Showing Posts For naturesoul.3578:
S/D won’t out-damage dagger or staff and thus won’t be taken for raids. I don’t think people do dungeons anymore. At least not nearly as much as before.
The changes didn’t really change anything for the thief in PvE aside from solo open-world, in which case the profession really never struggled to begin with. CS/DrD/Tr with most things going into stacking might and bonus damage would work fine. There’s not a big precedent for the other lines for open world PvE.
I hate elitist jerk responses like this. Let people play the way they want and stop telling people how they need to gear/spec for a raid. Its meant to be fun not an occupation
DeceiverX is just mad because Anet totally rejected his proposal yet took its name
To me is pointless to have thief get rifles and not bring back ricochet, it would be a MAJOR slap in the face, and your right they should have brought it back by replacing ankle shot with it, because lets face it ankle shot is weak and useless, and that being Anets excuse was the lamest thing they ever said, pretty much ever. Besides removing ricochet was the reason half the thieves pre HoT stopped being thieves. And rifle for thief should be modeled after an assault rifle so ricochet just makes sense helping make it more ranged AoE.
If they give back Ricochet Trait with deadeye all i can say just that alone will make it worth it to ALOT of players… basicly will be all those players not stuck in a mold that thief is a melee class peroid , end of sentance, but instead is something better.
I am just hopeing this means we get ricochet trait back as a trait ( and not attached to some ability like say shortbows trick shot.) and is a way for Anet to right that most grievous wrong. It appears the skills tailor around assault rifle rather then shotgun or lock and load single shot style rifle like say a hunting rifle which is a major plus if its true. Go full auto on there kitten .
I actually love this idea, when druid was announced in HoT i had hope it would have been a shape shifter into beasts, and this is an all new way to do just that. Alot of the pets mimic and take on aspecs of other player classes like smokescale are basicly pocket versions of reverants. also love the idea of breathing fire from fire drake and bristlebacks are down right deadly. Another question about assuming powers of pets could we say take the power of a shark while were in the water , then carry it out of the power through us on land and visa versa? I think it gives us rangers a ton of versatility and sort of makes ranger the jack of trades.
I’m sorry, but if I had wanted to play a puzzle game, I would have bought a puzzle game instead of this game.
The jumping puzzle/puzzle element used to be a side element back when the game launched, didn’t do them then when it was a choice, sure as kitten don’t want to do them now as kitten requirements.
I was hyped about the new expansion, but I was hyped for a GuildWars2 expansion, not a GuildPuzzle2/PuzzleWars2 that this has become. Sadly, I only see it becoming worse, judging by the amount that was in this Living World season. That’s just my opinion, I’m sure many others think the opposite, which is fine, to each their own.
I am with you. I hate jumping puzzles, and I always will hate this part of the game. Now jumping puzzles are mandatory in this game. GuildWars2 is turning into PuzzleWars2,
in my opinion too. I just can’t wait to see what puzzles new expansion brings.At first (when the game released) I thought Guild Wars meant wars between guilds, but in fact is guilds fighting for whoever finishes a raid or a jumping puzzle faster.
I agree, i love the living stories in general i even liked the original ones they felt the need to shorten(, liked them better just the way they were), but i hate puzzles. The puzzle at the end was ok, but the one in the hideout that was just frustrating. i also loath jumping puzzles. i have vertigo and some of the jumping puzzles and even some of the fractals don’t do me well.
i didn’t really have any issues in the last part, felt it was sort of easy on my necro, but then my necro is build as a raid tank and is built to do alot of aoe life stealing, he even has transfusion whickh healed her alot.
make rifles for thief Assult Rifle with full auto, and ricochet as a trait
what i don’t see on this is Ricochet trait anywhere.. gaining rifles is pointless without it.
besides i am hopeing ricochet gets a comeback with rifle thief, i am also hopeing they name it “Drifter”
you would think parasitic contagion would heal through shroud as major grandmaster trait, and yet Vampiric trait will heal through a shroud and its a minor master trait.
