Showing Posts For morrigana sedai.2091:

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091

Where is these 64k karma gear vendors?

Only ones I have seen sell garbage trash that you can get better off the TP for just above vendor price.

None of the vendors I have found in Orr and Cursed Coast zones offer anything good to wear for a DPS type ele. It’s all healing junk.

you know how hard it is to get that “healing junk” on lower lvls? you can go to the cultural vendor, i as support ele that stacks quite some healing cannot get the right gear there. Also most non 80 karma vendor’s are selling dps like gear so i don’t think you have that much right to complain about that tbh. And beside of that it’s just as easy to just lvl a crafting and get your gear that way……

ps i’m lvl 73 atm so i cannot say that much about endgame yet ^^ need a few more lvls for that.

Black Lion Key Bug/Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091

idd there is a change you get a new key out of a chest, but it’s not always.

Doubing if i found a exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091

A few days ago i did send in a support ticket, that still is not awsered. It was about something i was doubing if it was a exploid or not. This is why i will not go in very deep details. It cames down to this, i did a worldboss when i was somewhere between lvl 50 and 60 if i rember right. I did get a lvl 80 bleu dropped, is this actually an exploit or a bug, or is this just normal behaivor of the game? I actually did notice it after i did link the items in the guild and asked them if they did know if it was a exploit, but they didn’t know so i hope someone here can awser my question.

Greeting, Morrigana