Showing Posts For vergil.6195:
As every major company (like lol,warframe etc) they rely on numbers rather than feedback.They always have been.
So no they dont care, you may save yourself the trouble of creating such threads
As you can probably tell, one of the main reasons i started guildwards 2 was the necromancer class since no other mmo genre has a class that can resemble one.
Since the start of guildwards 2, necros have been bad no matter the excruciatingly slow “fixes” applied to them and yes i ve been around for that long.
I keep seeing “necros are bad” threads all this time and since i share their concern i cant help but wonder, why do people keep playing that class?
And before you say “lol what are you talking about reapers will be awesome” just think for a moment, has arena net ever bothered fixing the key element that makes the necromancer what he is, like minions or damage over time effects?
Sure necromancer may have high survivability skills but thats just it.No damage or cc or reliable minions to shine in pvp and even pve group content.
So i check the forums once in a while even logging in to check some new content with my human necro in hopes of seeing a change but arena net keeps dissapointing us year after year and as i see it, they certainly will with the coming years and/or expansions
So im asking again why do you even bother playing this “wannabe” necromancer class?
/End rant
Dont need to say why, just look at the threads around the forum saying how bad he is.
I couldnt agree more with you OP.
I bought this game months ago for the new quest system they implented and especially for the necromancer class.
After reaching lvl 80 i got so sick of it.The flaws were just numerous but i said to myself “meh its ok im sure Anet will eventually make fixes”.
I was wrong again.Major issues like the pet A.I.,fear and overall the synergy of most necromancer skills are still a pressing issue.
I REALLY love the concept of the necromancer and while i searched other MMOs just to experience the gamestyle of the necro i have to say,just like the OP said, GW’s 2 necro is by far the worst.Honestly i have reached the point to say that Anet net has to be “sued” by the playerbase for destroying such an awesome class >_>
By the way, what rune set would be best for power necro?
so the half-second added from going full power in the traits is useless?