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Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: warownslife.6849


There would be an easier solution for Anet. Make chests only be able to be opened by the person that spawned it with the shovel. Would still have chest trains but everyone would have to have their own shovel.

How? Chest train relies on 1 person having 100 shovels = 100 chests for everyone.

everyone has 100 shovels = 5,000 chests for everyone.

Everyone have their own shovel 50 people = 100 shovel = 100 chest

No point in doing chest train.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: warownslife.6849


To the people saying that this isnt an important issue…

What are you even thinking? For new players coming into this game, not being able to do the final mission of the game is a huge turn-off, and GW2 needs new players to retain its playerbase.

I loved my personal story, every bit of it, and when I realized I’m finally there, time to take on zhaitan, and…. The mission is bugged, I was devastated, and when I hit the forums to notice this bug has been around for at least 2 weeks, it left a really sour taste in my mouth.

I have the living story season 2 unlocked, but I’m not touching that untill this mission is fixed, I like to do things in order, this is directly preventing me from doing so.

This isn’t even the biggest problem, i did not see ONE single arenanet employee say “sorry, it will be fixed eventually”

I want to say thank you for fixing your mistake but god kitten guys, we would have accepted to a “sorry, it will be fixed eventually” How the kitten are you gonna have a game breaking bug for TWO WEEKS and not have a single mention of it?

A. its major to new players, which seems like what you want.
B. its major to olden players that remember the mission and enjoy nostalgia.
C. its god kitten neccasary for your HoT and living season 1-2. Thus, turning your entire updates moot.

Next time, talk to us. Say something. Put up a blog post somewhere, stop being distant. This is your biggest mistake. This is an unforgivable mistake. You can’t ignore people like this, fix the problem and everyone be “yay” were going to remain a little kitteny and definitely not trust you guys.

What if HoT breaks? What if i can’t do my first personal story mission? What if my character is unplayable? Do you think I, or, a new player is going to look at this thread at some point and be like “kitten , kitten these guys, 2 weeks to fix this problem?”

Because this thread isn’t going away, if this EVER breaks again, it will encite the same rage even stronger because NO ONE will expect you to fix it fast. You messed up.

Talk next time. That all said, thank you for fixing the bug. We KNOW it takes time and a lot of work. None of us are angry at the hard workers, we appreciate all of you. However, you reap what you sow.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: warownslife.6849


Seriously, Stop dealing with HoT when their are game breaking bugs in your game. Seriously, you could at least give an update after what, 2 weeks? Yeah guild wars, great customer service there, will not be paying you a dime ever but will continue to play for now.

Fix this.