vigil version (which is the one I did first) felt perfect (and gave me goosebumps).

I’m hoping the whispers version felt as powerful as the vigil version.

Whispers version will make you cry.

Retribution - Champion Risen Plaguebearer

in Personal Story

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


I just manacled to defeat him but it required Professor Gor’s vacumagic polarizer gun to do it and I did it with a lucky shot the boss with the same skill set in the order of whispers story missin just before this one has simular issues.

Just remove the reset mechanic on npcs in the personal story

(edited by dusanyu.4057)

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Could it be Quaggan Soup?

Perfect side dish for Sylvari salad

Critical blowback Admiral Feiste Bakk

in Personal Story

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


I am attempting to do this on my lvl 57 ranger and the something in this recently get buffed as the 4 locust swarms hit for over 600 per second. Group this with the constant condis from his other skills and the NPCs die as soon as you res them and forget kiting as he keeps you criped with his grasping dead spam

Please tone down the locusts

And one more thing why do enemies in PS reset having the guy thre hits from dead and watching his bar go back up all the way. Because his locust ate you is aggrovateing

(edited by dusanyu.4057)

The "butt pants"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


What is disturbing is that Anet took the time to model in a but crack I think it is intentional

So yeah.. whatever happend to Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


I know how to salvage Trahearne on a plate with thousand island dressing.

SBS, or Sylvari Bubblebutt Syndrome

in Sylvari

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


This gives that song “Jungle booty” a whole new meaning

What disaster will befall QJ?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Also, the ability to fight one of the dragons in a giant golem.

Fixed that for you.

And with that GW2 is transformed int “The Big O”


in Charr

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


How do we not know it is not used in making charr booze

Who would win in a fight, a Charr or Norn?

in Charr

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Norn have guts but a charr weapons available even if disarmed those claws horns and teeth can mess up a norn bad

(edited by dusanyu.4057)

Asura ear bug?

in Asura

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


All part of an Alert posture (if you look at “floppy eared” animals in real life such as a dog they do a similar thing with there ears when in an alert or surprised posture)

What disaster will befall QJ?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Logan will get drunk and get fresh with the Queen Rytlock gets to have Loganburgers

It (almost) never works

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


That’s correct. Also, David, what OS are you playing on?

Mac OS X 10.8.4 — is that an issue?

and the fact that you’re running a Mac. Macs aren’t made for gaming.

Old and incorrect statement Is old and incorrect Macs work just fine for gaming especially spence they started to be supported by the likes of valve. in some cases I get better performance on my MacPro than on my WinTel “gaming rig” Yes the Mac has historically been neglected by game developers It is more of a reflection on said developers than on Mac OS (a standard POSIX and tested Unix Compliant Operating system) or hardware.

Time to limit tp profit?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Make the market unplayable account bind any item bought on the mp this forces people only to buy what the plan on useing.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


It would be nice to see some of the Clothes we see on NPC’s Porchacable as town Clothes

for example the asura have some awesome looking outfits


Norn Animal-Spirit Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


I don’t know about College Specific clothes But it would be nice if my Asura Could dress Like an Asura funny hat and all


Im begging you.begging you please anet! :DDD

in Thief

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


I would prefure if anet not any more classes, skills, trates or weapons options. That mistake was made with gw1 and is the main reason why it became a behemoth that could not be balanced

So balance please????

in Thief

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


How do I put this lightly Warrior is a heavy arms and armor class the are supposed to be laughing at you.

Free Wapoint cost in Bazaar

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Well you guys know that gold will not sink it self. Right? Right?

This game has too many gold syncs as it is. The even went as far as to add the lamest one of all equipment breakage.

Favorite Charr Quotes: Collection

in Charr

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Galina Edgecrusher: Wake up, ghost-mice of Ascalon! Blood Legion is here to take everything you have — again!
Galina Edgecrusher: Your land and your lives: ours! We will erase you! Tyria will forget your pathetic kindgom ever existed!
Galina Edgecrusher: We defile the bones of your ancestors for sport! Adelbern’s grave is our latrine!
Galina Edgecrusher: I hear you sniveling, you glittery clouds of failure! Ha ha ha!
Galina Edgecrusher: That’s not thunder, you whimpering little worms! It’s cannonfire! Blood Legion cannonfire!
Galina Edgecrusher: Go back to the Mists and stay there! End this humiliation!
Galina Edgecrusher: You’re hopeless! Helpless! Worthless! Adelbern’s army is a joke… a pathetic, dead joke.
Galina Edgecrusher: No wonder your city fell so easily! No wonder we slaughtered you all and laughed ourselves sick!
Galina Edgecrusher: We’re laughing now, Dead-scalonians! You don’t like it? Come shut us up!

