Showing Posts For wolverine.5164:

23.6. patch - Bloodlust minor in arms nerfed

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Yup and you can no longer take that trait and the inflict bleed on crit, which also has its duration nerfed..

I’m not happy with the Bloodlust nerf, either. But in the interest of accuracy, this part is not true. Bleed on crit duration base is/was 3 sec and the new proposed duration is 4 sec.

Perko do u think 1 kittening second of bleeding duration is relevant?… all i can say is that the persone and/or persones making balances for warrior r just… no comments.

make cleansing ire grandmaster

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


@YuiRS i do agree on that.

I am pretty sure you are only allowed to choose 3 trait lines but this time are allowed to max out 3 lines, you cant put 2 trait points in one line. Well you can but you will have an extra 4 points unspent because you cannot distribute among traits. The point of these new changes is so we can only choose 3 trait lines and max them out @ 6 each.

Wao i mean, i dont even know what to say at this point… i dint even knew that information.

at this point i dont even care what they do anymore, cheers.

make cleansing ire grandmaster

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


@YuiRS i do agree on that.

make cleansing ire grandmaster

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


@KhainPride mate that is not true u could have had other 6/6/4/2 in many cases, like really effective ones… ones that i personally took my precios time analizating… but cleasing ire is definatly the most important trait in warriors it removes those condition on those crusial times and it also helps u build a bit of adrenaline when hit, anyways what im trying to say here is that now that cleasing ire is not a master trait this trait combinations r no longer posible… it also kittenes me off reading irrelevant comments like “make cleasing ire a grandmaster” i dont want to sound rude or disrespectful but kitten how can u be so stupid and idiotic… maving cleasing ire to grand master is a BAD thing for many reasons and like i said before there is NO RELEVANT warrior build that doesnt use cleasing ire, and now that u must spend 30 points OBLIGATORY on defense acces to those build r not going to be posible… pls i beg of u warriors out there to read CAREFULLY what every single trait has to offer, pls dont be selfish if u “think” this doesnt affect ur build also remember the Spike armour minor trait is trash, thank you for ur time and consideration.

make cleansing ire grandmaster

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


IM amazed on how anet is forzing warriors to use an specific build… specificly cleasing ire those 30 trait lines r now a MUST cause no warrior can survive with out it… on top of that u ruined a build i had planned, i honestly cant tolerate this kitten, put cleasing ire to master like it kittening was, stop trying to “balance” kitten u have no idea wtf ur doing and i dont even want to mention all the traits that u nerf such as: Body Blow: Stuns, dazes, knockbacks and knockdowns inflict weakness for 3 seconds and 2 stacks of bleeding for 6 seconds. (before weakness was a 5 sec duration and bleeding was 3 stacks for 15 sec), Distracting Strikes: Interrupts inflict 4 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds. (before it was with 5 stacks of might for 10 sec), Bloodlust: Deal 5% additional damage to bleeding foes. Bleeding you inflict lasts 33% longer. (before it was 10% dmg and 50% bleeding duration). and many others i dont even want to mention.

i know those were not final traits and they were getting reworked but been so heavly nerf COMPARE to other classes that r getting a huge kittening boost is just stupid…

But what kittenes me off the most is the fact that cleasing is moving to Grand Marster trait… that is just stupid and can’t be tolerated.

oh and ofc healing signet is getting nerf…. again.

i need the support from other players to NOT allow this trash change of Cleasing Ire from master to grand master, Help.

Elementalist does not need nerfing.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: wolverine.5164


I have to agree, intelligent people are aware that elementalist are not the problem. It is only the truly salty, unknowledgeable, short sighted, and poorly skilled, who claim the profession as problematic.

Builds are OP not professions.

Anet is aware of all of this. I have no doubt they let out a big sigh of relief, now that they finally got you personal permission to allow them to decide what to do about.

sir i couldn’t agree with you more.

TPvP - Balance (Shaving the Meta)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: wolverine.5164


this guy sol is an kittened or simply a new player, witch ever is pls ignore he comments and/or suggestions. thank you.