I’m having a hard time estimating for how long you’ve been playing the game.
Your complaint in general would suggest that you’re new, or new to necro anyway.
But then the grandmaster vs master minor comparison is some pre-2015 mentality.
Since they implemented the specialization system, trait tiers have become completely irrelevant except for when you want to prevent a ceratin trait combination by placing them in the same tier.I wouldn’t mind it dropping a tier or two, maybe even becoming a minor, but changing the 10% conversion rate into something more reliable and predictable. After that we could start thinking about making it heal through Shroud.
Again, tiers are irrelevant.
Also, this is the wrong approach. First make everything heal through Shroud, then balance if necessary.
Honestly? I don’t think condi necro should be allowed para con to heal through shroud.
POINT IS! Necro SHOULDN’T have this. But considering the way things are? They might need it plus many more things to bring them on par with other classes.Healing through Shroud is primarily a matter of proper class design.
The main defensive mechanic cancels out a ton of defensive traits, skills and other classes’ support in team fights. It’s actually mindblowing how this is still a thing almost 5 years after release.POINT IS! EVERYTHING should heal through Shroud.
This should be the priority.
And before some of you jump in and say how “unkillable and op…” that would be: no, it wouldn’t. You’re overestimating how much healing you’re actually missing out on. And you’re underestimating how much necros need this extra bit of support and sustain.Also, in case of Parasitic Contagion, Weakening Shroud would still be the stronger choice for PvP. If anything they’d have to increase the healing % in addition to making it work all the time.
And then you realize that power reaper is way more survivable than any condi variant.
I can agree that being able to run both “Your Soul is Mine!” and Blighter’s Boon at the same time gives Power Reaper a ton of sustain, but it’s also a build with generally less utility, less Toughness, less Vitality, and less CC.
Less utility and less CC is just not true.
@ toughness/vitality: Mercenary amulet was removed, Paladin is still in the game and it’s the only amulet that has both stats. So it’s actually the opposite.
Just FYI i have been playing for little over 3 years now.
Hello all, So i noticed the trait Parasitic Contagion doesn’t seem to heal through shroud like vampiric does under blood trait tree. you would think parasitic contagion would heal through shroud as major grandmaster trait, and yet Vampiric trait will heal through a shroud and its a minor master trait. Is this a bug? If so i hope its fixed soon.
Also life stealing damage can’t crit, BUT It also bypasses all targets armor.
How to make thief more fun … Easy, bring back Ricochet trait and Hastened Replenishment trait. problem solved.
i really didn’t like thief staff, but then i don’t like to play thief in melee range.
P/P is high burst but moderate sustain and performs very poorly in multi-target situations. It just isn’t optimal for bosses with big pools of health because the auto-attack is so weak.
P/P multi target capability is only weak because Anet removed Ricochet Trait. and as for sustained burts they also removed at the same time all those traits that regain initiative. in the old days unload could be perma spammed ( never running out ever) if traited properly and hit upto 32 targets from bounces from ricochet. reference old traits like Hastened Replenishment , and Quick recovery to name a couple.
I can’t lie , i did buy a predator rifle for thief.
I play a hybrid build that is built exclusively around flamethrower with viper set for weapons/armor, and mix of rampager/sinister for trinkets. I focus more around burning and to a lesser degree bleeding. my bonus burning duration is 100% bonus, with bonus bleed duration at 65%, with a 50% boon duration bonus and 21% generic condi duration bonus. I also can maintain almost perma quickness boon and perma while in combat 25 might stack. I went with trait trees in firearms/alchemy/ scrapper. i did something a little different then most people do with flamethrower , most people take Juggernaut trait, i took Incendiary powder trait instead. ( 33% burning duration+ 2 stacks of burning on crits for 8 secs on a 10 sec cd.) i can maintain 4 stacks of burning on a whole stack of targets indefinatly and very often 8 to 10 stacks, and have hit short burst of getting 25 stacks of burning in aoe. i get my might stacks from my crits through sigil of strength and using consumables to grant might on crits, the one i use has no internal cd. the perma quickness comes from applied force trait, HGH trait, and Elixer U, and having 50% duration bonus on boon duration. for major traits i use heavy armor exploit, pinpoint distribution, and incendiary powder….invigorating speed, backpack regenerator, and HGH…….and finally i use recovery matrix, rapid regeneration, and applied force.
