Showing Posts For naturesoul.3578:
i can see ranger getting with druid either shape-shifting into plant like mordrum like creatures as kit skills, or maybe as a shroud.. though doubt latter one. If not shape-shifting maybe summon plant based creatures and be able to tame plant based creatures and have the ability to summon plant based creatures like say a terragriff like a necro minnion used in conjunction with our ranger pet(s). Maybe add in a grandmaster trait that allows you to use a animal based creature at the same time as plant based creature. We know there plant based and nature themed, that follows lore, just saying oakhearts are not the only plant creatures in game now.
lets not forget you can get fury from red moa on demand, and swapping pets with clarion bond, if you use survival skills trait like Wilderness Knowledge makes every survival skill used apply fury , as well as remove conditions.
yeah i have tried something similar, the best conditions build i found is one around an asura ranger. Its meant to be a hybrid build between power and conditions, primarily bleeding, but does apply almost a little bit of every condtion, and if i wanted i could apply them all except slow between my skills , traits and pet. like if i had sigil of ice instead of sigil of earth and used wolf pet.
The red moa is really there just to reapply opening strike more often. with Light on your Feet trait it makes every shot piercing and reduces cd. Trait Wilderness Knowledge is really there for 2 reasons: #1. it removes conditions and applies fury which also refreshes opening strike, and #2. it reduces cd on entangle which brings it down only 2 secs higher then cd on ravens from mad king runes. Also should note that the first weapon skill called Crossfire has a chance with traits, abilities built into skill and sigil of earth to apply 3 stacks of bleeding per shot and weapon skill Crossfire at least with this setup has no cd and with trait is also again piercing. combine that with the 80% bonus bleed duration, and bonus 20% bleed damage it makes it a very nice skill.
They also said all the elite skills would be getting other skills found on other classes like warrior shouts on elementalist, or traps on guardian. Like why couldn’t we get shapeshifting as a kit skill or like a shroud, and in GW1 lore they turned to tree spirits, but if they can shift into tree spirits that opens the door to other spirits of nature as well. it wouldn’t be like other transformations in game because the others have durations, instead make it like an engineer kit skill except around plant/animal forms where you give up a utility skill slot to gain a shape shifting one… or 3. Furthermore oakheart isn’t the only plant creature in game. with introduction of Mordrum that opens doors. After all Druids of GW1 last were seen going to muguuma jungle , right? Why wouldn’t they know how to change into the plant based creatures of that jungle in which they live? If not shapeshifting then i can see them giving us access to taming the plant based creatures of the jungle to add in addition to the animal based pets. What i mean by that is if your a druid then let them call out both a plant based pet and animal based pet at the same time. Like say a terrorgrif and a devourer pet as maybe a trait skill. If shapeshifting isn’t a kit skill then give us a nature based version of necro summon skills except make them summon plant based creatures as minions to be called with ranger pet .
i am trying to run a hybrid build with longbow with mad king rune set its a balance of power and condition damage. with some crit to trigger stuff and empower direct damage further. I wanted the info in the link to portray what it is during combat so did it with 25 stacks of perception and 10 stacks of might, add another 5 stacks if your at or below 50% health. There is actually a huge focus around triggering entangle so to trigger mad king ravens , and 90%bleed duration and 55% generic condition duration. to make entangle stronger i took traits : hidden barbs to increase damage from the bleeding by 20%, and wilderness knowledge to reduce its cd( but also allows it to 43move 2 conditions off me and applies fury when its used too.) Steady focus also helps if endurance is full for both the raven damage and the direct damage from entangle. also boosted pet condition damage by +300, and pet condition duration by 20%. i picked lynx because before changes they did the most damage of any pet, and now with changes there damage is insane, and carrion devourer for a ranged pet/tanky pet and does decent condition damage as well as applies poison field. Tell me what you think.
Here is a link:
as Aomine said about how arenanet attempt to destroy ranger class…. I don’t know about that being true , but the changes sure did destroy thief class, especially P/P thief
Hello all,
First time creating a post here, but I want to theory craft a little. I was wondering since druid abilities are around plants will they be able to tame some of the plant creatures as a druid like say a mordrem griffin thing or the mordrem wolf as examples. Maybe even throw in a druid trait to allow you to have both a plant based creature and an animal based creature type pets called out at same time. What do you all think ?
For me it was definitely build breaking , not only did i loose Ricochet, but also lost my other big trait too on the same day which was Hastened Replenishment. I was a P/P thief and those traits were my bread and butter. Ricochet was the reason i picked to play a thief, with it gone i guess i will either need to find a new profession or find a new game. Hastened Replenishment i used as sort of an ammo reload for Unload skill. It both really burns me and saddens me i may have to say good bye to my main character. I am waiting to see how Arenanet resolves this before i preorder the expansion, because if it isn’t fixed there is no point at this point to consider the expansion.