Showing Posts For sopp.8195:
Hello all. I am a semi-newer player to the game and looking for a guild to play with. I am currently on blackgate but willing to transfer. What i mean by semi-new, is that i want to get into this game so badly, but cannot because the game is dreadfully boring without people or friends. I cannot find the guild i am looking for on blackgate. Highest char i’ve achieved is about 36, but willing to level again. I am a hardcore player by heart, but do not have an elitist attitude or /hate on casual players, i love them as a matter of fact.
Besides the legendaries. What other rewards does %100 map completion achieve? Im thinking about just buying the legendaries or just not having them. But not sure what else it gives.
I can be your friend lol. I’m in the same situation you are. Cept i need to make a new char. Not sure which server ima head to.
I’m not really a new player, but haven’t made it to max lvl or higher content. Reason being is i couldn’t find any friends to play with. Right now i don’t really care atm. I was just curious as to which server i should join? Anybody got a guild thats willing to welcome me into a family? I just want people to play with
Im new to the game and have been streaming my experiences in the game itself lately! Come join in the fun!=D.
No. Im not saying i wanted to play the game only to get legendary’s. Its just the majority of people i’ve been talking to here make it seem like “Do crafting or dont be good”
So basically. Without crafting its useless playing the game?
Well. That sounds good and all. But my question kind of went unanswered. Am i at disadvantage?
Now. Im the type of player that HATES crafting with a passion reguardless of how simplified it is. But. I heard from a few players that you can only create legendary items by crafting or get them and make them good in general. Is this true? Am i at serious disadvantage if i do not craft? If not i honestly just wanna get on with the game.