just thought of a possible elite specialization for engineer Technomancer. just throwing the idea out there semi unfiltered. But thinking it can mimic magical effects with cyberware and technology.. just an idea.
i really didn’t like thief staff, but then i don’t like to play thief in melee range.
Engie and warrior are weak at ranged attacks /shrug. And there attacks are on CDs. I want the rifle thief to be ranged dps, maybe even add in a support role to them by giving them toggle on\off ( like engie kits) that change there ammo types , and then give them a trait to make those ammos apply to group( and work generically with all weapon types with trait not just rifle/pistol) as for ricochet trait be put back in the game through rifle thief its the least Anet can do to make it up to the ranged thief community they betrayed.
Your idea is a good start. I liked the idea of the skills as ammo types used, but I think bouncer bullet should simply be replaced by getting back ricochet trait since it used to effect the bullets itself and make bullets bounce, and make it work on both pistols and rifles since both use bullets. But i think if ammo type is the skill it should have toggle on/off effect like an engineer kit. Also you could make a trait focused on ammo type skills to make it group friendly taking away it has to be a weapon that uses bullets and makes it just apply to groups weapons generic of type as a buff effect. Which is another reason to remove the bouncer bullet and jsut give back Ricochet trait instead. I would make
the buff not stack, but different thieves could toggle on different ammo types and share the effects even with other thieves with different ammo effects on.Make a life stealing shot trait an make all bullet based attacks life stealing. I would also love to see an armor set around that too give it stats : Strength,and Precision as primary stats, and then as minor stats give Ferocity, and Healing. I don’t even care if rifle gets 1200 range though would be nice if it did, but there is ways to give rifle to thief and not make it 1200 range , like if you made rifle function more like a shotgun doing damage in cone aoe and do greater damage to targets the closer you get, but more spread of the bullets the farther away you get but hit more targets at once. make it like flame jet on engineer flamethrower sort of, but longer range then flame jet.( and thus bigger spread of bullets, make it hit everything in cone field of effect so no maximum targets, ( also like flame jet.) just reduce the damage the farther away they are from you. You could even make it the auto attack and rifle 1# attack call it Scatter Shot.
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
I am ecstatic beyond words about thief getting rifle. Ok, so there are those of you that prefer the ninja type thief. congratulations you got staff last expansion in HoT. Now its our turn who prefer to play gunslinger/mercenary gun for hire ranged combat type thief. the fact rifle is typically 1200 range to me is a bonus, what i really want rifle means to me is all those that had there builds utterly destroyed to hell by removing Ricochet trait might have a chance to get it back. Also would love to see thief get more life stealing attacks with rifle but that is secondary to getting Ricochet trait…… if Anet does anything else with thief the biggest change i like to see is getting ricochet back.. would also love to see trait Hastened Replenishment back also. My thief was my main even was my main after HoT was announced, but at the last moment those of us that prefer to play p/p got a huge slap in the face by Anet. I had to put my Thief main out out pasture after that, i couldn’t find a build that was fun again with thief after that, and still have not found another class that could replace the old style thief. Sure I login every day to get rewards and do my dailies, but what they did to thief back then has drained the life out of my will to just play anymore. To me this is it if we get Rifle and Anet does not put ricochet trait back in I might be done with GW2 all together and find some game that doesn’t do to there community like Anet did essentially stabbing thief in the back. Or in the very least pray one of the other new elite specializations can replace my thief sized hole in my heart.
