Showing Posts For taKeshyy.6014:
Yeah, its all about the Fractals in this game, sorry i really did a huge mistake with that statement.
There is no Guilds in Guildwars. The Op got it right.
Besides the wvw zergfest there is no other place where you can actually group several guild members and have some fun.
The name of the guilds can be around for months, but if you check their members you will notice several changes every week/month, thats what happening. Why?
I can give the example of my guild, there are alot of people playing less, regrouping @ TS3 just to play together @ Planetside 2, cause that game offers basic mechanics towards group activities. Thats what Guildwars2 lacks atm.
Its been said all over, Gw2 is atm a solo game.
I can do whatever i want ingame? Yeap i can, and i can do it alone, imo i shouldnt, but thats my opinion.
i was beeing ironic, sniff :’(
Why should be a reason to complain?
Some people are getting double chests, others are getting chests without even beeing ingame/online during the events, while some others dont get one even if they were there and got D/C before the end of the event, its obviously fair to me.
Some people, and their logic…meeeee o.0
They said this event would be epic, thumbs up for that, its still kicking!
Anet kittening it up again?
Should i be surprised at all? Congratz to the ones who got both chests (mail + event one) Thumbs up.