Showing Posts For timos.6754:
So im quite bad at explaining things but il do my best here…
First of all i started noticing the Isue with Drytop my problem has been that although there r sand storms going on i could still see the contures of all the environment in forms of shadows at the edges.. and effect that normaly is nice but was behaving odd.. during the sandstorms theese shadows where clipping going on and off at random times when i changed my camera angle ,
Below i uploadet to pictures.. its the same moment all the settings used r the same , i just moved my cam for about 1 degree verticaly and all the shadows disapeared.. so this was and is still hapening all the time.. in every map and after the release of dragons reach i started Noticing , my UI acting wierd i would start seeing this shadow lines through the UI at some times and at other times when i was looking at my character from another angle it would clip and get normal again.. the swapping between those 2 modes is getting on my nerves…
So i tried my best in the last mounths finding a fix for it.. in the start ofc i suspected i had some messy setting in SweetFX but the shadow lines would remain there even with SweetFX disabled.. i tried removing sweetFX from my PC completly that didnt help either.. i uninstalled GW2 and redownloadet the whole thing stil no help.. i tried changing one by one all the Graphic Settings in gw2 and nothing rly helped except that i noticed that the problem got more Intense with Supersampling , was on an avarege level wiht Native Sampling and was non existant wiht subsample enabled , sadly subsample makes the game so ugly that i cant stand having that on all the time.. the third picture below will clarify the scale of the problem while on supersampling
So im honestly sry for this terible wall of Text but plz could anyone help me wiht solving this without having to use Subsample?
My Specs r
Graphics Card : Gtx 770
CPU : Intel i5 4670
Ram: 8 Gigs
Windows : Windows 7 64 bit
Guys calm down plz i understand ppl r upset but Anet put efort in too making this legendary better i personaly finished mine rly recently and i LOVE the new meteorlogicus.. sadly it only gets to its full potential at night time when u un equip it and re equip it as posted in some screenshots before the 2 glows combine and its a bring glow wich is bouth blue and pruple at same time .. without beeing too much and it has a long trail behind it that looks rly wundefull…. But thats probably jjust a bug i personaly think they have been aiming that at night it is purple (with wich im fine it look still good) and that it has a purple trail at night time (u can see a purple trail inside the combined trail at night time ) and that during day time it is that nice blue/white yelowish cuz of the sun) wiht a similar trail effect.. i rly hope its only a bug and we get that what they wantet rly soon… and that we get a trail effect during combat
P.s the footsteps r rly good and unique i do like them but they only got a slight problem wich is that if ur runing with swiftness the lightning spawns instantly and the clouds r to slow so lightning disapears before the clouds even disapear …it just needs to be timed alil diferently :S
(edited by timos.6754)
Id love to see that hapen rly achievment point bonuses r affecting all of ur acount cuz U the player achieved something and u get the benefit from that no matter wch chatacter ur playing .. so why should not be able to do the same with a legendary? <probably the bigest achievment in the game>
1 thing id rly like is.. for the elementalist an elit skill glyph that
In water : creates a shield buble similar to the one from veteran reefriders that blocks projectles and grants regenaration for ppl inside it when a projectile is beeing absordet
In air : Creates a lightning frield that stuns ppl and works as a combo field (i mean stuns all ppl inside it not just ppl who cross borders> im 100% sure i have seen a rly big lightning orb animation with a range kinda as big as chuning earth.. cant remember where though
In earth : does an aoe shockwave (similar to toad king atack or new tequatil wave) that knocks enemys back and imobilizes them for 3sec? im not sure how op that would be S:
In fire : grants vigor to allys and blinds enemys? (would be intresting to give fire some suport capability
something along theese lines would make the ellie so much cooler !
I like what they did with new meteo… but that the trail dosent work preperly just sucks… if they fix the trail and the footsteps it would be complete as a legendary after my opinion..
oh wow ty .. still although it seems like swing effect stopts once u wield it in ur hand.. meh i hope that gets fixed .. p.s. thnx no i have no more doubts about my choice of buying storm and 100 charged lodestones last night xD
well since ubdate i have only seen footprints.. and i think swing effect got removed.. if its just a bug and its still there then its ok :S
So i just wana make this post cuz as many of u may have seen many many legendarys have goten rly LEGENDARY with the last ubdate i mean the new bifrost or the new dreamer r sooo incredible and the footprints of the meteorlogicus r rly great.. but still i do not believe that the meteorlogicus is on an even lvl as the other 1 handet legendarys such as bolt or the howler.. so to get to the point id sugest a character effect on the meteorlogicus for example during day time clouds spawn around the player wich r just white and during knight time as the clouds in meteorlogicus change the clouds around the character get grey/black and start making lightning effects .. something along those lines would be rly nice to have
P.s sry for the horible spelling and ponctuation… writing is not exacly 1 of my best talents :S
TBH i have never playd gw1 …. but i have seen and heard soo much from cantha and elona and they r bouth quite beautyfull and just to throw them away would be such a shame ….. plz Anet… it will be worth it puting those back in the game and to just give gw2 a NEW face .. with an african <elona> or an Asian <cantha> exotic look, the game would have alot more diversity to it … and im sure that would give a pay off for u as company since the fans r surely gona like it
So .. after soooo much work i finaly completed twilight … i rly enjoyd crafting it and im rly happy wiht what i got .. but although i equiped it on my hero screen the achievment list says i havent goten a legendery … i know this is a minor thing but still id like having that mark :S
So i am trying to craft sunrise and atm im trying to farm for 100 charged lodestones So i got my self hihgest magic find posible around 150% with omnom bars. So i started farming <in the temple of lyssa with this event were mass amounts of sparks spawn> i kept killing and killing them for like 4 hours… i met someone made a party and we farmed this 4 hours together we killed basicly around the same number of sparks in the same zone in the same time i had 150% magic find he had 30% well and he got 6 lodestones in this time anound i got 1 and i got less rares aswell … so i am starting to questioning the point of having magic find if aparently it dosent rly help .Whats ur idea about this?