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
yeah replace ankle shot with the old ricochet please, ankle shot is worthless, i still use p/p build and still don’t see the need for ankle shot.
I agree that ricochet needs to be added again. i too felt it was shady. Before HoT was introduced my main was a Thief. Removing ricochet tore my build to shreds , removing Hastend replenishment really crippled my build , but it was still workable as long as they kept in Ricochet it was still workable for HoT. Then out of no where , and for no good reason they removed ricochet. I didn’t need a damage incress for pistols , the range boost was nice but still not needed, what i did NEED from ricochet was the bounce. That one move made thief as a whole unpalatable to me. Making it for me unplayable. i have no interest in being a hack and slash thief ninja type, i miss my gunslinger/mercenary type thief. So i stopped playing it and it eventually forced me to decide if i wanted to quit GW2 all together or find a new main character, in the end i too temporarily play necro as my main, but after a year+ of waiting for ANet to fix this problem i am left still waiting for them to stand true to there promises of bringing back ricochet. and let me remind ANet the character of a man ( or company) is not determined by what they say, but how they act, and man’s word is his bond. I have seen others leave over this one change, if you care to ever get them back then make good on bringing back ricochet. The only reason i have not yet deleted my once main character( my thief) is because i still hold out hope that ANet can still prove themeselves honorable as a company again, by there actions by bringing back riochet. ANet you are quick to say you listen to your community, but your actions speak for themselves, what are we to gleen from your actions to date after over a year of ignoring the thief community on this and your failure of bringing back Ricochet. By saying something is in the expansion then moments before release you remove it after a vast majority has pre ordered the expansion has a name, its called bait and switch and it is illegal. Sure you can qoute the ToS back at us, but it does not change how it was conducted from being shady and dishonest.
I still hold out hope maybe, just maybe thief might get ricochet back be it in a fix and they just re-add it or even if it is added with the next thief elite specialization. Like make thief’s new elite specialization get rifle, and add in ricochet that way as a trait that applies to all bullets(as before, and not just ones from rifle, pistol also.) And i hope it is back soon because it is ironic that it is thief that has been the one that has been back stabbed by this.
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
My main is an mm reaper and has been for a few years now (mm anyway lol reaper still new
)… It works super well for me in all areas (pve pvp wvw etc) I can solo most anything without hesitation. I worry little in pvp type settings and do well. There are some draw backs to the build that are not for everyone however. In open world it is required that you swap to your speed boon on the fly and change back before engaging because you are painfully slow otherwise. Also there are various situations that a minion can aggro when you don’t want it. Oh yeah and forget about being sneaky lol you are an army that is seen from a mile away lol. Despite its flaws I will never trade out my mm love it the best.
yeah i kinda agree painfully slow describes it, but you can counter this by using axe/dagger for a ranged option for secondary weapon set, and use trait Quickening Thirst.
My necro is reaper/blood/ death, meant for a pve tank
my main was thief til they removed ricochet. I hate thief as melee. So i guess my thief is in moth balls til Ricochet comes back if ever.
Quick Pockets: Gain 3 Initiative when you swap weapons in combat. Weapon Swap Cooldown is Reduced by 20%
Given that Quick Pockets was moved to compete with the ubiquitous Sleight of Hand GM, I feel that it deserves a buff. Swap CDR is both on theme for the trait and a great choice from a design standpoint for two reasons:
1: Thieves playing more with weapon swap would be particularly interesting because of how core combos and dual skills are to the class. Think about being able to Cnd-swap-Backstab in an s/d build, or having access to BP-Swap-HS for on demand stealth in a pistol whip build.
2: Quick Pockets is also a particularly good trait to buff because it rewards you for having two weapons sets you actually want to use in combat. There would be an actual trade-off between shortbow and sleight of hand for more mobility, and quick pockets for better performance in combat. As it is too much of the thief’s power is locked up in shortbow 5.
