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AVG said my GW2.exe is infected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tomaxamot.2683


My AVG virus detector program had an update today, 7-18-16, n it said it scanned my GW2.exe file say that it contained a file called IDP.ALEXA.51 , which it deems to be some kind of identity protection trojan file, according to their forum. so AVG deleted my GW2.exe. So I redownloaded the GW2.exe client from the guildwars 2 website and AVG still said the freshly downloaded GW2.exe still has that file in there and deleted n quaranteened. so my question is, is AVG correct or incorrect? because i have had my GW2.exe file for the past 4 years n AVG didnt noticed it, but now AVG also detected the so called bad file as mentioned above when i redownloaded the GW2.exe file as well, which i presumed is clean? can your support team look into this? if it is AVG’s false reporting please let them know of their false reporting.

[Beef]-BP guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: tomaxamot.2683


It is what is for dinner[Beef] is currently recruiting players new and vets, young and old. [Beef] is a North American guild on the Borlis Pass server and we are mostly on the Pacific Time Zone, but we accept anyone from anywhere. It’s a small, no drama guild and we do PvE, PvP, WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, and cow imitations – moo here and moo there.
Our guild hall is the Gilded Hollow (the city of gold, golden beef).
We do Guild Missions-whenever anyone is on and willing to do it, so don’t worry about missing a specific day and time to get your Guild Commendation rewards.
We help each other out with regular in-game events and holiday theme events and we joke a lot about beef dinners and cow products.
If you are of a like mind and like a small close knit helpful family of fun and goofy players or just like our guild name then com’on in and join us and moesying on in to our herd. Come help build the herd and let’s stampede down Main Street together at the O.K. Corral at high noon. Mooooo!
(add me on your friends list and send me an in-game mail or whisper me when you see me online for an invite)

Guild Rushes bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomaxamot.2683


yup, we tried that, n we ended up giving our scores to the guild that placed their Rush on the site first which sucks, n then when our small guild tries to continue to do it after the other bigger guild did it, they just left the map, leaving maybe 2-3 other people who didnt know how to do the rush so we failed again. they should clarify on the interface itself saying ‘only 1 guild can do the rush at a time otherwise u will be giving them your finished scores’.

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tomaxamot.2683


the server is still down u can tell just by trying refresh or clicking on any of the links on the forum or on the gw2 wiki, it takes awhile for it to load

Extremely slow patching

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tomaxamot.2683


well i was able to down the Bazofthe4winds this morning fine n logged off, but after coming back, the new patch is not showing any signs of downloading. it’s not my internet because i can surf the web just like normal n i can play another mmo game on the web just fine. so deductive reasoning points the finger at the new patch this afternoon?

[Guide] Flame and Frost: The Razing

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: tomaxamot.2683


Braham is a horrible npc he keeps running into the mob n dying, doesnt know the meaning of ‘pulling’ n also not hitting the same mob i m hitting is there a way to call the targets so the npc attack the same target you are attacking like in GW1?
And what’s up with the range of the final boss in Cragstead? it has super long range,longer than a bow or rifle, n it jumps around while interrupts u while throwing those splitting flaming tornados make it slightly easier Anet