(edited by startomus.2310)
Showing Posts For startomus.2310:
Now it’s time for everyone to explain why they were complaining. >.>
Not sure why people need to keep bringing up real life. This is in fact a game. You can take all the good stuff from real life and leave out the bad. Guild Wars 2 is not responsible for shaping society.
I wonder if this is also because they realized that everyone should get at least 1 shiny weapon for doing the Meta so they have to revise the ticket prices as well. As someone from Dragonbrand, I seriously hope this is the case. Seriously… no seriously. /cries in corner
No reward chest here and I’ve been on Dragonbrand since Head Start. And to add insult to injury it says I finished 5th place when Dragonbrand finished 6th. It’s nice to see what it would have looked like to know I’m getting a shiny Mistforged weapon. >.>
These are great, though I’d double check on a couple of the numbers. I know for a fact that when I built The Dreamer I needed 77 Mystic Clovers.
Gift of Fortune requires 77 Mystic Clovers as it states. However you can’t make 77 at a time. You can make Clovers using a 1 Clover or 10 Clover recipe. I chose to put down the 10 as it seems to be the more popular one… at least it was for me
I had always wanted a set of materials charts that were easy to look at for ALL Legendaries so I decided to make some. They’re 1920×1080 so they can be used as a background to help keep you motivated, easy to draw on, and good for simple comparison purposes. Feel free to let me know if you catch any errors.
2-Handed Weapons
(edited by startomus.2310)
I would gladly give up a Living Story patch to see the Halo and various other armor/weapon, clipping/scaling issues addressed. I don’t think you understand what it does to my OCD. Here’s a picture of my Quaggan-sized Halo.