On a final note, it would be cool if this stacked with warrior runes for 6.4 second swap cooldown. Think about 3ini/6s.
You can also use it with primary and secondary set being the same such as pistol/pistol, and use it just to keep using unload
there are only 4 classes currently being played to the point of exploitation scrappers reaper tempest revenant plz fix this game ive been playing since launch, my first build was hgh condi engi back in the day I really hate how a necro can click his way to legend plz lower the bunking power and insane number of condi duration and the ability to sustain while hitting 8k stupid pet atk
This is because they nerfed the hell out of the other classes with the changes for HoT, example Thief was my main but no longer useful to me without ricochet, til it comes back my thief will be moth balled in storage forever.
Mesmer also got it hard too with chronomancer, and and even worse off is Temptest is a joke,.. a bad one at that.
So why fix something that is working rather fixing what has been broken in the other professions to instead make them more viable.
i am more built as a tank , but does well, Blood/ death/reaper using zealot stats for weapons, zealot stats on helm/chest/legs, and clerics on shoulders/gloves and boots, and trinkets are an even mix between cleric’s and celestial( because there is no ascended zealot stat trinkets) which makes its stats more like major stats power/healing/toughnes, and lesser stat in precision.
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
This thread is silly sure maybe if your unskilled player in pvp and don’t know how to counter what is in front of you, you might say necro is too " OP" , but reality is no class is really better then the other , every class has its weak point and whining because you can’t find a class/builds weakness isn’t because there there “OP”, its because you lack the skill to find it.
As far as necro being tanky, i feel it should be, and was meant to be. As for PvE Raiding its the perfect class to build a tank around building around Life stealing/healing and Minions for fortifying a players toughness, condi removal, extra self healing to help mitigate damage, and a little bonus damage to help offset all the stats sunk into toughness/healing/vitality type stats. the Minions should be tanky too if your sinking major talents into them to make them so. Minions without these talents are not all that tanky. They specialized ranger with druid to be focused around raiding to be a main healer, I feel Reaper was meant to be specialized and focused around being the main tank option in raiding. for one thing there health pools are on par with warriors if not better. I don’t pvp much anymore, my build is around PvE raiding.My Build, and things to consider. If you look at the runes and sigils you can tell it was meant for that role, also jump the counter for the sigil showing the sigil charges to 25. keep in mind Life stealing scales with power/healing and you want at least enough crit to proc sigil of strength somewhat reliably , which is about 29 to 30% crit chance minimum, after that you want to stack toughness as high as you can to give more damage mitigation and how raiding bosses target high toughness. The gear used in link is what i use currently including the infusions. in any case hope you like it. My only regret is there is no sigil that procs taunt or give necro an aoe taunt would be helpful for emergency trash/boss pulls.
Also minions are commonly used in necro tanking builds both pve , and pvp, they staying up when tanking is vital and they require alot of survivability to stay up while fighting a raid boss. They also have fixed the necro pet AI so there not as bad as they were before HoT. To me your argument just comes off as whining. Like boo hoo all professions are not evenly matched at everything. Well that to me is a good thing. part of a necros strength is swarming foes with there pets, its part of what makes a necro, a necro. As far as pets go, necro pets will never be individually as strong as ranger pets, but the strength of our pets is numbers, quality VS. quantity.
Are you sure pets are too strong or is it more you lack effective strategies in countering them?
P.S. this is my build :
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
This build is basicly meant for Raid/PvE Tanking. I call it my Drain Tank.
The link is below, and makes sure to put sigil in editor to 25 charges.
Some highlights, and comments:
Ritual of Life procs off of the revive element off of Transfusion
Life Stealing scales off of Power for the damage element of the attack, and Healing for the health stolen element. Life Stealing is unable to crit, but also bypasses all armor.
