Showing Posts For skinypupy.9024:

Spoiler alert: About the last quest..

in Personal Story

Posted by: skinypupy.9024


I’ll add my voice of disappointment to the decision of making the final dungeon a forced group. As someone else mentioned, it’s all about expectations. Why would I expect to group at that point when every single previous mission did not require me to do so? Add in a bugged quest to even get access to the dungeon, and it causes me to leave GW2 with an awfully sour taste after what had previously been a fantastic experience.

I’m not a big MMO guy in general, mainly because I generally don’t enjoy gaming with others. GW2 is the only MMO that has ever grabbed me, and it was because I was never forced to group with other people if I didn’t want to. I LOVE the fact that I can go through my personal story by myself, and not be dependent on other people. To change that entire paradigm on the very last mission – after I’ve put in hundreds of hours to get to that point – is incredibly disappointing.

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: skinypupy.9024


I’m having the exact same issue. Frustrating that after building up a powerful character to 80 and working my way through the entire story, I won’t finish the campaign…because of a malfunctioning tank turret.