Go Luxons
Showing Posts For siemiz.9136:
Go Luxons
How does the OP know that the source of these mats is from afk pet/minion farmers? Why can’t it just be normal players selling their mats?
Go Luxons
Perma teleport to friend would be awesome.
Go Luxons
So if I was to buy the Eternity on the TP and soulbind it would I automatically also get the Twilight and Sunrise skins?
Go Luxons
Can you please paste your list of cc’s skills to help us newbies who don’t know which skills/profession can cc the break bar. Thanks
Go Luxons
How do I unlock the Crusader’s Pack collection (basic collection). The notes say "To Unlock: On first completion of the story step “Prisoners of the Dragon” choose one of the three order-themed backpacks."
I have done the story instance, and received the reward (I chose the Initiates Backpack), but the collection is still locked. What am I missing? How do I unlock it.
All 16 chapters have been completed for Heart of Thorns, I even redid the Prisoners of the Dragon story again, but nothing changed. Do I need to have all the achievements done to unlock it? I only have 12/18 for the Heart of Thorns Act I mastery.
Go Luxons
Hello WvWer’s, what’s the best way to organize the parties within a squad? Should the heavies be together with the squishies and mediums in their own parties? Or should they be in ranged/close up parties?
What’s the best way to organize small squads (10-20 people) and larger ones. Thanks.
Go Luxons
That’s for that. It’s just the thing that I need!
Go Luxons
I agree, also the other issue that is a problem for me is that even when you have switched to a different window (or walked away for a minute), when the timer pops up with the check box – the external battle call sound that you hear, sounds a couple seconds after the pop up giving you even less time to get your hand on the mouse and check the box. If I’m halfway across the room, I sometimes miss the timer and have to queue again.
Or at least maybe put some crafting stations at HotM so we can at least be doing something productive while waiting for the queue.
Go Luxons
Thanks, but why is it that only certain characters have the buff and not all?
Go Luxons
How do you get the Call/Greater Call of the Mists buff?
Is it just random characters, random times?
Or is there some sort of schedule when it shows up?
Go Luxons
Yes I bought it too while I was in WvW and was very disappointed to see that it didn’t work there. WvW is mostly what I do, had this been included in the info I might have not bought it.
Go Luxons
Hi everyone, my schedule has changed only allowing me to play mornings (7am-3pm Eastern Std Time) and I’m looking for a North American server to move to which has an active WvW community during these morning/early day hours.
Any recommendations for servers/guilds would be appreciated.
Go Luxons