I have no less then 2 life steal attacks off of every attack done, but in some cases more like 3 or 4 life steal attacks and also sometimes a volley of leeching bolts in regards to Gravedigger and Soul Spiral thanks to Nightfall. even the minions life steal twice each, except for Bone fiend which life steals 4×. ( twice from vampiric/twice from vampiric presence since its attack is a combination of 2x attacks)
This build has so many ways to mitigate damage between the damage reduction from being in shroud and shammbling horrors, to the insane amount of self healing from life stealing and regeneration, to the high armor rating and protection /resistance boons, not to mention you can have upto 9 minions out in a burst with Rise! shout skill, when paired with trait Necromantic Corruption you become virtually immune to conditions. This build doesn’t so much remove conditions as redirect them to your enemies for some perfectly poetic justice.
This build also has a really nice combo with blighter’s boon+ Unholy Sanctuary+"Your Soul is Mine!" shout skill. Lets say you take lethal damage, but instead of death you pop into shroud, this buys you time to get health pool back up again, and Blighter’s boon is healing you about 200 health every time you get a boon( with sigils of luck and strength that should be constant as flowing water) + you get regeneration while in a shroud, your armor gets stronger( with minions its possible with this build to hit 3400 armor in shroud, so now taking less damage, and life stealing heals through a shroud, so does leeching bolts. so as long as you can survive 30 secs for Unholy Sanctuary’s cooldown you should stay pretty near immortal. when you get full health pop out of shroud again and immediately pop “Your Soul is Mine!” and if up “Rise!” back to back. ….Rinse , repeat.
Yeah i use a minion master build for PvE tanking for organized raids. not only can they heal from the mentioned sources, but also any runes/sigils you have that effect allies, and well of blood. Like i use Runes of durability, and minions get the regen/protection/resistance boons from it and minions share there owners boon duration. The build is technically a vampiric minion master build with reaper, but I feel a better name is simply “drain Tank”
In the old days before HoT the old minion master builds had a weakness where if you take away there minions with AoE attacks they became frail, but with reaper that all changed, and even if you loose all your minions there is always the shout skill " Rise!" to fill in the blanks til you can get your more primary minions back up. In pve setting the minions rarely die in my build.
anyways all check it out , it feels like god mode in pve, and i think it should go meta for those that want to do more then DPS as a necro/reaper. also if you look at it make a point to add sigil counter to 25 to see how momentum sigil effects it. also Ritual of Life procs when transfusion trys to revive someone, and the well creates a light field while soul spiral is a whirl finisher.
my build is blood/death/reaper:
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
keep in mind natural mender trait is a minor trait for druid, and gives upto 20% outgoing healing, without taking up a grandmaster trait, and on average Rev version is only 7 to 10% more outgoing healing and takes up a coveted grandmaster trait choice.
Just FYI.
This is my asura druid’s spec :
Its primary focus is around healing, but also put out a little DPS as well hence zealot’s set.
For utility skills i used traps because staff has such good range that really more focused on things that might try to get me due to healing aggro, and i want to make there attempt to kill me met with a less then pleasant reception. pain inverter is just more of the same , since it adds both confusion and retaliation in aoe, but could just be another trap like spike trap or something. i was thinking of also for heal using Heal as One which certainly would make alot of sense since any time you gained a boon your pet gains the same boon from fortifying bond, then use the heal to get it back twice, would work really well with Strength of the Pact, which i tell you was a very thought about option as path to go there, and had this build been focused around pet or even had beast mastery to make it worth while i would have,…. But its not. though i did take advantage of fortifying bond with sigil of luck, and i have 35% boon duration bonus( and i think 50% if applied by pet, though may be 65% if pet gets my bonus boon duration from items and consumables, not sure there.) I went with the glyphs for the heal skill and elite skill because its more healer focused, and if traited they both give an aoe heal and reduced cd, but in celestial mode if needed really pump out a ton of healing to group with healing glyph, and the elite glyph also really nice heal when there all tethered up. I was playing with the idea of using the power suit as elite skill to drop for group to use or me if i was in a fight that needed more damage then healing, but when you weigh a 240 cd for power suit VS. 16 sec cd for glyph of unity, thats where glyph of unity starts to shine as an elite skill.
