Showing Posts For swerth.9864:
I actually just finished my story about a week and was sorely disappointed at my choice of siege blueprints and a green item that I would not use and did not sell to a vendor for any amount of worthwhile coin. This is just absolutely sad. I’m glad I found this thread because I feel better there are others out there who feel as cheated as I did once I completed the game. I mean really, savior of Tyria and the reward is a lousy siege blueprint for another aspect of the game that has nothing to do with the story. There should most definitely be some unique skin or something that distinguishes players that have completed the story line, much to the same measure that those who explore the entire world get a little star badge by their character’s name.
The problem with the tax is the money isn’t recycled back into the economy to boost growth, it is simple coin removed from the economy. Taking usable coin out of the economy makes less money available to use so more people are reluctant to spend money. I for hate the monetary system, it is a tedious an un-enjoyable grind to make 1g – even by flipping goods, which I have found is the easiest way to make money. However I spend 2 hours doing this to make 50silver because of the fees. Better loot over all will help the game, the game economy, the interest in the game, etc. The only reason I can see Anet keeping the economy in such a bad position is to force players to buy gold with real world cash, and to me, that is not right. Buying gold should be an option but not the way to make your wealth in game.
I would agree with Archmortal on this, however, I think the OP and some others would benefit from “What is planned to come” I would too, but until the first major patch/expansion, we need to wait to judge too harshly, this game is still in infancy.
I agree with the previous posters, this is a poorly designed dungeon. Alpha would be interesting if at the 3 different stages you fight him, there is a different mechanic/strategy for taking him down for each different fight. As with most of the dungeons’ bosses, these are AOE dodging. I did have some delight when fighting the evolved husk, and having to use the rifles to move the golems in place and blow the husk up. That was new and fun. My biggest problem for this dungeon and any others, is that they take way too long to get through. Maybe it was just my groups but in my opinion a 5-man dungeon should take 1-2 hours tops, 2 hours being if your group is struggling. I ran the 2nd path last night and we were in there for 4 hours as we came upon the last round of Alpha. I really hope Anet addresses a lot of the concerns with the dungeons in a coming patch. Once I hit 80, I was excited to be running dungeons to get one of the set of gear, now I’m upset and annoyed with the dungeon mechanics, lots of tedious AOE dodging bosses, there is not enough uniqueness to them to keep interest. And without keeping my interest, I’m sure there are others as well, end game is not fun, and I can see a quick migration to other games once players hit 80 and have the experiences I have had.