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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


that’s normally latency... it’s got to do with the packets of information being set from your computer to the server indicating that you, by a the life of all that is holy, pressed a button to use a skill. Sometimes this can happen on a High population server due to the high amount of traffic on the server at one time. Of course A-Net has a lot of bandwidth, but sometimes the server has to "stop processing the information to do other things." like a back up of the database tables used to access the game. like Spell tables, Quest Data, Item data, so on and so forth

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Is there a way to...? (Network)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


if I may ask...why would you want to do that? someone playing it too much? lol jk jk
but yes, there are wasys of doing it. you just have to tell the firewall to not allow access to the network from the game

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Low FPS, not a pc problem!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


Just like everyone else here i’m going to tell you the same thing. While you do technically the requirements, that doesnt mean you can run and play the agme. Sure, you can start it and it will play, but you wont want to play with with the bad performance.

And how much do you know about CPUs? Cause your comment about how a new 2.7GHZ I3 is only a "little better" then a dual core 2.7GHZ thats about 3-5 years old is just plain wrong. you are only comparing the speed bases off the Clock number, not by how the CPU is actually BUILT. the new i3 will run laps around your older 2.7Ghz dual core (and I’m gonna guess its a Core 2 Duo) and still have room to spare by a very large margin.

and as for your Video Card, the GPU, i hate to say it but while I was a really good card back in the day as I use to have one myself, it’s dated and not very good at running most newer games even on their lowest setting. you can get a really nice AMD 6 series or a good Nvidia GTX 5XX series for under $200 now. you might not be able to play the game maxed out, but I can bet you anything it will run a lot better than your ober 9 serious card =\

my rig consists of
AMD Phenom II x2 935 BE unlocked to a B60 x4 @ 3.5Ghz (OC)
Nvidia GTX 460 (stock clocks)

I get anywhere between 40-180 FPS with a mix between medium and high settings (with shadows set to off becuase they use A LOT of resources).

if you want some help with picking out some parts for a new PC, feel free to message me directly and I would be more than happy to help you.

Again..i hate to just restate everything everyone else was telling you, but you can’t deny the reality of the situation. I’ve been building computers and fixing them for close to 11 years now, so I do know a thing or two on this topic..just like everyone else here does

but still, if you want some help, just message me, and I’ll do what I can.


Also, you have to remember that all games aren’t made from the same game/graphic engine. You may be able to play X game on super maxed out settings, but you can’t run this other game because they engine on which they run on require either different or better hardware that you own now. Wow is a very good looking game now due to the new textures they use, and honestly it has gotten a lot more taxing on systems over the years too! I can remember when anyone could run Wow lol but now with Cataclysm and MoP you actually need a some what "good" PC to make it look "pretty".

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

(edited by tsmith.7915)

Why I'm sticking it out with gw2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


I’m sticking with the game because for me there isnt anything wrong at all. I play the game to take a break and have a little fun! Not that I dont get serious sometime, but it’s called a game for a reason =p

people just need to remember that the game just came out “recently”…so any ideas us players may have might be implemented down the road we just have to wait and see!

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Sight Seeing Anyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


wow!!! thanks for the reply everyone!! keep it going!

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Make this game free 2 play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


I normally dont say anything on these kinds of posts, but this is just idiotic.

the game is only $60 USD...heck, yesterday I saw a website have it on sale for only $45 USD!

If people want to play the game bad enough, I’m sure a friend who owns it and will let them try it so they can make up their minds on buying it. Maybe, although I highly doubt it, ANet will have some sort of free trial where you only have access to the race starting areas (in other words, up until you beat the first big "boss" you encounter when you make a new character.)

But if you really break it down and think about it this game offers A LOT for only $60 USD and no monthly fee. You get access to the FULL GAME for a one-time payment. Not only that, but when they release expansions, they might add new areas to explore all for the same one-time price in the purchase.

just my $0.02

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

(edited by tsmith.7915)

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


Wow ( private server), Allods, Eden Eternal, Sevencore, Firefall (still playing in beta!)

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Sight Seeing Anyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


Nice locks of hair.

thank you! it took a long time, but I finally got the ratio of shampoo to conditioner right =p

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Sight Seeing Anyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tsmith.7915


Just wondering if there are some places you might like to go to and just take in the sights!
Take a screenshot and show it off!


[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

If you own an nVidia GPU. GW2 is not the game for you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


ok, running the same GTX 460 now with the 306 . 23 drivers and have actually gotten better performance....areas that I normally got 40-50 FPS in i now get over 90-100 FPS in...

but I really hope they can get this issue fixed for everyone =\

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

If you own an nVidia GPU. GW2 is not the game for you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


running a GTX460 on "recommended drivers for this game from the launcher window that pops up with a warning if it detects a possible hard/software problem", and no issues.

besides, the game was just released not to long ago lol Do you think Wow had these same issues back in the day? Oh ya

Just give them some time

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Gaming PC for guild wars 2.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


I don’t now what country everyone here is from…but here in the US we have a well known TV company that a lot of people like to talk crap about because they aren’t as big as Samsung, Toshiba, and so on. From what I know ASRock is kind of like a Vizio TV set… if you dont know a lot about them you hate them, but once you own one you’re like OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! lol

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]

Gpu is to hot!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tsmith.7915


get the Nvidia Performance Monitor and that will allow you to manually control your fan speed when I’m just surfing the net I leave it on auto, but when I’m gaming i put the fan speed to about 70%. my GPU never gets over 45-50C. After I’m done gaming I put the fan on about 85% to cool the card off for about a minute or two, and then I set the fan speed to about 20% or just put it back on Auto Mode.

i’ve done this on every card that lets me manually change the fan speed and I’ve never had an issue

hope this helps!!

[AMD FX6300 @3.5Ghz][ASRocks 970D Mobo][8GB DDR3 G. Skill Sniper]
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]