Pets: Yes, Yes the wyverns looks cool as hell, and the bristleback goes godzilla , but pushing past the fluff I went with smokescale and tiger. The reason is smokescale has reverant sword #3 attack which just looks cool and is really tanky pet right now almost as tanky as a bear and more so then a devouerer. Now the fun part and this may change during changes til release, but the real pet advantage comes from the often over looked tiger pet. Tigers have a F2 skill called Furious pounce which after a 1 1/2 sec charge up does damage and gives aoe fury to group and self( like feline pets needed more crit chance right ?lol) which will reset opening strike if you have remoreseless trait, and here is the best part, its only a 10 sec cd. For me the fury from pet lasts 18 secs, so perma fury. It also means if you have traited in invigorating bond trait your giving a aoe heal from pet every 10 secs as well.
Some more fun stuff with this build is it gets a 52.5% outgoing healing bonus between consumables, sigil, runes, and druid minor trait. i am not sure if heals can get crits, but if it did that would make it like double healing on a crit, though i don’t think they do. In either case for the outgoing healing is like slightly above base crit damage would be for direct damage, except in healing on EVERY hit, thats huge.
i have seen it net around 2k healing per sec , per target just off of solar beam auto attack and astral wisp, and that is before healing skill or anything else healing wise., during beta weekend i was able to solo 2 veteran karka and one of the juvenile ones at the same time , and not letting me or pet drop below 90% health at any point.
anyways hope you like it and would love feed back what you all thought.
I revised my spec to this :
As last time i used rifle as a place holder for hammer, and used a thumper turret in place for a scrapper gyro, also third trait line not in link is scrapper , again with recovery matrix/mass momentum/adaptive armor. It will easily still stack 25 might without using might stacking runes, instead used bal runes it and the thing is wrong flame jet burning is 5 1/4 duration, and removed juggernaut and replaced it with incendiary powder which is 8 secs duration. it can stack 25 stacks of might and will hold on average 4 stacks of burning with bursts upto 15 stacks of burning. really excited about these changes because the damage is like 2350 direct damage/2248 burning off a single flame jet. that is with scrapper traits. also the shredder gyro will be great for napalm+ shredder gyro combo. they have the same length with there cds and almost the same duration too
Which other options are getting over 4K damage off auto attack?
Like on a single attack.
I have noticed a ton of views but zero feedback, does that mean that it’s so good it’s beyond being meta?
feral druid if had a choice, i loved the tanky aoe bear form in WoW
Heavy armor exploits may not be the best trait for nades, but is an awesome trait with flamethrower since its basically streaming damage with many chances to hit over its channel time. Me personally never liked grenade kit or bomb kit, i felt it was trash, but different strokes for different folks I guess. lol
don’t forget gyros shares the engineers boons, it was said more then once, that should help
Ok, I think I might have made a meta build primarily for pve, but would work well in pvp too. review everything and let me know what you think. I will list a link below but should add since scrapper stuff is not in and character build calculators yet i have added what is possible now in a calculator and rest i will type out what is missing under link . Also since i couldn’t show link with a hammer i just used rifle in its place, but is meant to be used with hammer, though this build is meant to live in flamethrower kit.
OK now the scrapper stuff add in is shredder gyro for utilities to use in combo fields like flamethrower’s napalm or healing turrest’s water field.
As for traits add in scrapper major traits : recovery matrix, mass momentum, and adaptive armor.
