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Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sjd.5196


This is the problem with profession balancing. 2 elementalists, a mesmer, a necro and an engineer should be able to accomplish the same encounter as well. It shouldn’t be restricted to insane deeps 3 warriors + mesmer timewarp.

I don’t believe that you need 3 insane deeps warriors to do this dungeon. When we did it last Saturday, we had warrior, guardian, ranger, thief and mesmer. On the successful try, we didn’t have timewarp until the boss was almost dead. However, we were all setup as glass cannons throughout the dungeon. I don’t know if we would have been able to finish it if we were not in glass cannon setup.

Arah dungeon- seers path is impossible to finish.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sjd.5196


We finished this dungeon last Saturday. Took us over 1 hour to figure out Simin.

Stuff we found useful for our team:
- You can dodge petrify debuff. Watch the other debuff’s countdown (I forgot the name). When it reaches 0, dodge.
- We did a “4 -1 pull” on spark. After my friend pulled the 3 sparks and just past the center to go to the left spark on the south side, I would then bring the spark on me to the middle. I was very cautious not to aggro the other sparks. When we finally killed Simin, I think we had to pull the sparks 3 times (iirc). On our successful try, if I had timewarp after the first pull, it may have gone better.
- We tried a “3 – 2 pull” on sparks as well but I kept “aggroing” the other sparks. We found it much easier for us to do a “4 – 1 pull”.
- A “5 – 0” pull was too slow for us.
- Also, we had 3 members hitting Simin while she was on stealth – warrior, thief, ranger. I did hit it before going for my spark but as a mesmer without Illusion at that phase, I can’t say that I did any damage on it.