What's your favorite skill in the whole game?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: wolverine.5164


do u know what is this forum for? i guess “game balance changes r self explanatory”……

What's your favorite skill in the whole game?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: wolverine.5164


do u know what is this forum for? i guess “game balance changes r self explanatory”……

Shrug it Off

in Profession Balance

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Dear arena-net and supporters i want to point out (probably somebody had said before but anyways) the fact that the trait shrug it off IT IS NOT affected by lung capacity, why?i don’t know but this is something that really needs to happen this trait deserves it such as defy pain with the trait “sure-footed”, if u not planning to implemented pls give a reason why this insignificant trait doesnt deserves it? cause i really need that condi removal better… cause condi builds of any class r kittened up… at least most of them.


in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


thank u arenanet for making me leaving the game more easily now, this is easily the worst update u’ve ever made. i honostly wouldnt care less what in hell were u thinking but 1 thing is for sure ur stupidity and lack of imagination ruined the game, im done with the trash game u’ve created today and this is a player that has been with u since day 1 since before betas, yeah, thats right. im just 1 persone but i hope plenty more come with me. cheers.

Mesmer Poll: Scepter Auto-Attack Torment

in Mesmer

Posted by: wolverine.5164


NO DON’T if this get’s implemented to the game Mesmer will easily be the strongest class in game is pathetic, lame and sad at the same time how anet doesn’t see’s this… ARENA NET pls open your freaking eyes, condi Mesmer are already the strongest 1v1 characters in game the supervibality they have is just insane: teleports, stunt breaks, movements, vigor protection and healing boon combination, and pls don’t get me even started on the amount of invisibility they have… i beg you pls dont ruin the game simply don’t do it. but if you are pls nerf them something… give them a weakness like nerfing illusionary counter cause they dont have none atm.

Warrior days are OVER

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Overdramatic much? We were playing warriors when they were considered free kills and had a good success rate even then. In fact, learning to play with disadvantages , using the terrain to block/hide from ranged and making optimal use of our rotations made us better players.

Those of us who kept playing warrior (and we kitten love it) were also there when we were hit hard with damage nerfs on most of our weapons and a good number of traits.

We will still be killing everyone that cant dedicate the time to learn about the class and its weaknesses. Healing signet nerf is minimal. Im more interested to see how much the active will be buffed. Im honestly looking at this as a big buff rather than a nerf.

How dare u talk trash to me like that, dude if there is one class i know of r warriors u say u’ve been playing warriors when they were easy kills… so did i. I have played this game since day 1 and also only 1 class guess which one it is. Like i said to the other guy, if ur honestly hoping for a “big buff” rather then a nerf then buddy… no comments lets just leave like that.

Warrior days are OVER

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


perma evade/vigor/shadow-steps/stealth should get addressed.

the OP is right in some points, with the freaking huge telegraphy the warrior got its so hard to kill good players running this kind of thieves.

u forgot permablind mate.

Warrior days are OVER

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


It’s to early to cry, with all the changes coming who knows what the new balance will be. With nerfs to crit damage all melee took a hit. Conditions are already strong in PvP and for good reason, this upcoming balance patch will see an even stronger condition meta. Overall healing effectiveness of HS is honestly being improved, or should be lol, with the passive taking a small (8%) hit and the active getting buffed (% TBA) now you have burst healing for OH KITTEN moments.

There have been a few times on my warrior when HS just wasn’t enough and I knew I was going to die/lose long before I did… If I had some comeback healing then battles would be a lot more fun, I’m willing to take an 8% hit for that.

Dude it doesn’t seem’s u understand… is 30 hp heal per second it’ll be verry relevant and u’ll also die quicker and for the active part… hahaha if u hold ur breath hoping for a decent healing u’ll die soon buddy.

Warrior days are OVER

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hello, to be honest with all the respect i think arena net doesn’t even know what they are doing at this point, nerfing the most important thing of a player… they’ r healing, even tho they say is to “OP” what other thing do we have to sustain condition’s such as poison… probably some of u are going to say cleasing ire, shake it off, soldier runes with the shouts or even berserker stance, but the truth is that you cant fight a condition thief cause u can beraly hit them they’ll just permastealth when berserker stance and you’ll be kittened when they start the permablind and i don’t even want to talk about mesmers… players that can stealth have a huge advantage they can not only heal completely but they can also hit insane burst dmg plus theyr movility is just insane.
know that warriors r going to become fresh meat, they will no longer be “warriors” but a simple civilian looking for help in wvw, cheers.
PS: OFC all this is for hardcore players, nabs that haven’t fought good player’s wouldn’t understand.