I also thought about adding in bulwark gyro instead of elixer B if too glass cannonish defensivly. If after i get to test it and it is too tanky i could always swap out Iron Blooded trait for HGH
As you can see it has a ton of synergy with its self if you take the time and look at it carefully, and should hit 25 stack of might by its self easily and sustain it. I felt versatility was engineers greatest strength so tried to make it well rounded so is high dps and high survivability. Some highlights are it has high power/ condition damage stats, also decent armor and precision stats, with alot of damage absorb for both direct damage and condition damage. It also gets a 20% bonus to generic boon duration as well as 65% might duration bonus, has generic condition damage bonus of 50% for all but bleeding which is 83% duration bonus. has several ways to get and keep health up such as backpack regenerator, heals on crits, and regen, even shredder gyro can be used to heal if you drop it on a water field like say from healing turret.
Anyways I hope you like it and let me know what you think
Yeah, i did forget to mention that my spec was meant for pve. It was made for survivablity and healing. The condition duration is solely meant for chill duration as to perma chill. Your right it is a not a conditions build , its a power build that happens to be very focused on maintaining chill. You see the more chill i have on targets the more vulnerability i can spread, also the more might i gain, the less damage i take, and the more i heal from blighter’s boon trait. Blighter’s boon is also why i picked the strength sigil making it proc every second, or maybe twice a second. The most important thing for reaper is maintaining chill on as many targets as possible ,and for long as possible. Reaper also needs alot of crit chance, hence why the heavy focus on crit chance. Reaper is slow heavy damage, and survivability is good to have with them to give them the time to use it. the bone minions are not meant as grenades in this build there simply a mobile minion that happens to spawn 2 of them, and because its 2 of them that means there each healing me and doing bonus damage with life stealing. the vampiric trait also means there damage is stacking with my power and healing. the minions primary use is to be healing sources to me. and bone minions also have another bonus, they have a really fast cd. I used to run this spec as cleric’s set which was awesome nearly immortal really, and that is a good thing since its hard to DPS when your dead. surprisingly it does a ton of dps, each minion is hitting for a bonus 103 damage and giving back heals to me every hit too. your immortal until your minions die out, so as long as you keep re-summoning them you will never die, but if you do that brings me back to my healing choice and why i picked unholy sanctuary over death nova. Death nova is great , but in case you do take lethal damage, you don’t really die, instead you pop into a shroud instead and from there can rebuild health pool to full again, and when you leave shroud re-summon your minions and use your heal and regain life force pool again.. its basicly a reset, so you never die. i have tested this spec in CoE and intentionally to test it’s survivability never had to dodge an attack from a boss, just ate the damage and never died, so this means this spec is also easy mode. You just simply heal so fast the damage is negated. I used to use soul reaping too, but reaper offers more aoe dps, its also counters conditions builds to the point there rendered useless against you, and as an added bonus all those minions pulling condition stacks off you, are also giving the conditions back to the enemy, who said minions can’t be generous. :-) As for the master adept trait from blood trait line , there really isn’t any good choices there, your right i wish i did more bleeding to trigger it , the only real way i can with greatsword is the mark of blood when i dodge roll, but there was no clear choice to pick so i picked it as the best of the given choices.
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
I am planning on running a Reaper/ Blood Magic/ Death Magic build .
Tell me what you think ?
yeah it exsists now too with HoT, its called Dragon Hunter….. pets are one of the main reasons to play a ranger.
IF the Forge gets minions that follow it around and have passive or even active abilities, how is that any different to Spirits with Spirits Unbound?
Pretty sure Forge minions are basically its turrets except mobile versions. Spirits are physically kill able buffs.
Hello all,
I wonder if aspects are where we shift into forms like aspect of bear and we shift into a bear and our weapon skills become that of bear aspect with that weapon format so on, sort of like elementalist attunes to an element like say earth, and his weapons skills reflect that choice combined to the weapon he / she is using.
gawd i hope not. the least favorite profession for me in the game is elementalist, please God, no, say it isn’t so. I don’t like how elementalist plays out , the idea of hot swapping elements is not my cup of tea so to speak. Also glyphs just don’t sound fun compared to engineer kits, call them “forms” instead, there is 1 rune set that effects kits, runes of the engineer i think it is. not to mention elementalist is squishy and weak. also would be fun to have like an elite “form”.