Showing Posts For uhindo.4731:

Millers vs Dzagonur vs Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: uhindo.4731


This time anet’s match making failed big time as DZ is no match to its rivals….. This will be a long and boring week sitting at the sideline watching Gandara and MS fighting.


Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


Another kitten*d up campaign with RoS already 13k in the lead or twice the score of DZ after 20h! This will be a long and boring week…. :-/

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


You spend a day in this tier, kill a few randoms, and already start calling Dzag and Rof bad players…
Its obvious you came from Seafarer’s with that attitude really.

Well, I’m not calling anyone ’’noob’’ just to make it clear. Neither I want to start flame war. I transfered here cause i dislike zerging and queues, but didn’t expect such huge gap between players. I used to be RoF player for the first 3 months of the game.
Just want people to leave their oppinion about enemies they are fighting with. Maybe It’s me that in last ~5h playing I met every possible worst player and it won’t happen again, right…. right?

There is a reason why people love to play in the low end tiers….

Casuals like me hate to work in games, follow strict guild and zerg rules/orders from self acclaimed pros or learn tactics against every possible build in 1 on 1 but enjoy 1-2 h in the evening playing a little war.

Why don’t you go back from where you came? For elite roxxors who wants to show off this tier will sure be boring. bye!

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


Though Miller’s has a comfortable lead this campaign brings back the fun for DZ. Nice fights on our bl and eb too.

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Drakkar Lake

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


From a DZ point of view this is another lost week. Fighting und losing against UW was way more fun.

Will level an alt.

Ring of Fire vs Dzag vs Miller's

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


Seeing the UW zerg from last campaign replaced by an even larger Millerzeg makes me sad already after 1 day … :-/ This sucks big time.

With kind regards from DZ to the english speaking community :-)

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


speaking of dz’s cheap tacs a treb by spwan really? is this the only way u can take back ur keep?, as soon as i down one they run bk 2 get the buff, hahahahha nice one

I read from this screenshot:

1. UW ticks for +590 and is still mocking about the underdog servers. Pathetic.
2. At 13:14 normal people are at work ….

But hey, it’s ok, i bet your epeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen is that long. :-P

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


RoS plz stop whining, this is pathetic. Game mechanics require the 2nd to fight the third to hold the current tier….

UW with their huge wvwvw playerbase totally control the game. If they hit DZ hard, RoS can get their share of the pie, if UW goes after RoS DZ can recover and will get some ground.

After all UW is the only problem in this tier atm, they clearly belong 1 tier up.

peace ;-P

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: uhindo.4731


Since the matchup will end today – I want to thank Dzag and RoS for another fun week of fights, and especially thanks to that angry commander there for showing us our major flaw that we have :P will work on that and will respond better to your sneaky capping xD

cya next week! Cheers!

I can imagine you enjoyed the week as an underworld player. As a dz player i’m sick and tired to get roflstomped by your zergs and to have to start over against uw again for the next campaign. plz do us all a favor and upgrade to the next tier soon.

primetime score 22:44:

uw ticks for 495 with ros 130 and dz 70. go figure!