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Disconnects and "Incorrect Password" Message [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tagos.8946


This all started on Sunday for me and now i cannot connect at all to run pingplotter. playing swtor with no issues at all. This error.

this is clearly something that is GW’s problem and it needs resolving.

To add. Finally got to log in after midnight and it all ran fine. No pingplotter issues. Early morning access was fine also. I’m on Picken server which is maybe more EU heavy and these may be low load times. It was weekend afternoon and Monday evening I had these issues. Heavier EU load times.

I’ve reinstalled, I’ve repaired, I’ve rebooted router, I’ve made sure GW2 sails through the firewall. Game Advisor says there is packet loss involved. don’t think that is happening at my end. At exactly the same time I cannot load a character in gw2 after logging in I can play SWTOR without any problems.

I hope I can get a solution soon because not knowing if I can load up, or travel to another waypoint or even enter combat without running the risk of losing server connection is getting to be too much hassle.

Disconnects and "Incorrect Password" Message [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tagos.8946


This all started on Sundat for me and now i cannot connect at all to run pingplotter. playing swtor with no issues at all. This error.

this is clearly something that is GW’s problem and it needs resolving.

Lions Arch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tagos.8946


All day I can’t get into this area. I just have to lions arch loading screen up. The noises are all there. And if I get in I get constant diconnects from the server. Just this area, no others. On Picken server.

Really Enjoying This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


There are plenty of social guilds you can join. Just find a group that plays the way you do and join in.

What? There are Guilds specifically for the clueless?



Spam control is preventing me from answering you for a day for some reason.

Really Enjoying This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


If I get 3 months of the level of fun I’m having at the moment then I’ll consider it money very well spent compared to spending the same money for a week of mediocre plodding through the latest LOTRO expansion.

The game should last at least that long. I mean I’m playing a year and there’s still plenty of stuff to do.

I expect I’ll be the same. Having read the Barnes (?) e-guide I realise I’m only scratching the surface. I’m dying to get home and try out new stuff. Heh – I only realised L0 sigils worked on L20 stuff this morning and that Ranger pets have different skills that suit different builds. I bet there’s a ton of other dumb mistakes I’m making but it’s fun finding out.

I carried a lot of stuff over from LOTRO I’m having to unlearn. I should have jumped ship months ago instead of waiting to be pushed.

Most people here are probably more MMO-wise than me but the contrast between the two is dazzling. I simply have not had this much MMO fun in years.

The only LOTRO thing I miss is the Kinship and social side. Given how crap I am I haven’t dared try group content of any sort as I’m bound to just let people down so I need to find a good, patient lot to fall in with.

Really Enjoying This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


If I get 3 months of the level of fun I’m having at the moment then I’ll consider it money very well spent compared to spending the same money for a week of mediocre plodding through the latest LOTRO expansion.

New chars can't get new hairstyles? Why?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


Cosmetic-only content that you have the option of spending in-game currency to acquire causes outrage.

I swear you guys are sheltered from every other MMO on the market, because you obviously aren’t aware of how good you actually have it.

Quoted for Truth. You want to see what sheer naked greed looks like try a Perfect World or Turbine game. The latter are famous for monetising game play by either completely turning them into store-only purchases or making the in-game grind completely outrageous.

Sure – the gem price for the new styles may be a little high if you can’t convert gold to gems. So I simply chose not to buy. I’ll spend my gems on more practical stuff when i need to.

The game needs to make money and as stores go this one isn’t bad at all.

So if some another game does it worse then it’s oke. That lets me think about politics where some politics always say people should not complain because compared to Africa we really have it pretty good. Personally I want to see how it can be even better but heey, everybody may has it’s own view on things.

Now I do wonder.. if you have kids and they would come home with bad grades if that would be fine if multiple classmates have even lower grades?

Wow. Great analogy.

But yes – I think the GW Store is absolutely fine. I am not forced to buy anything to circumvent restrictions added into the game to force me into the store to buy it like Turbine do.

I don’t have to pay over a $100 to get an essential weapon for PvP like in Neverwinter.

All I have to do is decide whether or not to buy some cosmetics or bank service or some other pure convenience item. So yea – comparing a perfectly fine Store to Stores run by crooked companies is working out real fine for me. There’s nothing much wrong with this Store.

If you want cosmetics pay for them in gems or earn the gold. If a company can continue to support and develop this great game by the voluntary contributions of cosmetic buyers then I’m totally in favour.

New chars can't get new hairstyles? Why?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


urrghh you used the world Turbine…..
how I loved paying real money for game content on top of a sub, not.

They, in their Warner Brothers incarnation, are indeed a shocking company. You just wait until you see what they are doing with the Helm’s Deep expansion. I have and that’s why, after 6 years and a ton of money, I high-tailed it here.

New chars can't get new hairstyles? Why?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


Cosmetic-only content that you have the option of spending in-game currency to acquire causes outrage.

I swear you guys are sheltered from every other MMO on the market, because you obviously aren’t aware of how good you actually have it.

Quoted for Truth. You want to see what sheer naked greed looks like try a Perfect World or Turbine game. The latter are famous for monetising game play by either completely turning them into store-only purchases or making the in-game grind completely outrageous.

Sure – the gem price for the new styles may be a little high if you can’t convert gold to gems. So I simply chose not to buy. I’ll spend my gems on more practical stuff when i need to.

The game needs to make money and as stores go this one isn’t bad at all.

Really Enjoying This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


I signed up after the first day of the Trial. I’ve come from an old game that’s about to be majorly dumbed down and I am absolutely blown away. There’s so much going on, there’s so many ways to customise, there’s so much to see. I had no idea MMO’s had changed so much. I can appreciate longer-term players might get jaded but I haven’t been so gripped by any game for years.

Have we become spoiled?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tagos.8946


I have hot-footed it here from the NU-LOTRO which I’ve seen in beta and want absolutely no part of. Now I have not played GW1 so I don’t know what has been lost or changed. All I know is that I regret to buying GW2 as soon as it came out.

Coming from a soon to be dumbed-down game creaking along on an ancient engine, GW2 is just fantastic. That it looks great goes without saying. But the dynamic environment, the easy to learn but harder to master combat, the fun of all the different weapon combinations!

I’ve been playing LOTRO for 5 years and simply had not realised how MMO technology has changed. I feel spoiled just being here, especially for less money than Turbine are trying to squeeze for the next expansion.