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PVP - lag issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sonnie.2810


I’m playing in EST and yea I have the same issue. It has been 2~3 days since it started to lag. I can’t play wvw and pvp due to this lag. Sometimes it looks as if I lost internet connection, but I’m streaming youtube just fine. Any other online games I have plays without issues too. I wonder why ANet doesn’t say anything about this…

Avast deleted GW2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sonnie.2810


I just updated Avast, and now I’m able to reinstall GW2. Unfortunately it’s doing a fresh install since I deleted previous installation, but I think it will go much faster if you haven’t.

Avast deleted GW2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sonnie.2810


ok.. I think this is what happened to me too. I use Avast, and GW2 played fine yesterday. Now I can’t run it nor reinstall it.

DD build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: sonnie.2810


Just tried it on couple players on pvp and wvw with my usual D/D setup with Air training instead of Aeromancer’s alacrity. Very interesting. That glassy longbow ranger just melted.

It adds incredible amount of burst on top of the usual burst with fire attunement. Earthquake + lightning flash > switch to air (procs Electric discharge minor trait) > updraft. Lightning rod procs on both earthquake and updraft. If you’re curious, Lightning rod procs on all targets that you CC, not just your target.

I don’t think it is viable tho since it removes a lot of healing and condi removal from you. But it’s quite fun to play.

Extremely tired of FoTM groups.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sonnie.2810


I have 15AR, is 20-29 with 15AR too dangerous?

I’d say no since you’ll survive barely (if you were at max health, that is). Heal once and you’ll be fine.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: sonnie.2810


Rice, and all of Kiwi, I’m sorry that you missed dinner in order to GvG. I’m sorry you thought we had 30 people, because that is not, nor has it ever been, the case with Soul. I’m also sorry that many of our members had obligations in real life so they were unable to play a video game tonight. We expected to have a least 15, but we were unable to get that many. Instead of making you wait even longer (and to release you so that you may play WvW for the rest of the night), I politely informed you of our dilemma. and suggested that we either do a 10v10, we reschedule, or we just cancel all together. As of yet, I have not received any answer to my suggestions. Then again, considering the childish manner in which you have conducted yourself on these forums, I don’t think I will be going out of my way to reschedule.

Childish manners? Yes I guess you could say that seeing what Rice said and I apologize for that as his fellow guild member. But please… I suggest that you learn what manner is before you talk about it.

And if you’re going to apologize, do it properly.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: sonnie.2810


I’ve always wanted to play mesmer and your guide really helped me a lot. Thanks. Among the professions I have played so far, mesmer is my favorite.

I would like to ask how important is it to have accessories from fractals? I don’t have much time to play the game and fractals is just out of my league atm.

I’m currently following your phantasm hybrid / shatter cat heavy depending on the situation but every time I face a thief I can’t do anything but dying. But in your videos you seem to have no problem handling a thief… any suggestions?

I’m fully geared except for the accessories and backpack as indicated in your guide.

and some feedback: your link to Shatter Cat Heavy build says that it uses Sword/Pistol. I believe this build uses Sword/Sword