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BUG-Cannot Queue "missing build components"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


same here,but only happens with one toon ,rest of the toons can queue .

Forgot to say its my engie the only one that can not queue.

(edited by tigrawahi.2694)

Can you make us 10vs10?

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


simply use stronghold map:

Remove all pve elements fro the map,except for the supply on the middle of the map.

Plant a flag on each base.

Points per kill ,points per flag captured ,15 min.

Let doors be destructible by players and use supply to repair.

Now you have a 10vs10 capture the flag map,big enough to hold that number of players ,cause there will have to be splits.

I mean they alredy have the maps to do other game modes its all about if they want to and have resources to do it or if the playerbase will be up for anything other than conquest.

Can the pvp scene be fixed? Yes, here's how.

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


i will rather see they get rid of unranked and ranked ,bring back random arena and team arena (both 5v5 conquest) each with their independent leaderboards and weekly and monthly automated tournaments (for team arena).

Let Courtyard and a redesigned Colosseum(no side points ) as a 2v2 3v3 maps .

And turn Stronghold into a 10v10 CTF (without pve elements).

But lets be honest what the game needs is balance ,general mechanics redesigns ,trait reworks ,skills redesigns, proffession mechanics redesigns, the game is stale as a two weeks bread.

new game modes using existing maps

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


So ,why not ? i was reading through TESO battlegrounds and there are a few maps ,like 3 or 4 but each one have different modes ,ctf, conquest,dm, so why not using existing maps and ad diferent modes in gw2 ?.

A few examples:

A Legacy annihilation mode where side nodes are buffs (on a timer) and lord kill prevents respawning.

A spirit watch flag run mode where the objetive is to take the thingy to the three points and you can pass it like huttball in swtor.

A CTF stronghold mode without npcs ,make it 10vs10 due to map size.

I mean i like conquest mode but playing the same builds on the same map on the same mode gets stale after years.

any tought on buffing engi turret again?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


The only way i could see turrets working its either :

1.You make them ,the mechanic of the engi/scrapper ala ranger pets ,can carry two ,can only have one active.

This will allow individual stats for turrets/gyros independent from the eng/scrap.

Will also allow turrets to recive boons and buffs.

Can be buffed individualy to a point they are not trash.

Could also ad specific traits for each turret ,and general traits like the beastmastery line in rangers,making inventions the turret traitline.

But this means changing the mechanic and traitlines of the engi, so its very unlikely to happen.

2.The other option is keep them as utility ,but limiting the number of turrets tha can be active at a time.

This will also allows to give them individual stats and be able to recive boons and buffs.

Other than this options i dont see the turrets been usefull in any way other than the everpresent healing turret or rifle for static discharge builds.

Quick/Easy improvements to WvW:

in WvW

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


Delete Hot , problem solved.

Power pistol

in Engineer

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


Pistol should remain as a condi weapon ,but:

The burning portion of blowtorch should be moved to the main hand ,making of hand pistol an utility weapon and a reworked shield the defensive option,it wil turn p-p or p-s into another option.

Main hand pistol :
2.Poison dart volley —-→Burning dart volley.

Off hand pistol:

4.A stun ,daze or any utlity or densive skill,using the same animation of blowtorch.

Shield :
4.Split the skill in two portions (like chrono shield block)
a 3sec block —-—> follow up by the Kb and blast.
5.A skillshot that daze targets in line and return might for each target that hits(1 stack per target).

Rifle as a power weapon kinda meh

in Engineer

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


If i could rework/redesign the rifle this is what i would do :

1.Seeking shot :1200 range,pierce, damage targets ,apply one stack of vulnerability to impaired targets.

2.Powder blast:1200 range, aoe ,300 radius, damage and snare(5sec) targets .

3.Jump shot: same functionality ,less damage 15 sec cooldown,slightly fast animation.

4.Overcharged shot: same,change the self knock back for a dash back with no evade frame.

5.Barbed wire:pbaoe ,600 radius ,damge and roots targets ,if root is broken or removed target is snared.

What if...

in Engineer

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


Turrets/gyros were the class mechanic instead of the toolbelt.

The other day ,talking to a friend that is currently playing Overwatch ,he asked me if i could guess what toon was he playing ,and i obiously answered ,the dude with the turret of course,(dont remember the name).

You see,we both play engineer in every game where the proffesion is available and they always have one thing in common ,the turrets ,i still have fond memories of my dwarf engie from Warhammer online.

But in gw the turrets are pretty much ,well useless.

So what if :

- Each turret/gyro have independent stats (like ranger pets).

- Each turret/gyro have independent cooldowns.

- You can carry two turrets/gyros at any given time ,this will be your F1 and F2.

- You can only have one turret/gyro summoned at any given time ,summoning the second destroys the previous one and goes in to a cooldown.

- Once you summon a turret/gyro your F1/F2 skills turns into selfdestruct in case you want to blow the turret/gyro for the added bonuses via traits.

- Summoning a turret/gyro opens a new UI at the side of your F1/F2 buttons with the life bar of your current summoned turret/gyro and the F3 F4 F5 buttons.

- F3 F4 F5 are your turret/gyro skills that you can use manualy,apart from the autoattack of every turret/gyro in case it have one.