(edited by wolverine.5164)


in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


I’m in agreement with OP here. Cleansing Ire is absolutely USELESS for condition removal unless you’re using a longbow, and I don’t want to have to use a longbow just because of it. The only reason I use cleansing ire is for the faster adrenaline buildup.

I think the problem would be a lot better for us melee warriors if burst skills ignored blind or something, the fact that earthshaker “misses” when your hammer is clearly landing on top of someone is stupid, it’s an AOE effect.

Shrug It Off is awful, condition removal without soldier runes and shouts for a warrior is awful, meaning that every warrior ever in the world has to take melandru runes and lemongrass.

That being said, mobile strikes (for me) really does make up for lack of condition removal.

at last someone that knows what im talking about, i dont want to depend on a kitteng long bow to burst and remove cond., i dont want to depend on soldier or melandru runes instead i want to use lyssa (removes all conditions using a elite)… and the only trait that COULD save my kitten is shrug it off if it gets improved… using war horn and sword is the lamest kitten ever. thos 2 weapons r to run away. and yes for all that ppl that thinks i dont know nothing about the game i do use melandru + lemeongras food + dogged march actually im an slave to that food, trait and rune cause i cant do anything about it…

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Dear Arenanet and supporters, pls do not move the “Empowered trait” from the adept tier for warriors. do everything else but that.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolverine.5164


As a Warrior main, with a full signet build the changes ur about to make r completly useless and that is for many other builds, shrug it off is the worst trait in game for sure itll be better if u guys remove it from game instead of moving lung capacity and ruining others ppl builds like my self cause im pretty sure empowered will be moved to master. as for a reminder warriors are ment to be WARRIORS NOT MONKS!, thank you for ur time and cosideration.


in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


i knew someone would come with this suggestion… first of all building adrenaline with a decent build is not easy at all, there r a few traits that require 3 bars of adrenaline to work well such as: adrenal health, heightened focus and berserker’s power, so wasting adrenaline has its consequences.

I am pretty sure that none of the serious PvP specs that people run use Berserker’s Power or Heightened Focus. And that is pretty much because of how good Burst Mastery and Cleansing Ire are.

Also, building adrenaline is pretty easy if you grab Burst Mastery, Furious or Sharpened Axes.

remember the part where i said that i use an specific build? i only use cleasing ire wish is awesome but none of the others.

but let’s say u don’t need none of them and ur in a battle, what happens if u get blind? exacly u miss and also what happens if simply miss it, thats right ull have to wait for it 10s cooldown again.

Use a longbow, the burst there is immune to blind.

And let’s be honest, a significant majority of Warriors run Fast Hands, which means their burst is going to be on a 8.75s cooldown rather than 10s.

that would be a PRETTY good idea but long bows r mainly for condition build even tho it blinds, unmove and even burn pretty well the fact that i have 0 condition dmg would make that weapon not very effective.

im not saying this trait is useless cause it isnt but is definetly not going to guaranti u a win agains full condition mesmers or necros maybe other classes yea but not this 2. anyways that was just to answer ur question but MAIN point here is that the “shrug it off” trait should have a boost…. do u agree or not.

Wait a second there! You want guaranteed wins? That’s pretty ridiculous. And by the way, for those condition heavy builds, we have Berserker Stance.

oh sure berserker stance haha that was my hope and i cant denie that against necros it works but when it comes down to mesmers… men i just wish i could put in the same duels i’ve been and also against the same Mesmer I’ve fought then ull understand what im talking about. 8s of condition immunity thats what get from berserker stance but i dont know if u remember the insane amount of supervivality mesmers have thoes 8s will pass agay like nothing happened and pls dont tell me to use sure-footed cause dogged march is way better.

As for Shrug it Off, it is rather ill-placed at the current moment. At Master tier, it competes with things like Lung Capacity and Quick Breathing, which doesn’t fare well for it. They are changing that in the October 15th patch though, with moving Lung Capacity to Adept.

If you ask me personally, I think that Shrug it Off is simply a bad trait and there’s not much you could do to fix it. It cleanses 1 condition as soon as you get 2, which often makes it rather useless as it could end up cleansing things like Cripple, Immobilize or Chill. On the other hand, lowering the cooldown comes with issues since Shrug it Off benefits from everything that relates to Shouts, meaning it heals and can cleanse 2 conditions with Soldier Runes.

