Showing Posts For tubi.9021:

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: tubi.9021


that pistol looks ok sized, atleast when wielded, but the melee weapons and shields are ridiculous!

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: tubi.9021


How can we make developers notice this problem? I think it’s pretty huge problem, and there are many topics about it. Also it would be very easy to fix. I love Asura and I don’t want to play any other race, but this makes me so sad All weapons and shields , even shoulder armor are way way too small

(edited by tubi.9021)

One problem with Asura... Tiny weapons!

in Asura

Posted by: tubi.9021


This really needs a fix. A greatsword on asura looks like normal sword. And normal sword looks like a dagger. It’s really boring to play this race with this bug. Weapons should NOT scale by race. It’s one of the funniest things in playing smallest races that everything looks distorted big on you. Huge swords on tiny asuras. Now it’s just plain boring, no intrest in getting upgrades because you won’t notice anything anyways

same with shields, they just make me facepalm instantly. Why don’t we get a cool huge shield that covers us completely?


(edited by tubi.9021)

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


The best players tend to be humble. They have a quiet confidence in their own abilities, learn from their mistakes, and accept correction and criticism from others. Overtime this leads them to be masters of their class.

This also makes it near-impossible to find them. People who constantly talk about themselves or brag tend to have something to hide—usually their own incompetence.

This is the answer to your question

Not really It’s a noble viewpoint, and obvious really. But I was looking for more of a superficial things, maybe my question was badly set :P but I got many good answers, thanks

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


Is this a new thing or why didn’t anyone mention it?

Leaderboards! There you see top achievement points, top pvp ratings, win/loss ratios etc I think that’s cool. Wish that was implemented in-game with little tweaks here and there though :P But I’m happy now hehe

(edited by tubi.9021)

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


Thanks for answers everyone The community is really friendly and amazing and I havent seen a single assface on any chat channel so far, so that’s a big plus Maybe I just wanted a bit more…competitiveness (is that a word) or something. Or maybe I will find it, im still only level 30 :P

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


I dont mean like recognizing them in action, but if i meet someone in a town or somewhere. I thought it was a competitive PvP-heavy game, there should be some stats or rankings or halls of fame or something. To see what guilds are good etc. But maybe I’ve misunderstood something, and the point is that everyone is equal whether they are good/dedicated or not, it feels kinda dull. But that’s just my opinion

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


Okay, that’s kinda disappointing. Now I feel that everyone is just the same. One big mass. Feels like there’s not much point to do anything, because there is no reward (yeah having fun is the point and blabla). Well atleast guild chat is fun, and the community overall. Maybe I’ll learn to like it. The titles are a good start

I anticipate an incoming crucifixion.

Ps. I’m an extremely casual player and would never achieve anything in the game but it would be nice if there was some goals to dream about :P

(edited by tubi.9021)

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


Good, as in skilled? Good, as in fun to play with? Good, as in efficient in making gold?

I mean skilled and/or dedicated.

Okay, thanks for answers, how do I see someone’s achievement points?

How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tubi.9021


Hello! I’m new to this game. I have been wondering this one thing. How do I know if somebody is a good player or really committed? Everyone looks the same and you can’t inspect players, or see any stats or achievements or anything anywhere? Am I wrong or is this the case? So how do I know if somebody (or some guild) is really good in PvP or PvE?

(edited by tubi.9021)