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Am I the luckiest Gw2 player ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skyshock.3679



Yeah, you are one of the very lucky players in gw2. Me personally in a year of playing I have not gotten one prec (dungeons, daily runs on world bosses, farming etc.). Just flushed another 300g down MF trying to get my precursor with no result. As much as I’m not happy with wasting tons of gold and time trying to obtain a pre (buying one isnt an option), congrats on your luck. And I hope Anet is reading the forums about how RNG punished some of the players …

Cliffside (colosus) fractal bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: skyshock.3679


Twice now we had to quit the fractal because there was no way to break the cage. Most or all of the party would get trapped in there with no way out. Frustrating, reported it in game already. Fix it asap

Guardian dungeon/support build required

in Guardian

Posted by: skyshock.3679


Well what I was trying to say in the original post is that I am fine with sacrificing DPS to be able to support my group by giving them boons/heals instead. I am not new to the game and I understand there is no traditional trinity of tank/dps/healer here. I am, however, new to the class, so I’d like to see some viable builds for a support-type of a guardian before I tune/rework them to my style of play. Thanks for your input and please provide more info if possible.

Guardian dungeon/support build required

in Guardian

Posted by: skyshock.3679


As the topic says.

I’m leveling a guardian that is supposed to hit 80 in the next few days. I will mostly be playing with a couple of friends who play thief/mesmer, so I would like to provide some healing/boons for the party and be tanky. DPS is not really a concern as we will have that covered.

I’ll get whatever exotic gear is necessary and ascended trinkets (asc wepons latter on). Would appreciate some opinions on what builds are still viable.

Thanks in advance.

Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: skyshock.3679


Invite me as well please

The main issue: players want to farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skyshock.3679


Wow, the self proclaimed educated MMORPG/psychology professor provides us with his expert opinion on MMORPG players in a video game forum… What a load of crap, really, it’s too bad I bothered myself to read that, so for everyone’s sake I won’t quote you on those “thoughts” of yours and make other people read them. Just a quick note – your poor excuse for a psychoanalysis is not a valid argument against farming. You do realize, that your own replies suggest that whatever it is that players (including you) do in this game is filling a void. That also suggests that you also fall under the very same ‘MMO player’ category. Hence, even by your own standards, you are just another player with your own psychological issues, empty spaces to fill…

Guess what? Some people do like to farm. Heck, I myself sometimes and to an extent like to farm. I don’t really know why, I got the gear I need, I just feel like killing some monsters, getting some drop (whatever it is). Others like doing JPs, which I dislike. My encounters with GW2 players suggest I’m not alone on these. So how are any of your arguments about going away from farming any different from someone kittening to take away stealth, buff GS for ranger, make some of the new content easier or harder, or how would that differ from me asking to loose JPs because I dislike them? Don’t like it – don’t do it. This game has a lot of stuff you can do and farming is just one of those things.

Regarding future plans for Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skyshock.3679


MF gear is a choice, just like any other gear, say, zerker. Really in most cases (besides cof p1) I find most of zerk users as annoying (if not more) as MF users… So I’m wondering what would happen if Anet announced they would eliminate crit% chance from items and somehow change the mechanic as they are going to do with MF. Wouldn’t that make most of the zerk players come in here asking the very same questions as MF users are now? I bet my gold it would… so is it really appropriate to say MF users should get over it? Would that answer cut it for a zerk user? Don’t think so…

Me personally, I’m rather excited to see MF gear go away as I don’t really enjoy it. But you can’t deny it’s rather effective and you should have it if you aren’t doing cof all day every day. So as much as I’d like to see it go, I would first like to know what is going to happen to my exotic/ascended items. They way I see it, players shouldn’t be punished just because Anet decides they don’t like the way MF works, as they introduced this system in the first place.

MF gear vs berserker gear for Orr farming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: skyshock.3679


What do you mean by that?

MF gear vs berserker gear for Orr farming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: skyshock.3679


So I’ve recently been noticing I pretty much get around the same value in drops if I play with MF gear or with berserker gear. Only explanation for it I can come up with is that damage done to monsters somehow reflects on the drops you get. A couple of months ago I remember all you needed to do in Orr events is just tag the mobs and then get loot (or it seemed like it) with your MF gear. Now I’m rather confused

Can someone sort this out for me?

PvE/Dungeons ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: skyshock.3679


I would also like to see more rangers share their perspectives on what a descent/good dungeon build should be.

Do condition builds work there?
Is going full GC too hard in higher fractals?
@jay if you run a brown bear shouldn’t you also have protect me?

I keep hearing this is the worst class

in Ranger

Posted by: skyshock.3679


A lot of temptation to go off-topic and argue with some of the posts here saying you get 5 or more LB shots on people with auto-attack. Must resist…

@ Topic – I play bows just because I play a ranger tbh. The very idea of playing a ranger with melee sets is just plain wrong to me (although there are some tanky melee builds that can do well in long 1 on 1 fights that rarely hapen).

You know, from my experience, the only place I’m really a true ranger is when I do LB and SB in wvw. Mostly everywhere else you will do better with different types of builds not using a LB fighting withint SB range.

Ranger downed state is unacceptable. Discuss

in PvP

Posted by: skyshock.3679


While I agree that under water the rangers downed state is the best in the game, I can’t see how much of a problem that is. There’s only 1 spvp map where u actually fight in the watter. With all the crap that rangers deal with u think that they could have at least one perk over the other classes. Guess not.

And yes, lick wounds (the 3 skill) doesnt even work most of the time. I can’t stress enough how many times I’ve already raged about that in spvp.

The pet can be killed (for kitten’s sake it’s a mob – kill it in a sec), a dead pet only runs to you but doesnt res, and u cant really hide yourself or get away from the action as some others classes can. That basically means u’ll catch random fire or aoes while you are downed and the CDs on the skills make sure u arent going anywhere anytime soon. Yeah really overpowered…

Opitional Pet For Rangers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: skyshock.3679


Totally agree with SimpleKingly. I’m a new player, got this game not so long ago and went straight into the game without playing gw1 or even reading more about the classes. I went on to make a ‘Ranger’ which I was thinking should be highly effective in long range etc. I did expect a pet option and an ability to trait/skill/equip for it to be a sort of a beast master (or whatever u call those) but boy was I surprised to see u cant get rid of it. I do have some gw2 experience as a ranger now and now I think the pets should either be removed in general (with an extra skill or two, or just more passive abilities) or improved dramaticaly because the way they work now is really painful. I am actually disappointed by how much pet-centred this class is and how often u see ur pet getting killed in spvp or wvw simply by getting in the way of someone fighting…