Showing Posts For verd.6803:

Lag and the last patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: verd.6803


I noticed this while doing Teq earlier today; my autoattacks would simply not go off, leading to me getting a Silver medal instead of Gold, even though I was there and attacking the entire time.

In addition, whenever he did his fear, everyone in the area would stutter-step away from him for close to 10 seconds, instead of the 2 that the fear is supposed to take.

Anet and Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: verd.6803


The reason for amulets and ring and accessories can only be acquire through laurels is because Anet is trying to move out the casual game category, they want players to play more and every day if possible so laurels is the best option

Laurels are absolutely not the best option for anything except casual gamers. It takes about 30 minutes, tops, to get a Laurel, and guess what? You can only get 1 per day on your account. This means that the most efficient way of getting gear is to play for 30 minutes, once a day.

Those of us who have time on our hands? It’s extremely kitten annoying. And good luck if you want to gear an alt—the only items you can reasonably have on multiple toons are rings and a backpack.

Nerf Legendary Grawl Shaman?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: verd.6803


Sanel, while I completely agree with you, the “run to the guardian” part of your strategy is precisely why I have a problem with this fight.

It is simply not reasonable to assume that everyone has a guardian in their group.

Nerf Legendary Grawl Shaman?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: verd.6803


My biggest issues with this fight:

1) Too hard to see arrow, and if you don’t have vigor (yay being a necromancer), you can’t simply dodge every time he does the tell in your general direction.

2) The fight is trivial with 1+ guardian.

3) The fight is almost impossible without a guardian.

Fixes to equalize, not nerf:

1) Put a skull (a la Jade Maw), ring (a la CM riflemen), or similar on the arrow target when he actually shoots the arrow (not when he does the tell). This will make it so that people who can’t see the arrow due to lack of perfect sight actually have a chance to avoid it, while ensuring that people remain on their toes: you likely won’t be able to dodge if you’re not watching for the tell, but if you’re paying attention you won’t waste dodges either.

2) Instead of doing projectile attacks, worms melee you. Keep the damage the same, keep the immobilize, but make it so that every profession has options to survive, and one profession isn’t necessary for the encounter to be possible.

Gem Store Armor might not dye right

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: verd.6803


I agree with the dye issues. The dark dyes just show up way too light.

Of course, the light dyes are awesome, but I prefer my necromancer to look, well, dark.

Necros Pulling to much threat

in Necromancer

Posted by: verd.6803


I second this annoying oddity: when doing TA, the Nightmare Vines, dogs, spiders, random nightmare court, etc. all immediately run to me, regardless of the rest of my group comp.

I wear light armor. I’m less squishy than the average wearer of light armor—given toughness gear being best in slot—but it’s not reasonable to expect me to be able to hold onto every single mob in the entire dungeon while running for my life.

When I die—which happens frequently, given how enticing a necromancer must be—even if it takes another 80% of the boss’s health to rez me, I am immediately assaulted again by everything in the vicinity.

ANet, you really need to look at your aggro mechanics. I don’t want to tank, I’m not geared to tank, I’m not specced to tank, it’s not fun for me to tank, and I am sick and tired of tanking every bloody mob in every bloody dungeon.

At least come up with a decent way of sharing the burden.

What Equipment would you suggest for Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: verd.6803


So here’s the thing, Bio:

Power is near-useless for conditionmancers. I say nearly, because occasionally you need to break objects or do siege damage. Conditions scale only with Condition Damage and Condition Duration, or toughness with 6x Superior Rune of the Undead.

With 5 in Curses, though, you have a 66% chance to bleed on Critical, which DOES scale with condition damage. Thus, a Condition Damage+Precision build actually works pretty well for us.