Showing Posts For tecuth.2547:

new class chances?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tecuth.2547


So, I was just wondering, Since gw1 had 2 more professions unknown to gw2, the ritualists and the dervish, what are the chances that there will come another profession in gw2?

In gw2 there are now currently 3 light class professions, mesmer, elementalist and the necromancer, 3 medium class professions, engineer,ranger and thief, yet there are only 2 heavy class professions, warrior and guardian.

It would indeed cost great effort since a new professions acquires new weapons(hopefully the scythe like the dervish uses), new skills, new trait sets, but still if anyone heard anything about a new profession I would love to know

Small Guild Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


This idea you guys came up with is good. Very good. Well done.

However, you guys are on the American servers.

Is there a Hub Guild forming for the EU server?

Works as stated above. Representing the Hub Guild a few times a week will not be a problem, and using it as a conduit for guild missions planning as well as whatever else is perfect.

I didn’t saw your message, scrolled too fast:p, i’m on a europian server(ruims of surmia) , I’m also really interested in this idea, so, when i’m on again i’ll add you and can we then talk about?

Small Guild Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


I reallly like this idea, but i don’t see any Europian guilds in this discussion, I’m on a europian server, so if any europian guilds are here and up for it tell me!!

Nornian Orcus is recruiting PvE guild(EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


Nornian Orcus[Fear] is recruiting, we are a Pve focussed guild, we help eachother with leveling, and quests, we run dungeons, do events, and speak english, pm me ingame or here for an invite:)

Small guild alliances(Europian servers)

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


I’m the leader of a small guild with 40 members, there are mostly 10 people active at the time we recently spent 5000 influence on politics, before knwing we nedded least 50.000 influence for the guild missions, we struggle to get to 10.000, nvm 50.000, thats why i suggest the smaller guilds, *bold*those who have the same problem*bold* to join forces, not o,nly for guild missions but also for socializing, dungeons and just having fun:), anyone wholikes this idea tell me, ingame or here:)

Small Guild Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


If I can help let me know. tecuth.2547 I know someone that use to play on one of the EU servers and is still in the guild over there. I will find out which one and pass along the name, no idea if they would be interested or not though.

That would be reallyy helpfull, europian players who like this idea are a little harder to find since a lot if them don’t speak english or are just too greedy, i personally couldn’t care les about influence amd such, i just want: guild armor(i have it), guild weapons(it’s under construction), being able to play the guildmissions with my guild, and just havw fun with my guild, that’s the main reason i started a guild anyway, to just share my love for gw2 with more people, put al that aside, if you could give me his/her player id that would be very helpfull:)

Small Guild Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


Well, any europian guilds herewho are liking this idea??, i’m up for it!!, i would really like to see if this works out, it would be amzing and a good to connnect socially

Small Guild Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: tecuth.2547


oh nuts. Seems to be turning it into a recruitment thread instead of logistics of alliance and hypothetical execution thread. Might have a lock or move incoming…

I really like this idea, i’m the leader of a guild with 39 members, 2 first generals, and three officers, i only have one question, the server you’re on is it american, cause then this idea ends here for me…, since i’m in a europian server