Showing Posts For thatrobotguy.3690:

PAX Weekend: Party VIP Opportunity!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


Hyped for PAX and the party

Engineer Farm in Lake Doric

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


The vast majority of people doing this farm are not botting or macroing it, as it’s so simple and low maintenance you don’t even need to. I’m personally just sitting with this on one screen and a TV show on the other and every 5min replacing turrets manually

(edited by thatrobotguy.3690)

How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


Personally nothing in game has made me feel as burnt out as Amalgamated Gemstones do right now, as they basically just feel like a huge gold grind because i can’t just play normally and make progress toward them. I finished the rest of the things i needed for HOPE weeks ago (yes all ~1800g of it, and none of that felt like too much) but having the last thing i need gated behind what is essentially a 700g straight gold grind, or a extremely boring farm method that’s all RNG based is just burn out inducing

Update on Legendary Collections & More!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


HOPE T4: Mordrem-Influenced Crystalline Phial
Depends on the defend the temple lyssa event to fail and even if it does fail there is only a 50% (rumor) chance the Champion Wraith even spawns…Help!

this double, this event is the most frustrating thing i’ve ever come across in GW2

Toxic mapchat

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


He states that no collection item should be gated behind failing events.


So then why was this ever done in the first place?

Likely because the devs who made the collection didn’t think to check the spawn conditions for the events they selected

Tone down healing turret plz!

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


lol that title so misleading xD i though you were asking for the healing turret to be nerfed. But yeah animation density is waaaaaay to high on the blue tele most of the time

Unique boss item tokens locked behind HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


dude they’re talking about tokens you can get in RAIDS to work towards RAID rewards for people with bad juju with RNGezus, and since raids are HoT content your complaint is about something that doesn’t exist

The Predator Tier 1 bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


yup Portmatts lab is bugged for me as well T.T, just spent an hour doing to the JP for the first time only to get to the end and have this crap happen

Quit crying?

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


dude do keep in mind a great number of the complaints are about PvE NOT PvP :P

so what does everyone think of scrapper?

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


Hammer is great, gyros are all terrible (function gyro is good in PvP only, really needs a lot of work to be usable in open world PvE )

Function Gyro as a Passive

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


In pve, function gyro is definitely good. Got so many challenges because of this tiny thing….. Also you will probably need it in raids, reviving at a pretty long range is good.

dunno what PvE you’ve been playing o_O i have yet to have the function gyro actually successfully revive anyone, and haven’t had many chances to use it either. It definitely needs more functionality (reviving dead players would be a good example of something it could do)

It only lasts for 10s once summoned, so you’re not going to do much ressing from dead with it as is. It would need the duration it lasts increased. One person ressing a dead state takes around 20s if you are out of combat and double that if you are in combat.

well, yeah xD obviously the whole thing would need to be changed (duration,etc.) but i honestly think it needs something changed, cause right now it’s basically useless outside of PvP

Function Gyro as a Passive

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


In pve, function gyro is definitely good. Got so many challenges because of this tiny thing….. Also you will probably need it in raids, reviving at a pretty long range is good.

dunno what PvE you’ve been playing o_O i have yet to have the function gyro actually successfully revive anyone, and haven’t had many chances to use it either. It definitely needs more functionality (reviving dead players would be a good example of something it could do)

Engi got only a new weapon. Nothing more

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


The function gyro could honestly be really really cool but instead it’s just there to look cute floating near your head, as it can only revive downed players and even then not very well

Function Gyro

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


It’s adorable, but it’s basically useless >.> if it could revive dead players, not just downed ones, it’d be much more useful

Why so sssser.. err, positive?

in Engineer

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


Wait since when can engi out dps ele

with this build here ( ) , in fights lasting longer than 14ish seconds (time might be shorter/longer, don’t remember) the condi engi can pull ridiculous DPS with a good rotation

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


Achievement is broke for engineers lose the kit every time i go in water, so can’t get 12 of the karka hatchlings

If you unequip your kits from both your normal and underwater skillbars, it should stop dropping the gun.

that did it, ty so much <3

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thatrobotguy.3690


Achievement is broke for engineers lose the kit every time i go in water, so can’t get 12 of the karka hatchlings