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10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: vikramvish.1469


… to complain that people are not giving the fight you want them to give is just selfish kittenry.

I don’t think it’s meant that way. Or meant as a backhanded insult or anything. I think the call for a continued fight isn’t meant as a complaint either. At least I know that when I want to offer complements, that’s not my intent and I’m sorry if anything I posted (although I don’t think I’ve posted much) was taken the wrong way. I really mean, genuinely, that regardless of score I, personally, want to keep fighting folks. That what I like about WvW. Win or lose.

I agree with This can be civil. And should be. I don’t think anyone’s really trying to denigrate another or question their drive or anything like that.

DB looks to be doing well in the Eternal Battlegrounds, although I don’t know their numbers in terms of people. But you guys seem to have the north end of that well held. I like that. And I know that FA is stretched thin with numbers but I’m looking at the pie and they’re taking a nice bit of it.

As for this:

i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…

I think this was either meant as satire or someone is just trying to troll around, Reonhato. I wouldn’t put much stock in it or give it any more attention. And if it was meant seriously, I don’t think that’s reflective of the overall community of TC. At the very least, I don’t find it to be and although I have no authority to, obviously, I apologize for those comments too.

i dont understand why u think i am trying to troll? when we were up against BG i didnt moan and complain that we got outclassed in every way possible, i accepted that we were not as good as them, and that the week after would be better as we would be matched with people more to our skill level/population level/whatever other criteria you would like to use… like i said no offence was intended as i just stated the raw facts in the form of scores… no where in my comments did i mention any ill will to the other servers nor did i put them down.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: vikramvish.1469


JUST WANT TO REITERATE WHAT MANIAC SAID IN THE FIRST POST! Keep it classy and friendly! I’ve encountered FA doing questionable things but I don’t come here posting pics and acting snarky.

And you know what? Even though I didn’t agree with what I was told, it’s true. There are three exits. Use them. We don’t condone spawn-camping. We’ve said that numerous times. Do you think we’re lying or falsifying things?

Some of the posters are being very inflammatory towards Tarnished Coast. Asking everyone to quit it and get back on topic.

i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…

You say dont bash the innocent TC… in the same post you say FA and DB are less skilled, you are obviously implying that you think TC is simply a better server than FA and DB.

The word you are looking for is “POPULATION”. Population decides the outcome of these matches far more than skill, after all despite having less population FA beat TC in the first 8 hours, it wasnt until “skill” could no longer keep up with the bigger and bigger difference in numbers that TC took the lead and made it insurmountable by the next day, taking with it the advantages gained by having orbs and map control.

i meant no offence, but what ever skill or population statistics, the scores are what matter and looking now i can only postulate that we are better than u. like i said the ranking serves a number of purposes, imho primarily to match teams that would have a good time fighting each other rather than going into the grey areas of who deserves to win. using the argument that we are better but because of numbers we are losing is redundant. did u see the movie 300? even though they were better fighters (arguable) they still lost because they could not face the 1 million soldiers in the opposing army. once again dont worry about this week im sure next week will be better for u

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: vikramvish.1469


JUST WANT TO REITERATE WHAT MANIAC SAID IN THE FIRST POST! Keep it classy and friendly! I’ve encountered FA doing questionable things but I don’t come here posting pics and acting snarky.

And you know what? Even though I didn’t agree with what I was told, it’s true. There are three exits. Use them. We don’t condone spawn-camping. We’ve said that numerous times. Do you think we’re lying or falsifying things?

Some of the posters are being very inflammatory towards Tarnished Coast. Asking everyone to quit it and get back on topic.

i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…