Showing Posts For theMOXing.8712:
As a normal player of the game, you shouldn’t have to worry that you might get banned for doing something that you didn’t think was wrong. We know it’s a very serious action to ban an account, and we don’t want to take that action arbitrarily or subjectively.
~ MO
You say that but it’s not always true. My friend and guild mate recently got banned for sending 10g to another guild mate who needed it. He got banned for gold selling even though this wasn’t true. He appealed but was rejected and thus his account stayed banned. So yeah, it seems we do have to worry about getting banned for things we didn’t know were wrong.
Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.
Posted by: theMOXing.8712
I’d still live a developer comment on the subject though.
Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.
Posted by: theMOXing.8712
I’d feel a bit cheated if they were available the same way next year. I’d prefer them to be harder to obtain than they were this year, such as you have to combine next years skins plus the weapon type you want in the forge to get this years skins.
Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.
Posted by: theMOXing.8712
I don’t think this was considered gambling by the law as you were paying money for a chance to receive items which cannot be transferred back into money. You are paying for a chance at the item and not the chance to increase your money. But that’s also irrelevant to the question I asked.
Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.
Posted by: theMOXing.8712
Will the scythe, the greatsaw and the chainsword skins be limited to this year or will they be brought back for next years halloween?
Would you be able to add a variation of the recipe that allows for the use of Black Lion tools and pretty much everything that you get from the chest? They take up space and I just end up throwing them away.