Why do commanders ask us to stack...

in WvW

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Problem with commander is the it is bought and not earned (huge mistake) I trust most of them as far as I can toss em

"... Four Winds"

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Four winds makes me think of taco day at the office. No wait that is the four broken winds. Never mind, carry on.

So how about those big ugly dragons.

in Living World

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Our characters developed as dragon fighters in the personal story. This living story has us dealing with matters for police officers. (Pirates, consortiums etc.) When do we get back to dealing with the big problem? It feels like this world wide threat is being forgotten about.

Squad of Maguuma savant eles!

in Asura

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Go Go Power Asura !!

Why are we so short?!!1

in Asura

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


The asura are a subterranean race. The reason is obvious those low hanging stalactites are murder on the old noggin.

What does Jormag do with females?

in Lore

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Female norn are also known as Jormag Chow

omg turn it off!

in Suggestions

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


One of those so called farmers just hit me in the face!

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Looked awesome in GW 1 would look amazingly awesome in GW2

Personal Story and lots of deaths...

in Personal Story

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Shaking off the Chains needs a look the Krait Priestess’ AOE that Stacks confusion covers the Whole platform you have to fight her on that and she has over 9000 health regen

Shakeing off the chains Krait Prestess

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


this NPC has 9000+ health Regen every time you hit her her bar just moves back up to full at one point I had this NPC one hit form dead and had to watch the bar fly back to full while i was in a downed state.

also if you want to make us fight on a small platform on the top of a tower please don’t give the enc a AOE that does confusion that covers the whole platform. atleast give us the option to knock the kitten off the tower like she does to us.

Convince me to play an Asura

in Asura

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Asura have the only decent racial abilities Pain inverter is a nice fast Retaliation and Confusion, Technobabble is a good solid daze and, Radiation Field is awesome AOE poison and weakness that also works as a poison combo field.

Why are ascalonians considered "bad guys"

in Lore

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


King Adelbern was nuts. look at the old Nolani Academy mission it gave hints to how wacky he was

[Quote] Prince Rurik: “Trumpets! The king must be near. The fall of Rin will have darkened his heart. Hail King Adelbern!”
King Adelbern: “Rise, my son. you have done well. The discovery of Stormcaller is surely a sign of victory.”
Prince Rurik: “It is a powerful weapon, but I fear not powerful enough. The Charr have amassed an army of many thousands.”
King Adelbern: “You overestimate these beasts, Rurik. Do not be afraid.”
Prince Rurik: “I am not afraid, father. I have seen them in battle. Rin has been destroyed! It would be wise to escape while we can. We should make for Kryta and rebuild our strength. Not wait here for death.”
King Adelbern: “I will never allow Ascalons to live in the shadow of the Krytans! It is Rin that will be rebuilt. And you will learn your place.”
Prince Rurik: “You have grown proud, Adelbern of Ascalon…proud and foolish!”
King Adelbern: “You would dare call your king a fool? I will hear no more. I banish you from Ascalon! You are no longer my prince, and you are no longer my son!”
Looks kinda loopy to me Than to make it worse the he stabed his own chief courtier and left the poor guy for dead under a table. only to be found by a Charr warband.

Also you don’t kill any foe fire ghosts you temporarily disperse them. your just eliminating a very real threat to your own person. I feel that the Ascalon Ghosts are all in there own way tormented souls forced to wander the world by there Mad king’s Insanity

Lastly not all Ascalonians are shown as evil the people in Ebonhawk are not “badguys” the people of the Ascalon settlement in Kryta are good people but, it could be argued that Ascalon took over Kryta’s culture

Where is the promised Commando Class?

in WvW

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Everyone knows that the true key to the sandwichmancer class is the bread. New weapon confirmed! Ciabatta!

Ciabatta is under powered and needs a Ham Buff everyone knows that dual wielding French baguettes is imba.

Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


Cute Asura dawn steel
