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Here’s a nice balanced build with good survivability and strong damage ive had a lot of success with in spvp.;TgAA1Cno2yslYLbNutkbB
(Copy and paste the link)
Great control with the various knock backs… Strong against burst classes with the defensive traits and over 2700 toughness and 23k+ health. You can clear and hold a point against multiple foes. Solid damage with your attack rating over 3500 (I have been running superior fire weapon sigil which procs for 1k AE damage). Good group utility via combo fields and rezzes with elixir R.
It’s really a fun build to play once you get the feel for it and feels very strong vs any class or build you may face.
-Sterno Lecturo
80 Engineer -Sorrows Furnace
Here’s a nice balanced build with good survivability and strong damage ive had a lot of success with in spvp.;TgAA1Cno2yslYLbNutkbB
(Copy and paste the link)
Great control with the various knock backs… Strong against burst classes with the defensive traits and over 2700 toughness and 23k+ health. You can clear and hold a point against multiple foes. Solid damage with your attack rating over 3500 (I have been running superior fire weapon sigil which procs for 1k AE damage). Good group utility via combo fields and rezzes with elixir R.
It’s really a fun build to play once you get the feel for it and feels very strong vs any class or build you may face.
-Sterno Lecturo
80 Engineer -Sorrows Furnace
Here you go… You may have to copy paste it;TkAA1Cno2ysloG7WutkbNIA
-Sterno Lecturo
80 Engineer -Sorrows Furnace
I run a high power semi bunker for spvp using rifle flamethrower & bombs. Spec is 20|15|15|20|0 using soldier neck w/ berserker jewel. For armor I use 5 fighter & 1 divinity rune. You end up with over 3500 attack/ 15% crit (more situationally with traits) over 2700 armor and about 23k health.
The build is pretty tough defensively… I use elixer R for the revives and endurance regen and the healing elixir (with the trait to remove conditions on elixer consumption). The best part of the build is the amount of control it gives with all your knock backs and conditions at your disposal…. And you can still deal out some hefty damage. You can clear a point and hold it vs multiple foes… Knock people around and out of their rotations and then finish them off. I fear no class with this setup and consistently top the leader board in spvp (for whatever that is worth). I’ve tried out countless other builds but always come back to this one since it works so well for me.
If you want more detail I can give you a link to the build but I fin its better to play around with the traits and see what works best fr you…
-Sterno Lecturo
80 Engineer -Sorrows Furnace
The strength of the engineer is your ability to knock people of of their cycle or “rotation” with knock backs and interrupts… You are basically a havoc maker bringing chaos to the situation and pushing the other player out of their comfort zone. I run a 20|15|15|20|0 build with rifle, flamethrower and bombs… With elixir R to fill in the last slot. The pushbacks and damage you can dish out will overcome most opponents pretty easily… 1v1 is a gimme… 2v1 takes some smart play to pull it out… Beyond that you are dead but you can hold them till you are overrun or help arrives to bail you out. It’s all about switching kits situationally. I have I have over 3500 power in this build yet still retain enough defensiveness to hold a point and/ or clear it for my teammates to push the other team off. Spvp is so hit or miss with your team that you really can’t count on much.. Unless you get into tourneys and then it’s a whole different game… I still run this spec in tourneys though because of the versatility of it .
In the pve world I run a pretty standard grenade/ elixir or bombs or flamethrower dependent on the situation build for dungeons or fractals (30|15|15|0|10) which I still feel to be very strong for both utility and dps.
The great thing about the engineer is the only limit is your ability to make work whatever build works for you…. If you play it right the sky is the limit but it takes a lot of dedication and practice with any given build to really make it shine (to its fullest potential). The class is strong but I feel it takes more work than a lot of the others to really succeed (this may be biased because I’ve only really played the engineer for any substantial amount of time)
-Sterno Lecturo
80 engineer – Sorrow’s Furnace
Engineer IS op… and has been since day 1. If you don’t think so come spend some time with me in the mists and watch me make the other classes look foolish (and I don’t play a cookie cutter build). If you learn the class and its strengths you can top the leader boards without fail… Engineer is a very solid class and those who say otherwise need to spend some time learning the intricricies of the class or just re roll to a fotm.
-Sterno Lecturo
80 engineer – Sorrow’s Furnace;TkAA1Cno2yslYLbNutkbNIA
Here’s a flamethrower/ bomb build I’ve grown to enjoy a lot. Kind of an in-between build that has high power and retains some defensiveness. I won’t bother breaking down the trait choices since it is pretty self explanatory. Good for clearing a point and you can hold your own vs any class if played intelligently.
You can drop the points in the firearms tree and go 20 points in inventions… Picking up protective shield and 30 points in alchemy.. Picking up automated response if you want to go for a more defensive bunker build.
The knock backs from flamethrower, big ol bomb and rifle (followed w/ a net shot) give you an almost seamless rotation of pushbacks and control your foe very nicely. Great for holding or clearing a point (barring the dreaded stability). Damage is still solid enough that you can take down most people pretty efficiently,
-Sterno Lecturo
Going for a power flamethrower build may seem more appropriate based on the skills in the kit but you will only hit 2-2.5k an attack if you land the full effect on someone (this is a high crit/ power setup).
I have been using a condition damage flamethrower/ bomb kit setup lately with probably the best results of any build I’ve tried (and I’ve played around with a ton of different builds and setups). Using the flamethrower to apply conditions is extremely efficient and yields some big damage numbers… You won’t have the burst some other classes can dish out but if played smartly you will almost never lose a 1v1. Even vs 2 or 3 you an still hold your own pretty impressively.
The thing that makes smoke bomb so useful is that it re-applies blinds….
Back to the topic of flamethrower… it is an extremely useful kit. Forget the damage it does and just consider that a bonus. The fact that it hits several times in a short span is great for triggering crit procs and applying conditions. I’ve recently been playing a “burn” build with probably the best success of any build I’ve tried with engineer ( and I’ve played around with ALOT of builds). Incindiary ammo with flamethrower basic attack followed by a rocket boot kick gives you about 10 stacks of burn… Which if uncleased is 8k damage when spec’d for condition damage (plus the other damage from whatever other attacks you toss in).
I use the forge sigils for burn duration and the protection buff at 50% health which makes you pretty tough with 3k armor and protection which is almost always up when you need it to reduce damage taken by 1/3.
Bomb kit is a nice compliment and the fire bomb will help stack burns to a ridiculous degree to anyone silly enough to stand in it (as well as all the other useful things bomb kit provides). Really a fun build and the damage you can put out is pretty absurd. I feel like the flamethrower definitely has its place in the engineer repitore, it’s just that people don’t necessarily utilize it in the proper way.
- Smapty
Edit: this is a pvp perspective… Pve I probably wouldn’t use it
(edited by smapty.4270)
Here’s a defense heavy build I’ve had pretty good success with…;TkAA1Cto2yslYLbNutkbNIA
Flamethrower/ elixer gun build that retains good power but also has strong defensive traits. Accelerant packed turrets is nice for helping clear a point along with the pushback from flamethrower and rifle. Elixer gun adds some utility and debuffs. The elixer B could be swapped out for personal preference with pretty much anything. Condition removal via healing turret or elixer gun light field. Damage is still pretty solid although your crit % is pretty low (you can use the Mesmer armor runes and swap out to berserker jewel to boost it a bit a the expense of a little toughness and hp’s)
All in all a pretty fun build and one of the more useful and solid builds I’ve played around with (and I’ve tried ALOT of different builds with my engineer)
(edited by smapty.4270)