Showing Posts For stingray.4138:

Living World Season 1 and Pre-Season Idea

in Living World

Posted by: stingray.4138


I do not know about anyone else but I would like to see Flame and Frost and Living World Season 1 brought back as pay to get the episodes like LW 2 was so that people who missed the beginning know what and how things started. I was around for Flame and Frost, finished it but I missed LW1 and would love to play through that just like LW2.

Legendary Prec bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stingray.4138


Bolt I crafting: When trying to buy from Scholar Nabbi she will not sell and is bugged. Did the event several times every time she is just searching through coffins and has the greet option only. The work around is near to impossible when people kill mobs that you pull on her.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stingray.4138


So after reading all of this let me ask those who do guest on other servers as I do not. Do you actually get chests from the world bosses on your home server and then when guesting able to get them on the servers you guest on? Not sure I see any benefit other then being able to get chests from the servers and helping bog down high pop servers.

Also a lot of the lag seen is from more people at events. Heck on my home server I see guild tags I have never seen before at events and I know they are not from my home server so Guesting is 50% of the problem at world bosses after last patch.

Overflow servers make world events difficult

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stingray.4138


This is becoming some what of a hassle. Tried to do Shatter 3 times today on my OWN HOME server and got shoved to over flow. People of that server should have more priority over the gusting server ppl. Anet you REALLY need to fix this issue because your only going to lose people not gain people!

Ore, plants and trees, ruined outcome.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stingray.4138


I get the same issue any were I am using Ori tools.