Showing Posts For tonph.4513:

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tonph.4513


It worked for me though. After the latest patch .

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

On Swift Wings

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tonph.4513


okay. so today i done this like 10 times.. i already did the after u defend the lady. go to npc and protect them all and after i def them i quickly F to retreat them back i complete this 7 people defendng btw. whats wrong with this AP? is this bug? as u can see in screenshot i still have the signent or whatever they call that gold thingy. pls help.,. thank you


Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

cant connect into pvp browser,

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tonph.4513


well. everytime i go and wants to do my daily pvp. this msg keeps showing me all the time. i dont know whats happening. before i can play completely with no problem at all. anyone can help me pls.? and btw my firewall is off. and i dont think this is a problem on a pc. any idea? ty so much.


Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

2-3secs skill lag.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tonph.4513


Seriously this is not funny at all. Whenever I’m in queensdale doing daily events. 2-3secs before I can activate my skill . Also in pvp same problem when doing dailies. I’m the only one ? I hope I’m not. This lag ruined my game seriously.

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Eternity after patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tonph.4513


I’m not sure but. After patch I think u will get the 3 skin. Twilight . Sunrise . Eternity and even pre cursor skin . Remember only skin not the stats. But I’m not sure though. Lets see what will happen in april 15

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Looking for people to level with

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tonph.4513


U can also map chat and ask them . If they can help u . I’m sure they will . Good luck have fun

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Error logging this not a joke .

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tonph.4513


I don’t really know . I just restart my pc and try and try and that’s it lol

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Error logging this not a joke .

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tonph.4513


Is okay now . Thnx

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Error logging this not a joke .

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tonph.4513


I’m sure that is not the problem . Because early in the morning I start the patch then I successfully log in to the game. Which I do completing daily etc. around 12pm I start to see error . And finally a repatch happened in 4pm. And try to log in and that MSG keep showing until now plsss help guys btw I don’t have any problem before with this . Only now thnx

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Error logging this not a joke .

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tonph.4513


Plsss I can’t log in . Why is there anything wrong with my Internet ? Cus my Friend already playing . This message keep popping….. I tried 100 times .


Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

*Leader leaves, party removed from dungeon.*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tonph.4513


I agree to this . Long time ago one person was trolling on us and he start the party and ofcourse he enter . That’s fotm btw lvl 28 our run is soo slow bcus of him it was about 3hrs after we got into final boss . Dredge is there also on our run.on dredge I can say his trolling bcus he just die fast and he didnt listen to our advice to him . And after that thanks god we pas dredge after we got in maw final boss he left and boom All GOT KCKED . And I was shock I can’t even imagin he can do that pls fix this

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: tonph.4513


No KING guild ? They put effort too in wvw KING black kingdom

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

WvW Season 1 Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: tonph.4513


Your achievements shouldn’t be affected. Your end-of-seasons rewards will be based on how IoJ did in all of seasons though.

So that means when wvw season 1 start my server performance is already base on ioj ? Even I transfer to t1 servers ?

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

WvW Season 1 Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: tonph.4513


Okay guys . Thnx for all your reply .

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

WvW Season 1 Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: tonph.4513


O.O so you really need to start with 0/15 to get ? Sad

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

WvW Season 1 Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: tonph.4513


Okay so as the title says. I just want to ask . My old server was IoJ I done like 4 / 15 achievments in wvw season 1 but I decided to transfer to bg so I can make my achievements wvw season 1 fast. So I already done my wvw season 1 now in bg . My question. Is my reward base on my old server which I start with 4/15 I don’t remmber it’s like 5-7/15? Or i can get my reward with bg performance ?

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tonph.4513


i want to thank my brother for helping me for this armors.


Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

Pinoy Looking for a guild?

in Looking for...

Posted by: tonph.4513


Hello guys can I join to this guild ? I’m a filipino also but here in japan . ill be on 4pm always 4pm and weekends Sunday . I hope I can catch guys later . Thank you

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

SAB world 2 Academic bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tonph.4513


i already done SaB world 2 zone 1 zone 2 bubbles. but the academic is 1/3 can u fixed this pls ? thnx


Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).