Showing Posts For swanhaven.6720:

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


Should it be implented?



End of story.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


…Okay, no. I didn’t buy this game for a gear treadmill.

This goes entirely counter to the stated design philosophy of the game and what I bought this game for to begin with.

Why did you do this? I don’t understand. It’s like you took a beautiful painting and scribbled all over it with a magic marker.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


Again, I completely agree with the info needed part (even if it’s just a line that says “resets 5PM server time”). But I’m curious, now that you know when it resets, does it make a huge difference in when you can budget your time? I mean it resets at 12GMT every time, it’s the same amount of time anyone else has to do them. If your going to wait till the last day of the month to complete them, you may not make it, regardless what time it ends for your timezone.

I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to complete it now, even now that I know. But it’s still useful information to have.

The fact that I didn’t have it and I wasted a good chunk of my time thinking that the server followed basic timezone logic is really the problem.

You expected to do your whole monthly in 6 hours? and are pissed that those 6 hours out of the entire month were missing? Please, stop wasting space.

I was literally almost finished. I’d managed to complete everything except the salvages and thought I had until midnight at least to get it done.

Less rudeness would be nice.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


Here is the funny that most of you are ignoring. IF Anet did it by server time for everyone, several things would result from it.

1. Most People would still not know how to read a dam clock and convert their time to server time and come here complaining.

2. Some people would use this as a way to take advantage of the system. As in complete their monthly, change from Euro to US, complete monthly.

This is a result of a global set up. You can play on Euro, they can play on US. For this we pay the small price of somewhat confusing times. While I do agree that there is an issue where ANET needs to just pick a zone and go with it for EVERYTHING. All the shortsighted suggestions of making this server time or local time are completely ridiculous.

Okay then, why don’t we reset each server to have things reset according to the timezone that the majority of players on that server operate on?

If we’re going to inconvenience people, then let’s inconvenience as few people as possible.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


Again, I completely agree with the info needed part (even if it’s just a line that says “resets 5PM server time”). But I’m curious, now that you know when it resets, does it make a huge difference in when you can budget your time? I mean it resets at 12GMT every time, it’s the same amount of time anyone else has to do them. If your going to wait till the last day of the month to complete them, you may not make it, regardless what time it ends for your timezone.

I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to complete it now, even now that I know. But it’s still useful information to have.

The fact that I didn’t have it and I wasted a good chunk of my time thinking that the server followed basic timezone logic is really the problem.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


I too have a full time job, and i’m certainly not suggesting it can’t be addressed. I think a timer would be a great addition to the daily window, however that’s not going to change the fact that you may not be able to get your dailies done in that time frame. I certainly don’t make mine every day, even knowing when they do reset.

Monthlies should and do reset @ the same time as dailies, it makes perfect sense to me that they reset @ 12 GMT. It’s not ideal for my schedule, but it’s not ideal for a lot of others either. Which is why i suggested, if it’s important to you, not to wait till the last night of the month to complete them. I’m just not sure making them reset midnight server time is really going to help that many complete them any easier.

I’ve been close quite a few times and they’ve reset on me, sure extending the time frame for me would be ideal, but certainly unfair to other time zones. There are often other, more pressing priorities that i typically tend to rather than finishing my daily or monthlies in game.

Yes i agree there should be better info (not just achievement based either), but as far as the reset timer, it’s midnight somewhere at the top of every hour, why would mine be anymore important then any others.

It’s called a monthly achievement, not a 29.566 days achievement. If they want it to end before the month is up where I live, then a timer would be appropriate as to when it actually ends, because the way it’s set up now is nonsensical to people who live in timezones that are not GMT. I don’t really care if this is a worldwide game, that doesn’t help me in my timezone.

There’s no such thing as ‘waiting’ until the end of the month to complete something when you have limited time to budget, and if a monthly achievement is going to reset before the month is finished I’d like a heads up.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


I would say it’s best practice not to wait till the last night to finish off your monthly’s. Dailies obviously reset at 5pm, so it’s always the same there. It’s not convenient for everyone, but it does give you plenty of time to do them (and in some cases you can even get both the day of and the next days dailies). Everyone has equal time, which makes the best possible scenario for the game as a whole.

I have a full-time job, I don’t have infinite time to get things in-game done.

I worked really hard to try to get it finished and I was like…five salvages away from being done when I went to check how many more I needed and I saw it was reset. This needs to be fixed. Monthly achievements should end on the end of the month, and not before.

Monthly Achievement Reset before the end of the month

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


I was finishing up the salvage achievement tonight from for October’s achievements and when I went to check how many I had left to go it was reset.

Why is the monthly achievement being reset when it’s not the next month yet? Needless to say I’m pretty upset. I worked really hard to get it finished, and it’s not easy to get all that done when you have a full-time job.

Please do something about this.