Showing Posts For vkamicht.5204:

Escape key no longer opens menu

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


Just encountered this bug and a search led me here. Haven’t zoned yet, just started a new character…

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


In-game name: Eduard Abramovich
Server: Crystal Desert (US)
Play style: PvE, mostly world exploration & completion
Role: Scholar
Times: 6-11pm EST on weekdays, all day on weekends

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


First I’ll echo those that didn’t like GW1 until the later expansions. I had the game since near launch, but didn’t actually start liking it until I had Nightfall.

That being said, while I love most of the changes to GW2, my biggest problem is I find myself constantly changing to alts and trying other professions, remaking characters, etc. because I get so bored after playing the same character too long. I don’t like that by equipping a certain weapon type, I’m locked into 5 skills that I can not change. I know I have 5 more to swap out on the other side, but I find almost all of them so boring that I fall prey to the signet appeal and just throw those on usually.

I just miss being able to have a certain weapon type (because it fits that character, or whatever reason) yet swap out so many different skills and try so many new things. Within the first 5 minutes of playing I thought “how cool, by equipping new weapons you get new skills” and expected different swords or axes or anything to give me a new set of weapon skills. That excitement was quickly shut down…

New composer

in Audio

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


Soule is a good composer, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve never liked his work with GW. Way too generic and ambient sounding for me. It’s one of the first things I disable.

Human Female Battle Sounds, Specifically Guardian w/ Greatsword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


Been having this problem and it just makes playing my warrior way too goofy.

Weird text issues (no plus signs/dashes)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


I have this problem too. I can’t remember when it started, but it was fine for a day or two after launch.