Showing Posts For wRaiz.4952:
Hello guys, i’m leveling my ranger and i wanna eventually go condi. I’m leveling in power gear now and i have a question. Can i level my char in condi gear and what gear i should focus then? And should i do that if i don’t have access to viper gear?
Hello, my friend wants to play this game and maybe even sometimes buy it, but he can’t create a character on the same server as me, because piken square is constantly full. I know that we could play in pve/pvp together if he was on any server, but we wanna play wvw together too. I don’t think we can play it on the same team but from different servers. What to do?
Hello, can someone give me a brief list of essential things to unlock on world map? Besides dungeons. Like boss waypoints or other needed things. Thank you in advance.