Just think about it. You suggested a 15s cooldown. With Soldier Runes and Vigorous Shouts (after the October 15th patch), you’re talking about a passive trait that heals for ~1400 and removes 2 conditions every 15 seconds. That’s just shy of 100 hp/s healing and significant passive condi removal.

i dont know about this patch so i cant say much about it but as for ur personal opnion i couldn’t agree more. by the way im signet build warrior just to let u know.


in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


I guess you’ve never heard of Cleansing Ire.

That right there is 1-3 conditions removed every 7.75-10s.

i knew someone would come with this suggestion… first of all building adrenaline with a decent build is not easy at all, there r a few traits that require 3 bars of adrenaline to work well such as: adrenal health, heightened focus and berserker’s power, so wasting adrenaline has its consequences. but let’s say u don’t need none of them and ur in a battle, what happens if u get blind? exacly u miss and also what happens if simply miss it, thats right ull have to wait for it 10s cooldown again. im not saying this trait is useless cause it isnt but is definetly not going to guaranti u a win agains full condition mesmers or necros maybe other classes yea but not this 2. anyways that was just to answer ur question but MAIN point here is that the “shrug it off” trait should have a boost…. do u agree or not.


in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hello, i just wanted to point out the fact that warriors are very good against melee combat, but when it comes down to condition dmg they r useless in every single aspect of the word. i’m a hardcore player and I’ve dedicated game-play months of my life to this game, been playing since first betas and i got to say warriors shrug it off trait is useless. i mean guardians can remove 2 conditions every 10 secs while warriors can remove only 1 every 30! secs its just pathetic the fact that it doesn’t matter build u use its going to end up with the same results… so pls im just asking to make this trait useful by reducing its cool down to AT LEAST 15 secs, this is just my opinion but is up to guys to take in consideration, thank you for your time and consideration.

Classes a Warrior don’t stand a chance: Mesmer’s/Necromancers. (if u think u do stand a chance its because uve fought very nub/weak Mesmer’s or Necromancers).

Superior rune of Lyssa not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wolverine.5164


thx for the info.

Superior rune of Lyssa not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hello, recently I’ve been trying to use the superior rune of lyssa on my new build but it turns out that it isn’t working at all (that every time you use an elite skill it gives u alll boons for 5 secs) on my rampage elite skill (Warrior), i don’t know whether is not suppose to happen or whether is bugged, it works with all my other elite skills but NOT the rampage, thank you for ur time.

Warriors GS Burst skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


God guys warriors cant do nothing against full conditions builds…. it doesn’t matter if it is a Mesmer, engineer, ranger and lets not even mention a necro…

Warriors GS Burst skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Dear Arena net and supporters pls, me plus all the other warriors in game beg you to pls! make the warriors gs burst skill more efficient cause right now it sucks in a way NOBODY and absolutely NOBODY uses it, or at least make that burst skill faster. thank you for your time and consideration.

Legendary Sounds

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hello, regardless on how awesome legendary weapons look today some of them don’t have a cool sounds such as the dreamer, the predator, etc. All i’m asking for is to consider on making an specific sound on a specific legendary weapon. That way they’ll be even more unique and cooler. thank u for ur time and consideration.

Perfect Inscription added to Warriors

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hello forum and Anet, so we all know of the new update that is coming up all the new traits and skills… well, i’m taking this opportunity to SUGGEST anet to implement “Perfect Inscription” to warriors, because even tho they got 100% boost sadly they need to get better if anybody agrees or disagrees let me know WHY, thx for ur time.

Anyone else had problems with Zenith?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolverine.5164


This kittening kitten happened to me too im so kitten ed men…………….. it doesn’t even makes sence.

Add Perfect Inscription to Warriors.

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


well that might be true but i really want to see this signet build work…

Add Perfect Inscription to Warriors.

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


this trait should be added to warriors cause even with the boost the signets got, they r not good enough.

Dolyak Signet Problem. (For Warriors).

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wolverine.5164


The Dolyak Signet doesn’t gives any power when i have the “Armored Attack” Trait on, neither the sharpening stones. Is this just how it is? or is it that it has a problem?, cause if it is like that then it should be fix cause warriors really need those stats. Thank you for your time and consideration.

New Trait Dogged March

in Suggestions

Posted by: wolverine.5164


The trait is very good but when it comes down to its regeneration its insignificant, my suggestion is to simply modify the 3 seconds duration to 5 seconds, thank you for your time and consideration.