Showing Posts For sswdiablo.1460:

my theory about balancing.

in PvP

Posted by: sswdiablo.1460


Hey ive been playing this game since i culd first freorder it. and now when the game has been out for a while we can all see some issues with the balance.

my first thought was to jsut take away the quickness buff all together. i mean the biggest issue i find is that high dmg attacks like hundred blades combo and some others jsut can dish out to much dps combined with quickness. we can all see that there are a few classes in the spvp that outshines everyone, and i think a start is just to remove that boon period. for everyone allt boons that gives quickness just take them away.

and one more thing that i think could bring a class down abit that is just to powerful at the current stat is the heartseeker. i mean thief are the only class that can spam a skill that powerful and it has to long reach. i think if you lower the reach down to lets say 300? might give ppl a bigger chance to get away from it. for as it is now i see rogues just start that skill from a far and take a miss just to get into melee quicker and when you cna spam it like you can now its just silly. you cant get away from it its a 450 range homing hight dps skill that you cna use over and over.. or maby uppen the initiative cost on it so you can only do like 2 in a row?

i mean when you enter a spvp match its so many rogues warriors and mesmers in there its silly. and its not cuz its the most fun class its jsut that they are currently the fotm…

just my two cents.

The CoF Buff: My opinions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sswdiablo.1460


are you joking dude? you did not fix anything u made it impossible to handel and every kitten dungeon is now extremly hard even in full exotic.. we are atm in CM doing the 3th encounter path and we are stuck in the big spawnroom.. they are spawning so fst its sick and its impossible to handle it.. u must have been on drugs when u thought this would be any fun for anyone….

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sswdiablo.1460


please dont Drink alcohol and patch at the same time..

this is insane i got about 1.5s rewars in CM story today first run.. and had repairs for 5s…

its supposed to be fun right now its more like “iwanna smash my keyboard” fun… dungeons are now the worst thing u can do in this game. i mean u die alot more then your economy can handle and its so frustraiting to be forced to have a respawn war against the npc just to clear a specific room in cof…

i understand your concern about the speedrun in cof and sure goahead and nerf that abit but comeon u make it so boring to run dungeons now its freaking crazy.. just a respawnfest imo…

but thx for a great game in all aspects exept for your view of the dungeons…