I dont know if this will be a good idea,or if you are very fond of the toolbelt ,but i think it will open some build posibilties and diferent play styles between engi and scrapper due to the nature of turrets/gyro ,one being more static and the other mobile.

So,what do you think ? good idea?, bad idea ?,just a brainfart ?.

Any way ,thanks for reading .


I beat the game in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


Rather than separitng soloq and teamq wich probably increase even more q times ,why not implement a system thats not so punishing for pugs while fighting premades.

-If you as a pug lose to a premade you dont lose any pip.

-If you as a pug win against a premade you win an extra pip.

-If you as a premade lose against a pug lose an extra pip.

-If you as a premade win against a pug get only a pip regarding if you are on a win streak or not.

I dont think its a perfect solution ,but it will probably help a bit ,with that said i have not encountered many premades this season can not speak for others.

combo lightning field

in Engineer

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


came to post the same ,seems to be bugged at the moment only working with function gyro,utlity gyros dont trigger the trait.

Stuck in PvP / 0 Pips gained

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


same here win a match ,dont get pip ,match dont count ,stuck on legacy.

lovin it! /s

Where would we like to see the balance go?

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


- Pvp/pve split

- Remove artificial damage from sigils.

- Remove pasive traits.

- Tone down condition damage.(condi spam is not interesting to play or to watch as an expectator).(this is a personal opinion).

- Single target to aoe damge ratio balance.

- Boon spam/corrupt balance .Rather than giving necros the Oprah treatment ,better to look at boon producion of some classes.

- Rework of many useless traits.

- Dont be afraid of redesigning some profession mechanics,weapons and utility skills.

- Frequency of balance patches,not big patches,but small changes that dont need 3 months to be looked at.

Chaith's Idea for Robust Scrapper Identity

in Engineer

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


I like the Op idea but i will go with something easier to implement.
My sugestion:

When you equip the scrapper elite trrait line ,a function gyro will deploy and circle around the scrapper,it can not be targeted or damaged until is not commanded to stomp or res,once it has done his job or its destroyed in the process it will go on a 10sec(?) cooldown before automaticaly redeploying it self around the scrapper.

This function gyro functnionality(:P) can be expanded via traits.
New 3 traits to replace the existing adept traits that are a little bland :

- Function cleansing : the function gyro peroidically removes conditions from you,when it explodes gives regeneration.

- Function velocity : recive a 25 % increase speed while function gyro is active,when it explodes gives swiftnes.

- Function empowerment : gain a 2% bonus damge for boon on you,when it explodes gives 3 stacks of might.

I think this is a simplier way to ad some functionality to a rather bland mechanic.

beta pvp que bug

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


no longer stuck or with the message of alredy in a match,but now the queue buttons dont work ,ranked or unranked ToT

call batman! i want to test the scrapparapa the scrappa

Stuck in PvP match/queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


posted in bug forums ,post it here too,stuck on stronghold can not get back to hotm .

stucked in stronghold

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


welp as the title said,can not go back to the hotm .

This is not the first time that happens ,getting stucked on a map ,seriously
could you call batman again? see if he can solve this .

-_- so sad.

S.O.S Stuck in PvP map.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


finally out,but get a login error ,and can not queue ,since it says that im still inside ,nor can i get into hotm with any other caracter for the same reason.

S.O.S Stuck in PvP map.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


some one call for help plox,get me outta here too .
Stucked on khylo.
I keep praying but superman dont seems to appear.

Stuck in PvP match/queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


stucked at the moment in khylo for god knows how long ,alredy send a ticket .
Hope some one answer the prayers, because this is getting really annoying ToT.

can not queu on pvp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


yeah problem seems to be solved.

can not queu on pvp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


Keep getting networ error code =21:76:5:429494966781:101

Who likes the new leveling changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


this like a 101 class on how to shoot your own foot,
So kittening Awful .
Makes leveling alts painfuly boring .
Better stack lveling tomes and go full on crafting.

Dont know what you where thinking,it was bad before with the trait system rework ,now is simply awful.

New game modes within the existing maps

in PvP

Posted by: tigrawahi.2694


I will give two examples.

Spirit watch.

New mechanic (or Bmap):capture the flag +domination

Use the orb to capture the three nodes within the time before the orb explodes.

-Once a node is caped it can not be decaped.
-If your team manage to capture the three nodes ,gets 100 points.
-Orb resets on x minutes.
-If the orb drops can be picked up on a time limit or resets.
-Kills counts for the score.
-Orb explosion (or reset ) knocksdown for 5sec(no damage).

Legacy of the foefire.

New mechanic (or bmap):deathmatch +lord

Classic deathmatch with the twist that once the lord is killed you can not respawn any more.

-Nodes are inactive.
-Kill count rather than points.
-10 min duration in case that no lord is killed.

Now, the question for the players is ,would you like to play something like this ?or would you prefer just new maps with new mechanics.

And for the devs in case some one is reading,how hard will it be to implement new mechanics on existing maps?,i guess that it will probably easier than start a map from scratch.
You could even get capricorn back with a new mechanic.(:P)

Anyway thx for reading.