Showing Posts For stylo.4506:

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Post a dungeon boss fight and some more details about your build, please. I’m aching to try new stuff ^^

GS viable build after June 25th patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


I don’t think there’s anything fancy with the traits, he just has constant 25 might stacks and high vulnerability.

Another warrior is running 30/0 for the Empower Allies buff, so he has tons of power, potions, a fully charged Sigil of Bloodlust on an off-hand weapon and Sigil Of Night on his GS.

He COULD be moving 5 points from Discipline into Arms just to get 50 more Precision to make sure he gets as close to 100% Crit chance as possible, without sacrificing his Sigil (as he is not swapping weapons at all).

GS viable build after June 25th patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Go to his youtube channel and watch, I’m not gonna take credit for the build ^^

Help building Cri hit warrior. (PVE)

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


You can also run pure Axe+Axe / Mace, Shield or Warhorn, so instead of Slashing Power put Axe Mastery.

Help building Cri hit warrior. (PVE)

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Those are the traits, yes.


For Great Justice
Banner Of Discipline/Strength
Signet of Precision/Might/Endure Pain
Signet of Rage/Warbanner

For Great Justice is a must have IMO, the other three can be swapped out situationally.

Endure Pain is also kind of a must, but if you know the fights then you can be without it most of the time.

Preferably run with a guardian who can remove conditions so you won’t have to use a slot for Shake It Off. Otherwise just kill them before you die from conditions ^^

GS viable build after June 25th patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Check out this 17sec clip of what you can do with a GS.

Current patch.

Help building Cri hit warrior. (PVE)

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Not a big fan of the 30/25, as it gives you condition damage (which you won’t need)

you don’t get the 100 vitality and 150 power (which could be seen as 6 free stacks of might) from Tactics

you don’t get the 20% faster Axe skill recharge (!!! this trait is sick) nor the 15% extra crit chance.

You can get up to 12 or 13 stacks of might by yourself, and if 4 other people can’t give you 10 more stacks then…. somehow get them to do it ^^

(edited by stylo.4506)

Help building Cri hit warrior. (PVE)

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


When you join a dungeon group as a warrior, they expect you to do damage.

No other class compares to what warriors do PvE in terms of damage, and so gearing and traiting in other ways than Berserker (Power, Precision, Crit dmg) with Greatsword / Axe+X is somewhat considered a loss for your party.

You should definitely mix in some Toughness (through gear, not traits) so you don’t get downed as often, and once you’re comfortable you can swap the gear for Berserker’s for the added damage.

You can also go full Knight (Power, Precision, Toughness) which makes you tough as nails and deal very good damage, but you won’t crit nearly as high as a Berserker.

The important thing is that your main focus is offense, not defense, since other classes will take care of the defensive part more effective than what warriors do.

Put Sigil of Force or Accuracy on your 2hander / main hand weapon and a Sigil of Battle on your Off-hand weapon.

Put Ruby Orbs in every armor-upgrade slot (This can wait until you have a full set of Rare or Exotic gear).

So if you have the 30/0/0/10/30 traits with an Axe+Mace and a Greatsword, your skill-rotation would be:

Crushing Blow (Mace 4th skill)
Cyclone Axe (Axd 2nd skill) these two stack Vulnerability on your target

swap to Greatsword

Hundred Blades (Greatsword 2nd skill)
Whirlwind Attack (Greatsword 3rd skill)
Rush (Greatsword 5th skill)

swap back to Axe+Mace

Remember the Warrior code: ‘Kill before getting killed’.

Hope this helps.

GS Axe/Mace sigils?

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Force, Force, Battle OR Force, Blood Lust, Battle ?

The latter boosts HB damage quite a bit, but potentially lower Eviscerate, depending on how many stacks you have.

Any opinions?

To use eviscerate or not?

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


There’s no loss in using Eviscerate as long as you do it after HB.

The attacks after HB+Evis are usually the Mace 4th and Axe 2nd skill (8 stacks of vulnerability) and then swapping back to GS. You do a few autoattacks, dodge or heal until HB is back up, and by then usually adrenaline is full. Rinse and repeat.

Also, leap combo finisher.