Showing Posts For underpaidpyro.1809:
Okay so it wasn’t just me going crazy. It looks so goofy now
I like that the chest was fixed but did they change the helmet model? Seems over-sized now.
While I’m sure it’s all been said before after finishing Claw Island for the 8th and final time (thank god) I have come to beg for Trahearne’s death early in the next set of personal story missions to avenge all the salt he threw in my fresh wounds.
After every death of Sieran, Forgal and especially Tybalt I was ready to single-handedly cut a swath through Zhaitan’s forces and avenge my mentor. Then comes along this moody plant, riding my back and issuing me orders and what feels like hijacking my story just because we happen to be headed in the same direction.
I don’t know if it’s my disliking of Sylvari (save for Sieran) or just the miserable timing of “HEY YOUR FRIEND DIED! Come be my whipping boy~” vibe I get from Trahearne but you managed to replace Jar Jar Binks as my most hated character.
I can confirm both the the vulnerability not applying and the cast time being longer. I sent a ticket in about both a few times, as if underwater combat wasn’t slow enough already :<
So, necromancer is the only profession that hasn't received a single change (fix or balancing) from the release
in Necromancer
Posted by: underpaidpyro.1809
And you know what that might mean? That they are going to bundle up the fixes and ship ‘em out when they’re satisfied with it.
So relax. Necro is totally playable, despite some minor bugs and mishaps.
Miner bugs? You can not use pets at all! Well, ok, at low lvL you can, but ones you reach 30, pets are totally useless.
Pets not attacking mobs, they just standa round doing nothing. Oh power master, do you get yoru ars handed to you? Dont mind me, Ill just stand here lauging.
Nice, just a miner bug in one of our FEW specs we can play.
Pets attacking mobs far away that you have not targeted or has not agroed to you or the pet. Now that is something nice. Your own personal train creater.
Pets die if you jump into water, and if you get back up right after, ALL CD’s are at max. Hurray.
Pets dieing if you look ard at them.
Pets doing little damage.
Pets are totally uesless in PvP.
Pets are totally useless in pvE instances.
Pets are totally useless when grinding.Yupp. That is just a miner problem. We just ahve to lern2play as they say. The pet AI is working as intended.
One thing is for shure. Im not touching my necro until the class is fixed. Ill stikk to my guardian.
I couldn’t disagree more on pets being useless. With the exception of the AI being buggy and them not attacking occasionally and personally feeling the cool downs can be tweaked a bit, necro pets are fantastic. They provide a meat shield in higher end content, the golem’s charge is fantastic AOE cc and even works on most bosses, the flesh wurm in dungeons when left to its own devices pumps out a fair amount of DPS as well as being an excellent escape tool, when solo your shadow fiend can soak a fair amount of damage, bone minions while I don’t find great for dungeons since they don’t leave behind a poison cloud upon self destruction are nice to power though that group of 4-7 mobs you just pulled and the bone fiend while lack luster is nice in place of your wurm while solo/preferable in dungeons over minions.
TL;DR: Polish pet AI, QoL buff a few talents and MM Necro will be enjoyable for the masses.
I for one welcome this change and look forward to an actual challenge. It was my understanding that exotic gear was there for the prestigious appearance and the smattering of stats you get compared to rare pieces was just a bonus. I still haven’t gotten around to clearing all paths in all dungeons but the last time I had this much fun in an MMO was the transition from BT to SWP in WoW.